BLESSED ARE THE BLAMELESS (Those Who Are Not Living A Defiled Existence)

A sermon idea based on Psalm 119

  1. Blessed are those who are not defiled and who do not live in continuous sin but walk in faith of the fulfillment of the law, those who have kept chastity and who have loved God, his commandments and his Christ.

  2. Blessed are those who keep God's testimonies and the right way; they are not deterred from the truth by apostates and heretics. They seek him with their whole heart.

  3. They not only prevent injustice and misdeeds (acts of fornication), they walk in the ways God has shown to them through his love and their bible study excellence.

  4. God, you have commanded us your precepts and to guard them diligently. We are not to remarry, nor to commit fornication. Your marriage institution has been since the time of our progenitors, Adam and Eve. The New Testament surpassed the Old. Your commandments of today are superior.

  5. O that my ways were directed and formed to keep your statutes.

  6. Then, I will not be ashamed when I have respect unto all your commandments.

Perhaps, I may work on it at another time, but Psalms such as this give us the great attitude of King David and it lifts our life when we look at God and his instructions the way our successful leaders of old time did. When we add the blessings of the Gospels and the other writings, we have all we need to give us an answer to a question of morality and blamelessness.