(A little leaven leavens the whole. Ignorance of keeping racial and cultural homogeneity brought a chaotic downfall.)

1. The USA's justice system deteriorated. Sexual purity and morality must be a standard for justice. At first, immigrants were not allowed to have been adulterers. Later, the country's law changed. Eventually, remarriage became legal. Today, fornication (“sleeping around”) occurs without indictment. Many of our young don't even realize the biblical responsibilities of having sex. At times, probably very often, virgin females are even seduced or raped without marital consequences or penalty. Inter-racial and inter-cultural relationship was a cause for divorce in Ezra 10. Inter-racial rapes in the USA have caused biblically required sexual abstinence, singleness and permanent damage to the victim and her posterity.

In the following centuries and decades after the pilgrimage to America, the concept of purity and adultery had been diluted. There are three biblical eras having laws to do with adultery: the first law era, the second law era, and the fulfillment-of-the-law era. Under the first law era adultery was an act that brought capital punishment (the death penalty). Under the second law era, it was permitted for a man to marry a divorced woman. However, this second law era, remarriage law was valid in its time but given by Moses due to hardness of heart of the people of Israel. However, later it was reproved by Jesus the Christ; thus, according to Christian thought, remarriage became condemned as another form of adultery since that time, including the time of our Constitution and today.

Nevertheless, even though Christian thought in our country upheld purity to an admirable extent, the later immigrants, not belonging to our race or agreeing with our moral thought, contended with our standards and laws. For instance, the Jewish immigrants did not honor Jesus the Christ nor the fulfillment-of-the-law era. Therefore even though they are not genetic Jews/Hebrews, they generally follow a Talmudic version of the second law era and condone remarriage, or even polygamy. Accepting people of this sort into our country, this type of compromise and mixing of the leaven with non-homogeneous and heretical peoples weakened the morals and goals of the ignorant and unlearned Northern Europeans. Not only this, we had our own remarriage and anti-slavery heretics. In time, the erring Jewish were delusively admired for their religion and some Christians not even understanding themselves as the Israel of God (Galatians 6:16) even thought the genetic impostors were “God's people”.

2. Waves of Southern and Eastern Europeans were tolerated to migrate. Even during the Civil War a “Jew boy” was recognized as an outsider. Our government was infiltrated with anti-Northern Europeans and anti-Christians. Our politicians, ever who allowed the first ship of antagonists into our country should have been tried for treason. The country eventually was sold out through the institution of the Federal Reserve Bank, and became a foreign enterprise: no longer a people-governed sovereign nation. Today in Europe you have “no go” zones. The areas have been taken over by Muslims. In America, we have to give our employment opportunities to minorities first. Northern Europe and its descendants have been enslaved. After years of antagonism against Christian standards, ignoring the biblical institutions of racial homogeneity and purity, the country can't be run by its once Northern European, dominant, demographic people any longer. Be preparing America!

