Roman Catholicism And Denominational Heresy
First of all, I think there are many very nice Roman Catholics. There are also many very nice Protestants. However, I believe there is only one true church, the body of believers. They shouldn't belong to a denomination and don't have to, they are already in the church. The early church was established in Jerusalem, not Rome. As to authority, it can't belong to a denomination; it belongs to God and the Scripture. The opposition to the Scriptures is demonic, and through fallen man. A Christian belongs to God and Satan cannot capture him, but demons can afflict and oppress Christians and others. A Christian can improve his condition through faith in Jesus Christ, bible study and prayer. He can gradually live a better life of grace and overcome former stumbling blocks. He can seek to be blameless. However, he is also able to make mistakes and should be aware not to go contrary to the Scriptures. This is a way Satan deceives people. Saul lost himself and his kingdom eventually due to letting his “religion” get in the way of the word of God. We must check ourselves with the Scriptures to make sure we are on the track we are supposed to be. We should remember as a caveat how Eastern Europe and Western Asia was evangelized and became apostate. Not all who say they are of God really belong to him.
Marriage: A very important topic! How to perform a wedding ceremony: Marriage is an institution of God. Adam and Eve were the first participants of the Old Testament, even before the church. Monogamy came afterward and is a divine, institution of the church. Both institutions are in process of fulfillment during a pure wedding. It generally requires at least four people: Two guarantors and the marrying couple. (When this can't be met, the purity principle can't be disregarded.) I would prescribe things to assure purity and be simple: One guarantor (the daughter's father or guardian) say, "I give this bride in respect of Old Testament chastity principle according to Ex. 22 and Dt. 22." Another (the son's father or guardian) say, "I give this groom in respect of New Testament authority and principle of monogamy (I Cor. 7:27 and I Timothy. 3:12), and that he has no obligations to any former virgins. You will be joined together at consummation (Gn. 2:24)." Understanding: The church did not define marriage, the Old Testament did. It defined what was outside of marriage, fornication and adultery also. However, Jesus Christ himself reproved the redaction of Moses (Dt. 24: 1-3), and the early church apostles and prophets established our guideline for marriage and purity. People who marry outside of Old Testament and New Testament fulfillment guidelines of marital purity need annulment. No church official can legitimately override the Scriptures. We see heresy and defilement condoned in many of the mainstream churches (Roman Catholic and Protestant). God forbid! Mary and Joseph had children of their own. This had no negative bearing on Mary being a virgin, giving birth to the Lord Jesus Christ. However, she did not remain a virgin because Joseph eventually knew her, even as Adam knew Eve. This did not lessen Mary's chastity and blessedness in any way. Contrary to contextual integrity, the Roman Catholic doctrine of “perpetual virginity” is easily refuted due to the express evidence of Joseph knowing his wife after the event in which Mary “... had brought forth her firstborn son:... ” (verse 1.25, KJV). Thus Mary was no longer a virgin. Beware of other Roman Catholic erring, sexual doctrines. Some of the erring of the protestant churches have also committed heresy by suggesting or claiming re-virginity of themselves for the sake of self-justified fornication. Brothers of Jesus: James, Joses, Simon and Judas. (Matthew 13:55) Seemingly the verse implies sons of Joseph, or Joseph and Mary. Many Roman Catholics do not admit this; however, the contextual, literal interpretation does not vary (the texts say the same thing) in the Latin with the Greek in this verse. We all inherit original sin penalty. We all die. Mary also had original sin penalty inheritance, and she died. No one can totally escape sin in this life, or its effects. Sin can be generational if not stopped! Jesus Christ was the only one without sin and he died and arose. Death couldn't keep him bound. Jesus Christ was the only one who could have paid the price for all sin (and he did) that those who believe on him could be saved. Mary was a great mother predestined by God to give birth to the Lord, but she was not sinless; no one born of man can be sinless. Jesus Christ was the only begotten of God; therefore, he was sinless also. When we pray, we should ask the Father in the name of the Son (Jesus Christ). He will hear us. No one else was worthy to be our mediator to God. No one else could have paid the penalty for sin. No where in the Scripture does it say to pray to "Mary Immaculate". Two religions? |