The Phenomenon Of Leadership
Without morality and law, you cannot have lasting, righteous leadership. Probably, the best instance of this in the United States was when it first started and disallowed adulterers to become citizens. Many women today destroy their existing marriage through adultery or fornication. Such sins begin with a spiritually unacceptable and impure thought. See (3)(ii) of the Naturalization Act of 1790, From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia : “Had an extramarital affair which tended to destroy an existing marriage; ...”. Once a country allows adultery, it condones defilement of its people, and hence, its nation. This brings the judgment of God. Immorality and reward toward the unrighteous must be forbidden.
The first church was established at Jerusalem (Acts 15). Great theologians and followers of Jesus Christ have existed even until today, but not without affliction. Religious malfunction began with one of the first organized factions, the Roman Catholic church. The Dark Ages followed. The great and revered theologian and ex-RC leader Martin Luther, not the lewd and factional impostor Jr., reproved the erroneous movement. Nevertheless, the devil contends even until today and the true church has been opposed continually. Recently, Francis is even having conflict among his own members due to non-Mary and false god idols.
Satan seems to raise up men and organizations to fight God's people as time goes on. Balaam, who loved the wages of unrighteousness (2 Peter 2:15), was tempted by Balak, king of Moab, to curse and fight against the prosperity of Israel. Balaam was a man that knew some things about the true God but did not follow the Torah completely. Balaam, a name which perhaps means in Hebrew: "lord of the people", son of Beor, was a false, religious, soothsaying (Joshua 13:22) leader and medium of divinations. He taught Balak to cast a stumblingblock before the children of Israel, to eat things sacrificed unto idols, and to commit fornication. (Revelation 2:14) God delivered Israel and did not allow him to hurt Israel. (Joshua 24:10) The hardheartedness and lack of faith and love of the enemies of God's blessed people, hiring Balaam failed their will; God turned it into a blessing. (Nehemiah 13.2) "Woe unto them! for they have gone in the way of Cain, and ran greedily after the error of Balaam for reward, and perished in the gainsaying of Core." (Jude 11) Balaam had a full love for the reward of unrighteousness: the same Greek word (agapasen -- 2 Peter 2:15) used for divine and human love of Christians.
People have turned to false ideas even if the ideas are from men who love evil with a full heart. They resemble Balaam in their going astray and that they know and follow God with some respect, but ignore his other commandments. Gambling and casinos have replaced centers where work could have been performed by the hands of the people in industries, providing beneficial needs. Criminal and psychopathic organizations have arisen parasitically in a symbiotic fashion along with legal enterprises, leaving a defiled and corrupt business and social presence. Government and wickedness go hand in hand. Planned Parenthood abortions/child murders were paid by taxpayers. Private adultery vengeance was legally prohibited around the 1940's but abortion was legalized later and continued. White homogeneity and sovereignty was overthrown as early as the 1800's in a Louisiana case wherein locals of a community force were forbidden by a court to intervene: the criminal was rewarded and the community was penalized. Crime owns politics and the legal system at times. Homogeneity vision has been blurred for decades. Abraham Lincoln's white dream was mocked, and social purity decayed. Today, forced migrations pollute once white populations. Whites are prohibited to own homogeneous real estate except in rare cases. Employment superior position was transferred legally to the non-white. White male children are oppressed by women of their own race through Affirmative Action. Globalist pollution seems to have changed the hearts of many of the American people in comparison to pre-Lincolnian days.
Porn is not penalized, and neither is fornication in general. Prostitution is even legalized in some places. House-pimps have been known to receive part of the welfare money from their female partners. Rebecca Latimer Felton warned that the USA must penalize parents giving birth to children out of wedlock. Now, the taxpayer spends a tremendous amount of money supporting and aiding fornication and bastardization. Public schools are plagued with untrained children. Men are afraid to get married because of the corrupt family court system. If the adultery prohibition had been kept, our country could not have fallen to such depths!
Apostasy has progressed. No wonder nations cannot find political solutions when the true church is constantly at battle with agenda-men and anti-theological groups. The Roman Catholic church condemned the martyrs. Deviates and the very wicked seem to thrive with financial, political and religious power and have influence over many victims and peoples. This does not mean that all of the Roman Catholic people are bad, they just don't realize that they should separate themselves from the Roman Catholic church and learn the spiritual principle that salvation is a gift of God through grace, not of works. Many do good works and I love them, but they do err by condoning the wickedness of their religious elite.
So, concluding, I would recommend ethno-community seekers to do such things as find an intentional home of like people. However, since the true church cannot mix and must separate with immoral peoples, it must live separate from the Roman Catholic and erring protestant churches. Therefore, we can strive for a moral life and righteous community but we can never really expect a righteous ethno-state until the millennium.
Controversial Amazon statues stolen from Rome church and dumped in river, Oct 22, 2019, The Telegraph
Alleged Protestant Pastor Sexual Fornication 2 Tenn. women speak up about pastoral abuse after 17 years, Nov 6, 2019, MF NewsMany women make bad decisions after first-time bad events. As quoted in: Why 2 women are speaking up about pastoral abuse 17 years after being told to stay silent, Jennifer Babich, Clarksville Leaf-Chronicle, Published Nov. 5, 2019, Updated Nov. 7, 2019: “It went on to meeting at the Starbucks at Barnes & Noble. Then it progressed to meeting at his house, but I was not allowed to park there. He said it would look bad if my car was parked at his house. That progressed into having a bubble bath ready one evening,” some women allow or make things worse. Frey said it later resulted in a sexual relationship. Hopefully people will realize that women do not move forward if the woman marries another man after giving her virginity to a former. Such is fornication. The heresy churches of today, instead of recommending sexual abstinence, marry off unchaste women to men, causing the male to be a fornicator. The real problem with the Southern Baptist organization is that its elite and officials are not adequately trained so as to understand the precept of marriage, and their followers do not exercise male and female backgound checking before having a relationship. |
If I were to draw up a document for a Japhethic Christian ethno-community (update), it would be similar as follows:
The Japhethic, Christian Ethno-Community
Racial Homogeneity: We want all Japhethites to have a place to live among themselves in their homelands, a place for whites to enjoy the partnership of other Japhethic whites and to have a white posterity. In the United States that would assume private farmlands or reservations of some sort with Internet communication available. All members must be required to be at least 87 ½ per cent white (Japhethic).
An exception to racial homogeneity rule would be to allow other races with multi-lateral values of homogeneity to live there until they had enough members to develop their own homogeneous community. A high dominant-race percentage would be required of the non-Japhethic races also; hybrids of a low dominant-race percentage cannot be accepted. Of course tribal homogeneity (racial lineage) respect would be required and no inter-racial romance (Shechemism) would be tolerated among existing races. The beginning, most numerous people of one race would determine a racial community and the accepted people of other races would be able to live there with respect to the hosting group and their leadership and racial advancement. Unacceptable disagreement with the desire of separation even as in Nehemiah 9:2, 13:3, Ezra 10:3 and other righteous reasons and leadership of the hosting community would be evident reason for excommunication and departure of an antagonist and perhaps reason for all dissenters to begin a group elsewhere. Ideas of multi-racialism and multi-culturalism are in direct contradiction to our enterprise.
Religion and Ethnic Culture: Christianity must be determined through Scriptural authority. Anyone holding to the Jewish or Roman Catholic religion is reason for disqualification. Our guidance must come from the Holy Scriptures: The Christian ethno-community concept cannot be divided by Roman Catholicism and rule from Rome. (Acts 15) The elders and apostles were established in Jerusalem, not Italy. We must follow men of the paper (Scriptures), not men of the cloth. Men err, the Scriptures do not. Therefore, we realize adverse religions can't really agree, so we must draw the line at the start.
An exception to the adverse religion denial would be to those willing to convert from religions that divert from Christianity to complete respect of the Bible as the sole authority of moral and ethic. Therefore, the community could possibly consist of people of different colors and different religious backgrounds, however, respect of the homogeneity (racial lineage) rule would be the deciding factor.
Honor of Two Genders: Gender must be defined through birth nature having precedence. Generally, men must be providers and women homekeepers. Male and female attributes are manifested in a decent and orderly way through the design and judgment of our Creator. Abomination (male effeminacy or desire of the same sex, or female hardness and ferocity), mockery tolerance and defiance of the Lord would be reason for excommunication.
Finance: Members would have to agree to join financially and legally to build or buy real estate and supplies. No usury shall be tolerated among one another. We can only tolerate a form of husbandry and restricted capitalism to be the basis of our finance system, putting the values of racial homogeneity and perpetual inheritance first. Imperialistic oppression and totalitarianism must be avoided. See the George Orwell documentary.
Work: Every male member should have a job. If the community is built on a collective farm, the members of the determined-race community must have right to the superior jobs on the farm. If it is a white farm, the white has superiority, if it is a black or other race farm, they have the right to superior position. The idea is to build together multi-lateral communities and that those of inferior positions will be attracted to go to a community of their own race, which would give them superior position in that particular community. It would also prevent anyone from being without a home until they could move unto a community of their like-race and culture.
Priorities: God's interests and institutions must be our goal. We can allow people of various religions up to an extent but they must not harm our biblical goals or offend our Christian values. No religion shall be allowed to attempt to deny the deity of Christ or try to replace the authority of the Holy Scripture. God sets up nations and brings them down. We do not want to do anything to provoke Him to cause our fall: we must abide in His covenant in order to continue to be blessed as a people. We especially do not want to tolerate murder, adultery and repetitious rebellion such as drunkenness or drugs. Deceived pastors and people living in remarriage according to the redaction (second law) and not repenting toward annulment, undefiled marriage and fulfillment of the law cannot obtain membership. Such sins and crimes must be punished to the extent of eventual expulsion after confiscation and repayment for costs. Minor crimes can be given prison sentences with effective, Christian remedial schooling to prevent continuance of bad habits.
Divine Architecture: Individual, family structure and paternal posterity is a design of God.
Why Japhethites (Whites) Have A Blessed Fate
Christianity Is An Abrahamic Religion
The Ethno-state Prayer And Song
The World Is Not Capable Of Desegregation
Government Must Be Based Upon Christianity
Do We Need Leaders Or Political Parties?
Charlottesville: Trump Cucked At First
Is Loving Your Own People Really So Bad!
Affirmative Action Destroys The Family Institution
Repentance And Purity Standard Necessary
Purity As Part Of Justice Needed
Alex Jones' Genocide Propaganda
The Jewish Are Not Jews/Hebrews
White Male Displacement and Mission Life
Abraham Lincoln's Race Jeopardization For Opportunity
New World Order Influence Upon Sex
Hybrids And Achievement Of Dominant Race
Noah's Blessing Upon The White Man
Sex Thought: Protestant VS Roman Catholic
Explaining The Definition Of Hate