Things We Can Do to Fight for Our Restoration

1. Encourage churches to simulate Ezran theology: It works not only for the Nordish/Japhethic race, but all races. Give your pastor or friend a copy of this website.

2. Use the following site to develop your family living plan. Gain insight from others concerning preservation of race. Teach our women and families according to biblical ethics.

3. You must be aware of the Jewish ability to misuse propaganda. At one time there was a king in the land of Russia and Scripture was quoted. Learn how to detect anti-Nordish and anti-Christian propaganda. See that your family is taught history according to non-multicultural bias. Avoid any promotion of Alternative-Jewish (Gentile-Jewish) advancement in a non-Jewish country. Stay away from movies and tv shows. Use the computer for your news media by contacting non-Jewish influenced web sites.

4. Protest against the involvement of the United States in an international war. Also write your congressmen and tell them not to send military equipment or funds to Israel, or any other nation as far as that goes. If we can't influence Israel to treat others at least as well as the Good Samaritan treated the needy, then we should not have any further business with them. We should have no involvement in the willful mistreatment and slaughter of people (even if they are Christian-hating Muslims).

5. Avoid advancing Alternative-Jewish (Jewish or whatever you may call them), or any anti-Christian owned media such as large newspapers and tv news programs. Make our own news media through the Internet and shortwave radio. Don't buy foods that are marked "kosher",meaning "clean", at least in its modern, connoted sense, or with another Jewish symbol. The Jewish use the Talmud, an invented book. They blaspheme against Jesus and the saints. Their food can never be spiritually clean as they reject and mock our Lord and his saints. Let the distributors know by your not purchasing their product that you do not appreciate their disrespect of Christianity. If we stick together, they will notice in time.

6. It is imperative that we have an environment of our own. Immigration in so-called "American democracy" under Affirmative Action lawlessness leads to our extinction. We must separate on our own for the present. However, we can persuade politicians to provide our preservation needs through state secession.

7. We can withstand to some extent the Alternative-Jews' international propaganda to prevent their misleading other nations. There are many preservation sites on the Internet now. Get involved in Alternative-Jewish-harm-to-the-goyim (nations) studies.

8. Learn principles of Christian finance. The descendants of the founders have lost their ability to own a land they call their own. Hitler was rightfully in opposition to the Jewish internationalists' share holder and interest earning plans. A country reaps what it sows. Now England is in the same predicament--captive of an economic plan which has changed her social living standards through international pressure and forced immigration policies to the detriment of her people.

Corporations and other land investments are owned through many share owners from outside of our country. Our people have been displaced with immigrants and don't have first opportunity for employment. If this continues, our race can not survive.

9. Promote quarantine and appropriate segregation law concerning medical, disciplinary and social benefit.

10. Adverse religious organizations are a detriment to Christian, racial and cultural homogeneity. Even though you maybe surrounded with wealthy, attractive and honorable, perverts such as Roman Catholics, who have benefited by the demise of the United States, do not give in to their perversions. Remain separate from them.

11. Provide home or Christian schooling for our youth (in a Nordish Christian, racially and culturally homogeneous environment).

12. We have been afflicted by ignorant and naive members of our race. Many of the unlearned women have disgraced us. Nevertheless, we must stand for racial unity and remain from intimacy with non-Nordish races. Defy the strange races' and multiculuralist society's attempts to intrusively and forcefully partake with us in our intimate things. Righteous segregation from our enemies is required even when we are mixed in their presence: "To cast out all thine enemies from before thee, as the LORD hath spoken."(Deuteronomy 6:19) We can do this mentally without raising a hand, through psychological detection and protective ethics. Let us simulate healthy, biblical principles in our New Covenant theology.

13. Learn and teach families sexual morality according to biblical principles.

14. See # 11.

15. If we develop our own homogeneous communities, there would be no need for racial conflict and rioting.

16. See # 11.

17. See # 13.

18. See # 6 and 9.

19. See # 15, a beautiful dream; let's work on it. Note Lincoln's view of the American dream --"our fathers dreamed"1.

20. Christianity and only Christianity is suitable for us--Christian, cultural homogeneity. All races will have their Christians and non-Christians.

21. See # 12.

22. See # 15.

23. See this site.

24. See # 15.

25. Enrich our families with Ezran simulation dignity and prevent infamous contact and miscegenation. Plan on separating from mainstream society. Political secession is seemingly our nearest escape. Support a preservation organization. Get involved. Even though infamous contact and miscegenation is on the rise, there are many who have remained separate. All of these have not necessarily had proper biblical training, wealth or education, but they have possessed natural, human dignity.

Realistically Christians can not conquer the world through military power to gain their political goals. Rather, they can choose the better of others' political policies and strive to win their goals within that group. America's political leaders are mere, disgusting, puppets and have sold their souls to the impostor-Jews. The ones who haven't do not have much support. Considering these pertinent facts with the will to strive for preservation, "positive Christianity" in whatever revised form we may obtain to appeal to all the Nordish tribes, is still the best political guideline for humanity and the races today. It "combats the Jewish-materialistic spirit within and without us... ”.__24, Adolf Hitler's 25 Points

Our best hope is in personal obedience to God and his direction.


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