The land today known as Turkey used to be a Christian country. The people erred and thought on other thoughts than the teachings of the Bible and eventually were led by a false prophet. The nation became different from its former state of culture and thought. This is what is happening to America. Its change of thought and neglect of biblical truth and wisdom has turned it into not another Turkey or Islamic nation but rather an anti-Christian nation in general, putting fleshly desires ahead of Christian knowledge and discipline.

Hence, the legal laws of the nation tend to condone the turning away from biblical commandments: abortion (child murder) is tolerated and even promoted whereas outright murder during a robbery is criminalized. A woman is looked over if she cheats and is promiscuous but a man is liable for alimony if he gets the wrong end in a court room. Society develops legal hypocrisies in relevant proportion to the deviations, lawlessnesses and unwarranted tolerations of its people.

Eventually, people in authoritative positions go by standards that have been cultivated by the deteriorating and misled society. Vicky White evidently didn't have any regard for a clean and undefiled relationship. She knew Casey had been indicted and had a previous affair with an ex-girlfriend he attempted to kill. Therefore, she must not have been concerned about whether he was sexually chaste. If she had been seeking male sexual purity, she could have checked whether Casey had not left any defiled virgins and looked more closely into his background.

Casey didn't have an appearance of a moral man. This in itself was enough to make Vicky consider whether she was doing a reasonable thing by associating with him. It is reported she visited a sex toy store while on Casey's escape tour. Seemingly, she didn't even care about the horrific record of her new lover and the harm he had already caused society. After being divorced, and perhaps trying to fill a void, she knowingly had an affair with a man known for immorality of different kinds. She reportedly favored an imprisoned burglar who was facing charges pertaining to violence concerning his former girlfriend.

The institution of marriage and purity has been polluted to a great extent in our country, just as similarly good Christian doctrines that were once in the land known today as Turkey had been corrupted. Vicky White mocked honorable traditions of sexual moral that ended in losing her own life. We must respect the gifts that God gives us and let God improve our consciousness. We can't expect too much from our administrators, officers and leaders if we don't learn the bible and correct them with the light of God, teaching them ways of purity and honor, and hopefully encouraging them to legislate and implement laws that will deter people from biblical error. Support your police and community by being a more learned and committed Christian. God help us, amen.

Apostasy: Reprove Your Erring Pastors

Apparent Apostasy - From the Perch, Dana Coverstone, 5/19/22

The modern “Pentecostal” church is rampant with fornication and adultery. At about 10 minutes and 8 seconds Coverstone complains some saying, “... you can't be married”. Forbidding marriage of its priests by the Roman Catholic church has been proven to be wrong—against biblical doctrine, and should be exposed as incorrect teaching. However, forbidding fornication and adultery is another thing, and pastors should forbid it! Many cases of “marriage” in the Pentecostal church and other places are mere fornication or adultery and the misled people are in need of repentance.

I posted on Coverstone's video:

You can't be a pastor for God and not be able to tell someone they can't marry!

Marriage is an institution of God.


If you love an illegitimate marriage more than the marriage institution of Jesus Christ, you are not worthy of him. Jesus restored purity in marriage as it was in Adam and Eve in the beginning. They both were virgins and when they had sex, they had a pure marriage. Christians need to learn what pure marriage is, what fornication is and what adultery is. Pure marriage is marriage like that Adam and Eve had. Fornication is when a woman doesn't marry the first man she has sex with and then goes and has sex with somebody else or marries him. Adultery is when a woman goes and has sex with another man after she has married. Not hard to learn! If you learn these simple things, it will help you discern whether a person is living in an acceptable marriage or not and whether a person is able to marry or not. People need this marriage purity guidance and a righteous pastor knows the principles of pure marriage.

Don't serve the fornication/adultery irreligion.

Living single is an honor for Jesus even for virgins. Don't be afraid to live single for Jesus if you are sleeping with defiled women. Anyone can quit fornication and adultery almost as easy as a person can quit heroin or alcohol abuse. A sin is a sin, and a person that wants to serve Jesus is willing to quit any and every sin.

If a person has a bad marriage, all they have to do is separate/annul/divorce. It is proper to divorce a fornication relationship or an adultery relationship. Then they can live single. Living single doesn't cause anyone to commit fornication or adultery.

Don't follow that broad way of fornication or adultery; follow the way of Jesus and marital purity. A good pastor will not allow his sheep to die in their sins... to live in fornication or adultery, and he will guide those not married whether they are able to have a pure marriage or not.

An apostate pastor will never be persecuted as long as he agrees with the sins of his people... he will lead them in their deception even until they die and keep on saying he will not tell someone they can't marry. Don't be a pastor like that.

I also sent his associate Cherie Goff on 5/20/2022 a notice on Facebook: “Is Dana 'Turkish'/apostate?” This page was linked to the message. She replied: “Who are you and what is the video about?” I really wasn't surprised to see her non-Berean response and adamant posture toward seeing and researching the information/reproof/links above. “Pentecostal” people generally lack the character and self-observation to awaken to their blindness toward sexual immorality. Dreams and visions given by God help people, but obeying God's commandments must be a priority. If the commandments against adultery and fornication are ignored, God's judgment awaits. “Marriage is honourable in all, and the bed undefiled: but whoremongers and adulterers God will judge.” (Hebrews 13:4, KJV) Woe be to ministers who aid such deviates and deceive their followers through ignorance of sexual evil (not saying they cannot marry off unchaste women or obligated males), passivity and ill promotion!

Coverstone didn't even warn his own children against miscegenation.


Eastern Europe And Western Asia Joo Heresies Have Swept The World

Monotheism Differences

Make America Courageous Again

Fornication: Marriage After A Former Sex Partner

Adultery: Sex With Another After Marriage

Early American Values

Cops Guilty Until Proven Innocent

Virginity And Marriage

Child Murder And War On Children

No Alimony

American Made Babylon

Coverstone Disfavors White Sovereignty

Adam And Eve Purity

Three Thirds Gospel

Consciousness And Death

Leadership Phenomenon

Soul, Mind And Spirit