Loyalty To Christian Culture And Ethnic Purity Is A Gift To Humanity: Ezra 10_____Information Helps You Make An Intelligent Decision ... Read the Book!

Catholic and Protestant Political Unity--Hope for the Races

(Separate but pro-white civil rights)

For your information, we promote parallel national, Ezran protective isolation principles through active piety, non-violence and separation, not physical war. We do not wish to harm anyone at any time. However, there will be wars. Many lessons can be learned about wars from history. Christian warfare is spiritual warfare, and we must be armed with the word of God. Our exercise must be the learning of the Scriptures and exercise of faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, education and trades, running and swimming, non-violent sports and other exercises, but not so much muscleman physical exercise. Our power is faith in our God and our will to separate and not mix with other races or cultures, not in military might. We evangelize and teach other races and nations to do likewise. Even though many aspects of national racial idealism may be argued, Christians may critique and gain insight through the work of others even if there is spiritual disagreement. Please don't let yourself be deterred from reading the following just because of the author's name. You may be thankful and surprised if you listen to me.

Even though the author of this book did not regularly express himself in personal-relationship-with-Jesus theological terms, which every Christian should be able to do, and ... even many times with ancient Greek expression (idolatrous ignorance of only one God, at least in etymological sense, not necessarily contextual), although noble, generally, he had much more moral character than many of our so called "leaders" (demagogues and puppets) today, especially those that profess to know God and willfully do not obey the Lord.

He rivaled the anti-Christian, treacherous, media and political adversaries of his time. He exposed the adversity and character of those who tried to destroy our race and preservation. Since his military defeat, they have continued so very well. The past has revealed whites (Protestant, Catholics and others) have not been able to get along with one another (which is only natural), but many of their arguments have been instigated and manipulated by non-whites through the press and other means to fulfill the latter's evil desires. This has amounted to great disaster!

Perhaps through reading, you may attain knowledge and understanding of the tactics of our behind-the-scenes enemies.

Now, after studying his writing, even though I am more English than German, and an advocate of conscientious objection, I personally believe the US and England may have been detrimentally persuaded to fight on the wrong side during World War II. Notwithstanding the cruelties of war, perhaps on both sides, this great man should be praised for his virtue to protect many Christian and racial privileges that we used to have, and the promotion of many advancing racial salutary principles we ourselves ought to inculcate through separation and protective isolation even though he has been made to look like a criminal through the double standards of hypocritical, anti-white media. This is not to say that he did not have some erroneous ambitions concerning birth control (or abortion) and some positive thoughts as to euthanasia. His great fault, as many other politicians, was religious unbelief. Germany needed more Christian virtue and less vain, Godless, political scruple: faith and prayer more so than land and dominance over the neighboring wicked. However, a lasting contribution for prevention of blood sin and miscegenation is attributed to him.

He was one of the last century's greatest national finance ministers. He erroneously passed suppressing judgment on the protestant Christian preacher's capacity and limitless boundaries, and actually competed with Christian teachings as many political and religious leaders do in regards to achievement of the ends through means; however, he is thought to be unsurpassed as a racial self-dependence promoting civil rights leader--quite the opposite of the welfare recipients' civil rights leaders in the USA, who have been unwilling to teach their followers to break away from dependence on other races. King David appreciated Saul's care for Israel ... Hitler was a dear, persecuted, circumspectual, pitiful man. He loved the sword more than the plowshare and finally came to a tear-breaking end; nevertheless, his persevering love and labor for his race and nation is easy for a white Protestant or Roman Catholic to honor and appreciate. Other nations and races from various continents respecting ethnic purity may also admire this virtue.

He also thwarted the Marxist's from getting a great hold on Europe during his time.

Hopefully, some of us may be reproved or encouraged, recover, gain strength and politically unite to preserve our own and other races. We recommend this book for a home-study history course for white, adults, high school students and others, especially politicians who would like to advance themselves. A "must" for every Christian! (You may have to look up some of the vocabulary in the dictionary; it is very interesting reading. Please bookmark our page before leaving from this site.) 

Mein Kampf by Adolf Hitler

The Chickens Coming Home To Roost

"For as a Christian I have also a duty to my own people."__Adolf Hitler
Humanitas-International.Org - Human Rights and Humanitarian Action
From the webpage: http://www.humanitas-international.org/showcase/chronography/speeches/1922-04-12.html (Nov. 9, 2006)

Hitler's expulsion of the people who claimed themselves as Jewish was an act of service, as was the expulsion of the pariah-mongrel at the time of the Ezran Covenant and restoration of the Torah.

See Martin Luther's essay: THE JEWS AND THEIR LIES

Didn't the Allies know they were fighting for the Jewish/NWO?

How to find information on Hitler

Did Hitler really want the war? Learn the facts and easy history lessons through his speeches: Jan 30, 1937; Sept. 19, 1939; May 4, 1941
ADOLF HITLER - Major Speeches 1921-1945

Notes Hitler's War




Hitler was an awesome statesman. Although, he manifested political faults such as usurping and taking complete control of Germany as a dictator rather than proposing, for instance, a city-state, jurisdictional governmental infrastructure, which would have deterred the ability to suppress government-by-the-people.

He was a great former foot soldier and patriot. Then he advanced himself politically as a self-proposed military leader. The victories over Poland and France were phenomenal and it seems Germany could never have attained its position as a world power without his daring political maneuvers and war adventures. The sickle sweep and the fall of France plan, however ingeneous and effective, was actually very dangerous and many professionals considered it foolish. This astonishing victory led to his fatal second front with Russia. Freezing weather (which should have been expected) prevented victory and the capture of Moscow. However, the forceful and neglectful aggression of his own military men continued at Stalingrad, Kursk and other places and was seemingly mass manslaughter rather than tactical and strategic warfare.

Without knowing minute details of the conversations with his generals, terrain, supplies, meteorological and almanac studies of that time, and other issues, it is difficult to weigh his talents, brilliance, and military wisdom against incompetence, rashness and foolishness. Other strategy, if Hitler had any, and tactic would have been to not attack Russia and convince Japan to leave the USA alone. Then, combine their forces against England, which if conquered would have left Europe as a base to more safely develop their technologies if the war continued. The Axis conquering (in self defense) and ruling the British Empire would have tended to balance the scales against the antiChristian, Jewish NWO. It also seems Hitler's half-hearted attempt to bomb England at the 1940 Battle of Britain and cease was really not financially justifiable, comparatively speaking, even though he lost more planes than England. (If Japan had coordinated their air force, notice the Battle of the Java Sea, with Germany and Italy, the results may have been far reaching, especially at the battles of England and Moscow).

Hitler's aggression toward Russia rather than England was daring. Can you imagine how much more reasonable and advantageous it would have been to at least have provided annual weather trends and timely withdrawals from the Russian winter, and given his military men an opportunity to build at home in Germany or go to the aid of North Africa or England. As far as those who promote power through violence, historical trend has proven being Mr. Niceguy has given the beastly enemy an opportunity for a more hostile return. It may have been less devastating and savage to have used chemical or bacterial warfare and to have forced a surrender of the English coast than to allow the orphans of Dresden to be bombed with napalm or the Russian mass rape and desolation of the surviving women. Some of the non-Russian Allies as individuals also perverted and prostituted the desperate women. To give further evidence of antiChristian indignation of the Allies, there are reports of Jewish women and synagogues not touched by the Russians.

WW II was a war continuing from WW I. France, which had already been corrupted by the Jewish through revolution, lacked the moral of Christian political outreach and had oppressed Germany since the treaty of Versailles. Hitler was not a fool concerning the issues of the war: The internationalists' and parasitic brutes' ideas and implementations that were causing division and hardships among the nations striving for nationalism. However, even though Hitler knew that Britain and the USA were influenced by the Jewish, he may have made the mistake of not realizing the western Allies were not merely influenced, but controlled from top-down by the synagogue of Satan elite. Evidence of this may be his unwillingness to fully destroy the enemies' armies at Dunkirk when he had opportunity at the fall of France rather than halting his troops and allowing the foe to escape by sea.

Obviously, after such an abrupt retreat of the enemy tolerated by Hitler, if the USA and the western Allies had been directed toward Christianity, nationalism and autonomy of the nations, they would have centered their goals toward peace with Germany.

Russia's overthrow by the Jewish/Russian Revolution had been financed through the USA. Although the USA was known as a capitalist nation, it was just another arm of the internationalists and financial elite. Roosevelt was seemingly merely another cabal/internationalist puppet, descending from the traitorous line of anti-nationalist presidents since Wilson, who sold America to a special interests group (Federal Reserve Bank).

Rather than America having frozen its antiChristian subverters' financial assets, it seemed to become USA's policy to freeze the assets of the pro-Christian governments that were pitted against it rather than working out an inviting, brotherly solution. (The self-defeatist strategy, divide and conquer was implanted in America by its hidden enemy even before wars began. As America was fighting its enemies, its real enemy was ruling her through treachery and insider fraud.) Germany's ships were said to be sunk by the USA for no reason. Thus, it just seemed to be a matter of time before all out war came about. Hitler may have thought it would be advantageous to attack Russia by surprise and declare war on the USA rather than just wait for them to eventually attack him. Whatever his reasons, he made sweeping victories in Russia also at the beginning of his front.

My personal opinion is that Hitler did not handle success very well. After signing the treaty in France would have been a good time for him to retire and let the Reich make its own way. The German army often proved itself superior and succeeded as it fought as individuals and units against the French and British. However, when Hitler deprived this ability from his generals and men in Russia it led to disaster. The same detriment similarly occurred politically when Hitler advanced himself as the dictator and democracy through individual districts was not tolerated--the political, moral and ethical freedom of the people as individuals and groups was lost.

He could have built upon his western victories and expanded his supply potential. There was no need to fight without all the possible elements of victory so as not to jeopardize any men or gain. It seemed cruel to needlessly push his men into another front against much greater numbers and forcing the limits of his logistics system when he could have been industrializing the lands he gained before attempting further war. He also could have distributed his power to loyal, district leaders rather than taking complete rule upon himself. This may have increased the possibility of civil war under disagreement, but the system of rule should have been democratically branched, not merely subjugated as a democratic people without a voice under the dictate of an unreasonable or failing monarch. Compare this tyranny with the apostate and heretic churches that are ruled by erring elite rather than edified by the people with God's message on their hearts. (See 1 Cor. 14:31-32.) First of all, man's duty is to God, not any dictator or centralized-government prone president, such as Roosevelt, as far as that goes.

On the other hand, the political party goals of Hitler were excellent. Racial homogeneity and autonomy framed the government platform. Although the ethics of Germany or all other nations or political platforms and their militaries have not been always worthy of praise, and perhaps their officers always have not implemented continuous amicable expulsion as a rule, but no one should speak evil of Christian moral and land-and-people virtue. As a matter in fact, every nation should adopt such racial purity, genetic, cultural and demographic welfare goals. Regardless of Hitler's faults, he was not guilty of destroying his revered goals; his enemies were.

Now, freedom and political rule by the people in the USA and among the western Allies has been lost. The descendants of those who destroyed the effort of land-and-people for Germany are reaping what their progenitors have sown. Even the demise of the diluted, racially polluted, multiracial-devised (antidemocratic) USA Constitution is revealing its weakness against the tightening grip of the antiChristian cabal. The remaining government freedoms of the various individuals and ethnic groups are being usurped and fading away as those of Germany were, only worse: the USA or their once nationalistic friends are not an oppressed, democratic monarchy as Germany became after overthrowing their former Marxist-prone people-and-country-for-profit remains from WW I; they have become diverse and antidemocratic tyrannies with their reigns pulled by the synagogue of Satan elite.


Hitler's downfall: Perhaps he refused the advice of some generals and over-estimated others; regardless, obviously sufficient supplies for the troops, and accurate intelligence resources and communication among the Fuhrer-Staff failed

Rommel And Other Great Military Men
"I have complete faith that God is keeping a protective hand over us and that He will grant us victory." Erwin Rommel
The Rommel Papers, P. 180
By Erwin Rommel, Basil Liddell Henry Hart

" ... let us apply the ordinary wisdom of other nations like France, Spain, Bohemia, et al., who made them give an account of what they had taken from them by usury and divided it evenly; but expelled them from their country." Luther, Dr. Martin. THE JEWS AND THEIR LIES [Page 43]. York, SC: Liberty Bell Publications, Reprinted 2004

Could the German General Staff have won the war without Hitler's continual disastrous interference?



Had Not England And France Aided The Wish Of Willful AntiChristians (Jewish) And Poland's Negligence To Refuse Negotiation With Germany, Germany May Have Stopped The New World Order In Its Tracks!

Additional material: Adolf Hitler

Who Turned Our World Upside-Down? (Video of Hitler: He made remarkable progress despite adversive, Jewish, willful, antiChristian, aggression and destruction)

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Loving Your Own Is Not Hating Others!_____Information Helps You Make an Intellingent Decision ... Read the Book!