Be Strong in Doctrine





The Doctrine of Religious Genealogy: Genetics and Reason

A Semite belonged to the soil of the nation of Israel, not an Asiatic. A person or people not of Semitic genetic origin cannot be of the biological lineage of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. The great American patriot and Jewish defector, Benjamin Freedman, said speaking of the European or Japhethic Jewish-Gentile, perhaps even Khazars or other supposed converts who have no inheritance in Israel, as he was referring to the Ashkenazi Jewish, "There wasn't one of them who had an ancestor who ever put a toe in the Holy Land". On the other hand, DNA testing reports genetic traits from the Middle East among some Ashkenazi peoples, which would merely identify an unacceptable admixture with Japhethic traits, probably even less Semitic than that of the deportees of the Ezran era. Therefore, it seems to me, those who claim to be Jews but have Eastern European or other non-Semitic physical characteristics are delusive and must be considered people of a religious hoax (Alternative Jewism). Whether Ashkenazi, Sephardi or other ethnic group, none have the required registry (Ezra 2:61-63) or continuous, patrilineal Hebrew genealogy (Numbers 36:5-13), which are requirements of the Torah. Actually, no Hebrews are found in modern Israel today.

Two Gentiles Make A Claim Of The Lineage Of Abraham

Continuous, Patrilineal Law Requirement

In defiance of Ezran era Judaism, modern Judaism accepts persons as Judaists through non-patrilineal "conversion" and post-Babylonian matrilineal progeny. The Jewish automatically fail the real Jew test because of known genealogical non-Hebrew mixtures. Therefore, because a child of a non-Hebrew convert would disqualify as in the case of the rejects of Ezra 10, it would not be a complicated matter to determine whom of the other members without pure genealogical proof who claim they are Hebrew (Jew or any other tribe) actually do not have full, continuous, patrilineal Israeli-Semitic blood so as to qualify as an heir according to the tribal laws of the Torah. Their reference of Deuteronomy 7:3, 4 as a defense to their lack of patrilineal pedigree and mandated (Ezra 2:61-63) register is found lacking. However, those verses are not verses specifically having to do with inheritance (na ha la, v. 7) as Numbers 36:5-13 do. Reliance upon the oral torah leads to deception and wars against the written Torah. It should be noted that if those among the Ezran Congregation were later to be designated as “Jews” (members of a Hebrew subrace), then to equally designate the descendants of those that were polluted and separated from the congregation also as “Jews” would be patriarchally defamatory and genetically fraudulent! Therefore, the modern “Jewish”, a people who have no recent, patrilineal genealogy, even less than the rejects of Ezra 10, are not genuine and worse, fraudulent. They should not call or designate themselves as the same people (Jews) who expelled the hybrid rejects from the congregation.

It is doubtful that many of the people who claim to be dominantly Semitic would have family trees going back to B.C. times, so that leaves accurate and further determination up to the advancement of anthropology, and genealogy sciences. (However, it should be noted as a general ethic that Richard McCulloch, although a Nordish expert, states "Phenotype is adequate for racial classification. There is no need for genetic testing that would impose such huge political costs that suggesting them is likely to be a common obstructionist tactic."1) Otherwise, anyone (except for perhaps a land-right adversary such as a Palestinian Muslim or a member of a similar excluded group) from any nationality or origin could stealthily claim to be a "Jew".

To prevent being presumptuous, logically, either one of the two major groups (Ashkenazi or Sephardi) or the (lighter or the darker) who claim to be dominantly Semitic is more Semitic (reddish) and the other is not; otherwise, that would leave the possibility that a large portion of both are a mixed blend (not of patrilineal Hebrew parents) of two or more races, or on the other hand, they are not dominantly Semitic. Eliminating the Ashkenazi, a real problem still exists discerning through facial countenance among the Sephardi or others who actually have full Israeli-Semitic biological evidence, which we know no one has required, continuous, patrilineal genealogy because of their centuries-old matrilineal law. The alternative is to look among unknown groups (lost tribes), whom have been found; however, it leads to futility also. Furthermore, it would be difficult to determine how much Semitic blood such person who would seemingly qualify as a patriarchal candidate-heir may have--whether there has been any exposure to ancestral miscegenation. Of course, no one has required, genealogical register and can qualify so it really would not matter. The Hebrews have become extinct. The realization of this difficulty helps us understand the omission of Berith and Torah (Covenant and Law: in effect, the institution of righteous ethnic cleansing), and patriarchal biological inheritance among modern Israel's deceptive, feckless, Law of Return. The Joos (not really Hebrews) had to make up a matrilineal law to fit their needs as an ethnic-groups nation.

All who claim to be Jews but reject the idea that biological and documented genealogical factors have anything to do with it or have no proof whatsoever of patrilineal, biological lineage (Ezra 2:61-63) back to Jacob and Judah should be considered no more trustworthy than a religious impostor, such as one who would attempt to make gain or an impressive image by misusing the world's ignorance and lack of knowledge concerning the inheritance and lost records of genealogy of the patriarchs, especially Judah. Such (the “Jewish”, for instance) should relate to their identity as "political adherents" or "Alternative Jews", but not defame or misuse the name "Jew" (see the non-discrimination of Hitler's Germany concerning the Karaite). The hatred, arrogance and blasphemous hypocrisy of the goy “Jewish” is fathomless.

Is it possible that there are no biological heirs or that the Hebrew descendants have become too mixed to be significantly differentiated among other races? It seems that is the case. It is reasonable to expect that at least some family tree and scientific factors must be met so as to establish the physical identity of a homogeneous (non-racially polluted) descendant of Judah. No one can trace their genealogy and tribal proofs back to Jacob, not even Judah or any of his brothers. Without registry as previously mentioned, it would be impossible today. What would have to happen to Israel in order for her to seek tribal homogeneity? It seems that will not happen under polluted and non-Hebrew demographics. (Read the book of Ezekiel.)

1 The Ethnic Gap, A Rejoinder to Torriani & Rienzi
by Richard McCulloch
(From The Occidental Quarterly, Summer, 2002; Vol. 2, No.2:
[Found on the webpage on 11/21/07]




The Religious Doctrine of Land and People

Israel was a unique, genetic group. The nation of Israel can not lawfully accept biological impostors (pariah-mongrels) as heirs of the patriarchs: The Law.

Hitler's Religious Doctrine of Land and People

Race and Soil Reich and Lincoln White Prosperity Agreement Pre-WW II Studies

The Critical Situation for the Northern European Descendant

We descendants of Northern Europe must keep our progeny as such.

Nordish Crisis

American History: The Subversion of God's People (Christians)


IN VIOLATION OF: The Religious Doctrine of Land and People

Proponents of Destruction and Genocide of the Christian and White Man

The Jew, the hoax-Jew, and other anti-Christians: The rise of the American Babylon

The War Continues

Some Publications Showing The Joos To Be Khazars And Not Israelites: Those assumed such may be mere eastern-Europeans or western-asians but regardless, they are not Jews

The Proponents of Theological and Genetic Deception
(The More Blatant Deception of the Hoax-Jew)

Psychology: A people that is so delusive so as to allude to themselves as another people (biological impostors) lack integrity, and it is no wonder such have hate toward peoples that do have integrity concerning their people, nation and religion. That may be a reason why the hoax-Jews of Poland (see kabbalah) were so hateful toward Christianity and the desire of racial homogeneity upon the soil of Germany. WW II started because Poland would not negotiate to free the German citizens and land, which it held.

Religious education of the world masses and proper response of the people could have been a deterrent against genocidal propaganda of the proponents of the grievous, WW II. Tragically, millions of people died and subsequent world policy was distorted. Peoples and nations failed by allowing themselves to be misdirected by their deceptive, political leaders. Misled adherents who were religiously shallow or theologically indifferent were not effective as to speaking out against Polish tyranny and its selfish, oppressive acts and threats. Some people who have condoned or promoted such anti-racial and anti-religious harm have unrightfully prospered at the expense of the just and innocent, and even lurk in church denominations today.

Similarly, our government has suffered from destructive influence since the propaganda previous to the Civil War and the early 1900's.

Have Bush and his "Jewish" or hoax-Jewish masters misled the American people concerning Iraq and the Mideast?
Do these pictures tell you anything about Alternative-Jewism influence upon Bush? Wearing a yarmulke, at the Wailing Wall, carrying the Talmud, and Laura "kosher"-izing her kitchen.

Who Is the Jew And Who Are The Jewish?

Genetics and religion: Hybrid activity (even with other Semitic tribes) was not accepted among the congregation according to the covenant (Ezra 10) and deportation of non-whole-bloods resulted. However, many people today mixed with Gentile blood refer to themselves (in a pretentious and self-proposed manner) as Jews, and perhaps some who may not be able to prove any genetic, Israeli or non-Israeli, Semitic ancestry. Although we seem to lack the ability to genetically trace the last, authentic Jew, now extinct, continuous-race genealogy documentation is a necessary criterion to "legally (bibically)" identify the "Jew of yesterday" or hoax-Jew of today. However, it is generally easy to determine if you use the patrilineal method of the Torah — none today of the Jewish can qualify as a real Jew.

Traits of inferiority among the unrepentant: Selfishly miserable and ungodly way of living due to disobedience to God

Perverse economics: Known exploiters

Historical evidence of inherent hatred toward the Gentile: Blasphemous Zionist

Spiritual deception of the Talmudicist (Jewish): (What the Talmudic is not, contrary to arrogant self-proclamation): "For he is not a Jew, which is one outwardly; neither is that circumcision, which is outward in the flesh: But he is a Jew, which is one inwardly; and circumcision is that of the heart, in the spirit, and not in the letter; whose praise is not of men, but of God." (Rom. 2:28, 29; see commentary.)

If the anti-Christian Semite is rejected by God, how much more his non-Hebrew proselyte? Such not only fail in their rejection of Jesus Christ, but also lack the biological credentials to honestly claim to belong to the land of Israel (see above). Double deception!

The hoax-Jews are similar to the cult blasphemously calling themselves "Jehovah's Witnesses". Even though both anti-Christian, religious groups claim to be serving God, both deny Him. The latter denies the deity of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the former mocks and insults Him. The “Jewish” have high-jacked the fame of Abraham and his lineage; they are like the Mormons, who are influenced by another book than the bible and attempt to imitate the Christian. Faith and being genuine is not an attribute of any impostor.

Test for yourself:
Note the physical differences
(skin color, and bone structure in the face and head) of (do a google) portrayed officials who are associated with being "Jewish". Many of them do not seem to have full Semitic genealogical attributes or even reddish skin as King David and Esau, brother of Jacob. The skin color is even different and varies among them. If any of them claim to be a Jew or Jewish (I don't know their personal declarations), which would more likely be a hoax-Jew (or a want-to-be)? Compare their physical features with people of Palestine (or those who claim to be biologically Semitic). The more-European-looking people who allude to themselves as Jews are no doubt non-Semitic hoax-Jews (generally Asiatic or European by birth or culture)! Get in practice of examining politicians, officials and other people not only by their words and works, but by their anthropological and anatomical dimensions also. Apply medical wisdom to your social knowledge. Increase your scientific-theological status as to race and genealogical determination. Remember, no matter what the phenotype may reveal, without the registry and required continuous, patrilineal Hebrew genealogy, it would be impossible (as demonstrated above) to be an accepted Jew.

Compare the above with Einstein, for instance, a self-claimed Semite but not pure, who easily can be distinguished from a German or unmixed, Northern European.

Apply your genetical wisdom skills on heretical, "innocent", Elie Wiesel. By the way, he looks different than alleged non-Israeli-Semitic victims of terror and malicious ethnic cleansing (do a google).

He also hypocritically writes and laments against the pursuit of Northern European racial and cultural homogeneity, a religious virtue which can be especially derived from the holy covenant of Ezra 10, which by the way, instituted the justifiable right of segregation and deportation of physical and social non-members and adversaries, a service to God, land and people.

With theological or social wisdom, many countries rightfully disallowed the emigration of the Jewish in previous decades, even the USA to some extent during WW II. However, the repentant and faithful Jew, now extinct, has always been promised help from God. Similar repentance of the hoax-Jew would require conversion such as the Apostle Paul; however, such spiritual conversion could not change his biology to that of a Hebrew. Nevertheless, the non-biological "Jewish" person defies such repentance not only because of his rejection of the Lord Jesus Christ, but he also falsely professes or would have others assume he possesses a birthright in the land of Israel, contradicting the covenant in Ezra 10, and causes a general, deceptive, irreligious concept of geographical-demographical establishment. The problem with many of the complainers of the so-called "holocaust" is that they were neither Hebrew, repentant nor faithful. Even disregarding their historical, avaricious, economical, parasitic and strangling effect upon other nations, can anyone blame any of the countries for not wanting to accept the Jewish refugee, for not wanting to "share all their abomination"? Of course not!

Tale note: The Jewish are not the chosen people of God in Israel.

Test: The three pre-qualifications to establish a real Jew

Learn Biblical Hebrew