There can not be a true census without the consideration of religion (Mein Kampf, Vol. 1, Ch. 11, #persuading them that the Jews are not a distinct people)/Judaism. All people must be characterized in order to prevent particular races having more than their fair share (higher percentages per capita) of opportunities or benefits. Following is a beginning of a legislative proposal to establish equal rights for non-Joos, especially for descendants of Northern Europe, according to Ezran method. Non-Jooish-Goyim and American Gentile citizens, must establish equality and an end of non-minority, unjust discrimination by means of general dominant (or "perceived percentage" of) race theory. All goyim (Gentile) religious analyzation is not required to determine race. However, race and/or Joodaism analyzation must be required to disqualify a secret hoax-Jew (100 % of "Jewish" people do not belong to a Hebrew tribe but follow contra-cultural, Talmudicist policies among the nations they undermine). Many "Jewish" people have the genetic ability to propose themselves as a goy or “Jewish”, yet some without Semitism in an anti-Christian and anti-Japhethic manner claim “anti-Semitism” to protest their adversaries among the descendants of Noah.

Therefore, race and religion together can be used to characterize or identify in a legal sense: Each individual, Christians exempt of course, should have his race and religion (although there may be a problem distinguishing heretics or frauds) registered -- put on a driver's license for evidence (for instance) -- for homogeneous demographic reconstruction purposes. (I am not a strong supporter of Roosevelt's identification method and modern computer databases to keep records of people, but it seems the Nordish race under the current chains of tyranny must re-identify and separate itself some way to prevent genocide. I much rather use the former Jim Crow mere observation method by facial features and skin color but the president John Kennedy and the cabal destroyed through faction any easy opportunity to establish segregation and homogeneous societies.) For an example, take note of Israeli legal implementation: Jewish anti-Arab-Semitism identification laws.


The situation can be remedied by beginning with: Development of articulate and accurate census information database for all registered individuals of all races and peoples in the USA.



In the future:



No individual, nation or entity shall be held in economic slavery (debt must cease in seventh year Non-double standard principles)



The alternative-Jews have received undeserved favor in our and other governments: Henry Ford, Sr. and the Jew. The heirs of the nation have been overthrown by means of "Jewish" anti-Nordish-Jubilean propaganda and other anti-white treachery. This could not have happened if our nation would have disallowed alternative-Jews [identity of such creatures must involve race and/or religion analysis] and other anti-Northern-European [even though such may look similar to us, especially the Eastern Europeans or Asiatics, with names ending in itz, ski, or sky for example, or other foreign type name endings] peoples an office (note Henry Kissenger and William Cohen) or important position in our country. Abraham Lincoln did not want blacks to have an official decision-making position in our country; no sensible American would have wanted any other race to "rule" over our own people either.

Test: The three pre-qualifications to establish a real Jew (no Hebrews or Jews exist today)

Jew and Hoax Jew: Those Who Made War on German Democracy and Autonomy

Legal Limitations Needed in Order to Establish Racial Preference, and the Need to Segregate Race in a Polluted (Mixed) Society

Equal Autonomy Rights