SUPPORT THE MULTILATERAL ETHNO-STATE DREAM: WHITES SHOULD HAVE THEIR OWN STATE (NATION) EVEN AS THE HEBREWS DID! Protect intimate family relationship >>>>> God >>>>> Man >>>>> Family >>>>> Race >>>>> Subrace >>>>> Community >>>>> Abraham >>>>> Isaac >>>>> Jacob >>>>> Hebrew Race >>>>> Subraces: Twelve Tribes >>>>> Nation of Israel >>>>> Homogeneous Communities

Liberman vs Lofven Two-State Discussion

Issue of the two-state suggestion: The full historical account of Israel must be taken into consideration. At times, ancient and post-early church Hebrews were expelled from the land of Israel. However, this departure even in itself did not give a right to other nations or peoples to exploit the tragedy of the Hebrews. Obadiah spoke directly about this.

Even later on, no one had the approval of the Torah (Numbers 36:5-13) to misappropriate the land to a conquering or defrauding, misplaced people as a state. Without considering all history and merely accepting the previous Palestinian aggression, a people that did not abide by the Torah and settled in a land that did not belong to them, is blatantly partial judgment!

Although the Middle East and Israel is a concern of the world, the major parties contemporarily involved over the current Israeli land dispute are not between two genetic races, but rather two anti-Christian, religious cultures, Jewish and Muslim. Muslims have invaded other nations also (even once Christianity-promoting nations!) and after anti-homogeneity ploys by the NWO are being protested in Europe, USA and other places now.

To be logical, do contrary religions ever fully agree? Of course not. I see no possibility of a logical agreement. The alternative of Palestinians re-establishing in other Muslim lands doesn't seem to be on the discussion table either. Why can't Muslims regress into their own lands? They do not have a desire to follow the Torah, be peaceful and self-provisional, but are invasive.

The sad thing is, the disestablishment and mixing of the USA and Europe has come about, once leaders of civilization. The UN and other anti-Christian powers have brought a race-mixing curse upon them. It was never the freedom-seeking and homogeneity-promoting will of the establishing and homogeneous people to be overthrown and corrupted, but through top-down, NWO powers defrauding and usurping. However, different than other at least formerly racially homogeneous nations, current Israel's irreligious, Torah-defying cultural homogeneity (race-mixing, anti-Numbers 36: 5-13 and anti-Christian ideology) and discrimination within itself has been allowed to continue without significant, national or international interference.

Avigdor Liberman, according to his Oct. 5. 2014 Facebook page, regretted Sweden Prime Minister Lofven's hasty promotion for a two-state solution between Israel and Palestine.

Lofven theologically errs in his two-state suggestion. Regardless of his foreign policy, Sweden deserves liberation from NWO immigration and diversity promotion. According to Radio Sweden,

A substantial part of his speech was about the work against racism and prejudice. His government will however abolish the post of Minister for Integration, as "this is an issue for everybody". His government will work for a broad agreement on migration policies, and against recruitment into racist organisations. A national centre against racism will be established. More money will go to SFI, which teaches Swedish to immigrants, and there will be more possibilities for newly arrived immigrants to complement already existing education so that they will get quicker onto the Swedish labour market.

Let us remember the act of God's divine segregation/separation at the Tower of Babel. Let us not be racially passive and undermined as Sarah Sanders. Sweden should actually be segregating and resisting any form of anti-homogeneous immigration, but it seems it is helplessly under the control of the NWO. Benjamin Netanyahu, Tzipi Livni, and Jewish political ministers uphold racial nihilism principles as well, although they do not generally tolerate non-Jewish immigration, nor allow preferential treatment to Palestinians as they have so often recommended America do for its non-whites.

According to

Law of Return (Amendment No. 2) 5730-1970*, Addition of sections 4A and 4B, Copyright 2005 American-Israeli Cooperative Enterprise, (From website: on 10-08-2005),

at 4B, to be considered a “Jew”, a person must be one “... born of a Jewish mother or has become converted to Judaism ... ” and “... who is not a member of another religion”. This “Jewish” but anti-Torah law disallows Hebrew genealogical-genetic law, the fulfillment of patrilineal law and covenant (Nu. 36:5-13; Ezra 10:3; Dt. 4:2; Ezra 2:61, 62; Ruth 4:18-22 ), and Christianity: As to religion, only anti-Christianity is allowed!

To summarize, Israel can practice anti-Christian, religious discrimination and do as it pleases without interference from the NWO, but other nations cannot protect their centuries racial homogeneity, facing racial nihilism and racial desovereignization!


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