Satan hates purity and marital sanctity. Eve was a woman who knew only one man. That is the way God wants marriage, pure, the wife having a one-man cognizance factor concerning sexual relationship. The Devil does not like it when people won't fall into heresy and fornication. He is like a lion going about seeking whom he can devour.

He has ministers to help him deceive people. You can tell whether a minister is bad or good like you can distinguish between a tree that bears rotten fruit and one that bears good. A bad minister will manifest his life to be evil through his sins. (See Galatians 5:19-21.) The good minister will reveal his piety through his obedience to God, and he will not commit fornication, adultery and other continuous sins.

Take for instance adulterer Kenneth Copeland. He takes in millions of dollars and lives a defiled sexual life. His sin finds him out, and people can analyze his habits and see that it doesn't match up to what a righteous or holy man should be doing. Neither does Joyce Meyer live a righteous life. Nor Donnie Swaggart. Nor Isik Abla. These ministers work hard for themselves (and Satan). They don't criticize one another for their lack of marital sanctity. You don't hear Kenneth say to Joyce, “Woman, you need to repent. You are unchaste and living with a man.” You don't hear Joyce say to Kenneth, “You and Gloria both are wicked and living in adultery.” Nor do you hear them say to Donnie, “How many times was your last wife married?” No, they don't want to expose defilement and ministerial deception of one another because it would be working against their own actions. Nevertheless, a righteous and Christian minister would judge and condemn an illegitimate marriage or affair and expose it. (1 Cor. 6.2)

Satan has many other ministers, some of them may even be “pip-squeaks”. They don't have to be well-known as those I've mentioned in order to be deceitful, evil comes in different forms. Overcome them all. Take care to keep yourself pure. If you are a woman who has been defiled, annul any unlawful relationships and live single. Study the Scripture and pray to God so he can help you.


Marital sanctity

Kenneth Copeland

Joyce Meyer

Donnie Swaggart

Cognizance Factor

Continuous Sin

Fornication Recovery

Making Righteous Judgment