The Quakers were a cult, and as many other heretics, frustrated the growth of Christianity during early America. However, they were a noble people with many desirable qualities and not as legalistic as the Puritans. Their admirable efforts for peace were much more civilized than the immediate, carnal response of physically attacking the philosophical opponent as the heathen.

Many were wealthy and well educated. Eventually, through their efforts to distort established biblical law of the written word and make themselves appear as on-target followers of the Bible, they eventually lost their own financial and religious prestige. After opposing the institution of slavery and release, old and new testament teachings, and withstanding the moral to establish biblical institutions, now their own white male children are not free and are subject to Affirmative Action laws—second class citizens!

William Penn had a great influence on the Pennsylvanian government. However, he lacked biblical learning to promote Torahian-fulfillment real estate law in a way that Christians and biological heirs would receive and inherit property rather than eventual foreign, unGodly, greedy strangers and investors. Old Testament law provided for physical inheritance and the New Testament provided further for spiritual inheritance.

Early Christians were faithfully dependent upon God's provision and put spiritual things above physical possession. As they witnessed to nations and governments of men, their witness of success was dependent upon its congruence with the written word, not the ideas of men. Later, Roman Catholicism, organized religion and the doctrine of men came about. As the centuries passed and the Reformation was encountered, great revelation and knowledge of the truth was revealed. The Roman Catholic heresies and misconceptions were exposed in so many different ways and by different preachers, although they all were not completely correct. There is only one authority, the written word.

George Fox, referred to as the seventeenth-century founder of the Quaker heresy, did not have a following of people who searched for prototypes and looked upon the spiritual revelation of the Hebrew and Greek written word. (For Bible study, I recommend that you learn the New Testament Greek first, then the LXX. You can study the Hebrew Old Testament along with it and analyze the variations at the same time through margins and apparatus. The Latin is also useful. Then, adding Aramaic should help to give you a real good set of tools for textual criticism.) They did not seek for biblical, simple instruction and established models that were for our guidance, but rather chose humanistic policy, doing away and attempting to override the direction of the written word and even making the biblical law and institution of slavery and release void.

Susan B. Anthony, an early female heretic, attempted to wreck society. She eventually helped overthrow male rule and voting, promoting an amendment to the Constitution. Al Capone may have been more directly violent. Bonnie Parker may have been more sneaky. Presidents Kennedy and Johnson may have been more treacherous. Nevertheless, Anthony as well as her fellow irreligious rebels of biblical order caused great harm to the American status quo. Beware of sedition (Galatians 5:20) and cults.

Leaders of a religion cannot defy the principles of the Bible and get away with it. Eventually, their mistakes will catch up with them. As much as some have tried to promote peace, equality and freedom, they only enslave themselves and their subjects through their self-will and defiance. Korah (Numbers 16) was not more correct than Moses. Light that does not concede biblical institution and direction from God is not true light. God has appointed anointed men to lead his people, and He has ordained the male-led order of the church, including bishops and deacons.


From Slavery to Slavery Inversion

Let Us Weep

The Wicked Take Advantage of Cults and Unlearnedness


Slavery Abolition Heresy

Responsible Women Suffrage

Honorable Conscientious Objection