Karl Marx: Loss of Racial Identity, and Hatred Cause
Racial and Cultural Homogeneity Has Been A Biblical Institution Since The Time Of Moses


Karl Marx, from photos, seemed to have a hybrid phenotype like the modern Jewish who have a mixed composition of being partly Semitic and Japhethic, and who are a people actually not of a single genetic race or subrace but rather a hybrid ethnicity. Such Jewish men are genetically different than the Sephardim, who are generally not as racially mixed, but still have lost any Hebrew inheritance according to following the post-Titus, matrilineal laws of the Jewish.


There are different Semitic-Japhethic racial mixtures such as the Italians, for instance, who mixed several centuries ago during or after the Roman Empire. Mussolini has been quoted as to referring to the Italians as a pure subrace, but the southern Europeans, different than their Japhethic, northern counterparts, are from two different races. However, like the southern Italians, the racially mixed Jewish do not have a one-race homogeneity nor a patrilineal lineage, and cannot be a Hebrew subrace. They do not only mix with Japhethites, Semites and Hamites, but they mix with other hybrids and mixtures also. Their anti-Moses and anti-Christian, religious preference is stronger than their racial preference. The Jewish being deceived, deceive and at times even marry into great but nominal Christian families (other ethnicities).


Some of the greatest goals of the Jewish and atheistic haters of Christianity and Japhethic dominance has been to destroy the founding elements of Japhethic homogeneity, the white race and Christianity. A world movement to destroy biblical institutions began aggressively before and after the end of the Civil War. It has made great strides, especially since the Federal Reserve Bank and WW I. In 1965, the Kennedy's had about destroyed the last racial, ideological borders of the homogeneous foundation of the USA. Recently, a Ten Commandments monument was ordered to be taken down.

The Jewish have a matrilineal law that determines their ethnicity and right to modern Israel, actually illegitimately in defiance to the law of Moses. They could never genetically develop into a subrace under such an opposing, ethnic marital law. Marx, living and prospering among Japhethic peoples, similarly as the Jewish seemingly not having a racial or subracial identity, had nothing to lose by promoting nihilistic globalism and centralization as a rule of containing and mixing different classes or races and subraces. Sadly, many people today do not look at Marx's genetic deficiency as a psychological cause of his political, economic and social rebellion and anti-Christian ideology. Quite the opposite, the Hebrews/Jews, much different than the Jewish who claimed their name, were given a patrilineal, racial prescription to follow, and they were generally disallowed to mix with other races and cultures.


The Jewish are a very racially mixed people through inter-ethnicity mixing and mixing with subraces, and they even have great, genetic differences among their particular Jewish ethnicities. A Jewish person being part Polish (dominantly or subdominantly Japhethic) and part Semitic cannot have the same genetic traits that a Jewish person who is African (Hamitic) has. For example, Israel's prime minister Netanyahu is part Polish. Mr. Netanyahu and his darker Jewish member of the Ethiopian Jewish do not look exactly alike of course, but some of their Jewish social (religious) traits are very similar. Nevertheless, a genetic ethnicity such as the Ethiopian Jewish perhaps being a Hamitic subrace or not, or groups of genetically varying, similar religious ethnicities such as Netanyahu's, falling short of becoming a genetic subrace, may or may not have partial genetic qualities but particular social idiosyncrasies. Nevertheless, neither ethnicity can qualify as heirs of the Hebrew tribes because of their opposing Jewish matrilineal succession law: neither can replicate the Hebrew chromosomes.

It is seemingly some social quality which stamps their features as distinctly Jewish. This is confirmed by the interesting fact that Jews who mix much with the outer world seem to lose their Jewish quality. This was the case with Karl Marx, Halévy the musician (Meyerbeer was remarkably Jewish), Sir Julian Goldsmid, Sir John Simon (in whom there was a mixture of Gentile blood), Sir David Salomons, and Rubinstein. Two illustrious living Italians, Lombroso and Luzzatti, would scarcely be taken for Jews; and even the late Theodor Herzl was not distinctively Jewish, all observers drawing attention to his resemblance to the Assyrian rather than to the Jewish type.”

5/25/2017, Quoted from JewishEncyclopedia.com, The unedited full-text of the 1906 Jewish Encyclopedia, TYPES, ANTHROPOLOGICAL By: Joseph Jacobs, Maurice Fishberg

Note the author's confusion: he deceptively confuses the Jewish as the same people as the Jews: “This is confirmed by the interesting fact that Jews who mix much with the outer world seem to lose their Jewish quality.” The Hebrews were a Semitic, patrilineal race, not merely a matrilineal, cultural ethnicity as the Jewish. The Jewish cannot biblically claim an inheritance to Israel due to their lack of patrilineal proof of succession from the tribe of Judah, a requirement of the Torah.


The community's smallest subset is the family, made up of individuals (a male and female with their offspring). They are reproducing elements for the larger community (the district or state). The Hebrew family was determined patrilineally; in contrast, the Jewish are not Hebrew because their family unit is based matrilineally: and genetically, such a heretical, genetic course is a cause of Hebrew genocide. Makes you wonder, did Marx realizing that he lacked what the European subraces around him had as to racial and cultural homogeneity have any reason not to want to destroy the virtue of culture and genetic lineage among non-Jewish peoples!

One of the offshoots of Marx's ideas was Communism. He was a great promoter of chaos and anti-Christianity. Millions of Christians and Russian people died at the hands of Lenin and Stalin. The deliberate starvation of Ukraine was a typical example of the brutality of such fetid political thinkers. China destroyed millions of its own people. As the Jewish have worked contrarily against Christian peoples, foundations and establishments, Marx was no different. Later, Herzl brought about the movement for Israel as a headquarter for the Jewish people. Now, after many political and unnecessary military interventions, we Christians and Japhethic peoples face a loss of our hegemony, dominion, and are up against global absorption and a one-world culture.

Races and Subraces: Ranks of Racial Homogeneity

1st Line: Generally from one people in the journey from Tower of Babel: Tracing the mixtures afterward through DNA is advancing today.

Japhethic: (Nordish: German, English, French, Scandinavian, Russian, many others)

Semitic: Hebrews (Racial restoration: Jewish people are NOT in this category)

Hamitic: Blacks

2nd Line: Generally from two peoples:


Southern Italian (Different than Northern Italian): Generally Japhethic and Semitic