Academics/Christianity VS Propaganda/One-sided Religious Tyranny
The word “anti-Semitism” is a compound buzzword. It is used in a non-academic sense to promote anti-Christian, Zion Revisionism propaganda, basically part of the Jooish religion (genealogical myth). David Ben-Gurion did not have a Hebrew pedigree or register; however, he claimed himself as a Hebrew, contradicting the requirements of the Hebrew Torah. So, since he was not a Hebrew and therefore not a Jew, he was not able to rightfully, according to biblical law of his time, claim his made-up identity. Afterward, people, also without genetic identity and register related to such false subrace-claiming irreligion to qualify as a Hebrew and Jew, chose to be referred to the Semitic race, the race of the former Hebrews, now extinct. Then, to protect themselves through corruptly implying themselves to be members of a Christian-honored tribe of the patriarchs, and when anything opposed their anti-Christian religion or crimes, they retaliated by slurring their adversary with words that connoted racial hate and dishonor against patriarchal descendancy instead of disagreement with irreligion and fraudulent identity: “anti-Semitism”. Many of our political leaders swallowed the lie. This is scary because many of our senators, representatives and officials are in contact with lobbies that favor the Jooish irreligion and hate/persecute Christians. By the way, Palestinians are generally a Semitic people, many of them much more Semitic than those of the Jooish irreligion. The buzzword “anti-Semitism” doesn't protect them or people (sub-races) of their race unless they convert to the Jooish irreligion. Clearly, the buzzword should not be used definitively as such in our Congress to determine problems with race, religion and discomfort with religious ideology. The buzzword generally connotes opposition to irreligion of the Joos, not race. Propaganda: Ted Cruz inadvertantly misuses the buzzword “anti-Semitism” with Jewish irreligion: June 17, 2019 post of Ted Cruz: “Meanwhile anti-Semitism continues to rise, from attacks on Jewish houses of worship to street beatings in New York.” https://x.com/SenTedCruz/status/1140615214842470403 Ted should ask Munther Isaac what a Semite/Palestinian is! I replied to one of Cruz' Twitter posts on Nov. 12, 2024: The word "anti-Semitism" is a loaded compound word. A better way to define it is to use a term that implies an ideology against irreligion, not race. Shem was a Semite, a progenitor of sub-races, including Palestinians and some Jooish. https://hesedken.com/genealogy/register_genealogy.html Cruz also said on Jun 17, 2019: “The House should try again, and I call on @SpeakerPelosi to introduce and let the House vote on this strong, straightforward condemnation of anti-Semitism, which has now received the support of every single U.S. senator, 100 to nothing.” This lack of academics has been going on for quite a while and the public should protect religion/Christianity and free speech. Kristi Noem has openly and harshly deprived Christian thought, persecuted God's people by imposing/legislating anti-Christian law and brought a curse on South Dakota. I don't know much about the senators listed below but I thought I would try to inform some of our Congress about the danger of promoting irreligion through the idea of protecting a people with the misuse of a buzzword. Giving special protections to a people of an irreligion is in effect persecution of a people of good religion who oppose irreligion. Senator Cruz said nothing about protecting Christianity, the religion that influenced our founders, non-Semitic white (Japhethic) men, and the Constitution, from opposing racial or theological thought.
Patrilineal Law And Continuity (Nu. 36:5-13
How much Hebrew patrilineal (Nu. 36:5-13) blood is necessary to be a Hebrew? A drop? A cup? A bucket? None of the mentioned: it is not a container measurement; it is continuity measurement. The parents on both sides of a Hebrew child were patrilineally Hebrew (see Ezra 10). Jesus Christ was genealogically and patrilineally Hebrew according to the adoption of Joseph. (Mt. 1) Hence, the “Jewish” cannot be Hebrew and their matrilineal law attests to it. The same principles apply to all the Herzl Matrilinealists whether they be Sephardim, Ashkenazim or other subraces or mixtures. A Hebrew is biblically defined through continuous, patrilineal-genealogical succession (Nu. 36:5-13) and subsequently sub-tribally (racially). The tribes of Jacob became extinct through miscegenation and forsaking of proof of pedigree and the genealogical-patrilineal law. Today, you may have irreligious (Dt. 4:2) ethnicities claiming to be Jews, but if you study the Scriptures, genetics and genealogy, you will realize that is impossible. The “Jewish” (I refer to them as Joos) aren't experts at Biblical law and fulfillment; however, they may know the Hebrew language. Nevertheless, that does not make them Hebrew. Cult circumcision can make a person lose weight and flesh, but it can't make him a Hebrew. These Talmudic heretics are very skilled at deviating and attempting to make the Old Testament void of a God-only-begotten Christ and a messiah with patrilineal lineage (Matthew 1).
Links: Requirement To Be A Jew: Hebrew Pedigree And Register King David: Patrilineal Hebrew Lineage A Study Of Genetics, Geography, Sun And Color Of Skin Anti-Babelism: Develop Your Own Dominant Subrace Percentage Benjamin Freedman And Christian Persecution Pre-History Christians Are The People Of God Christianity Is An Abrahamic Religion Huckabee Illusion: Handshaking An Anti-Christ Platform One-Drop Blood Descendancy Doesn't Matter Anti-Christian Preference: Israel Usurps Rights That Other States Can Not |