Does your message agree with the prophet? Don't follow the "Jewishness" of Kenneth Copeland. I know Mr. Copeland doesn't claim to be Jewish, but he does ignore the prophet spoken about in Deuteronomy 18 and His reproof of remarriage. God and the Lord Jesus Christ agree. However, Mr. Copeland's message contradicts the teaching of Jesus.

Jesus did what his father told him to do, and Mr. Copeland says God told him about Gloria. However, the message of Jesus and Mr. Copeland don't agree. The message of Jesus is marital purity, but the message of Mr. Copeland is remarriage. Don't be deceived by such wicked men as Kenneth Copeland and their supporters.

I won't even go into Kenneth's previous marriage. It is highly unlikely Gloria was a virgin (being divorced) when she married Kenneth. I know that sounds funny but virginity is a prerequisite for a woman to marry unless she is a chaste widow. A person contradicting the Scripture and living in willful disobedience has no real testimony of God (it is delusion).

Kenneth's false light (voiding God's marriage purity commandment) and deceptive come-on:

You were born again as a child of light, so that light is in you in its most powerful form. But it cannot shine forth as long as you keep clouding it with strife, unbelief and unforgiveness.

If you want to walk in the full power of that light, you’ll have to repent of all those things. I don’t mean just feel sorry for it. Repentance isn’t just being sorry, it’s getting in agreement with God about those things, acknowledging to Him that they’re wrong, and then believing you receive your forgiveness for it and your cleansing from it.

Once you’ve done that, determine to become so committed to keeping God’s command of love that you’d rather die than violate it. If someone mistreats you, take the position Jesus and Stephen did when they looked at those who were about to murder them and said, “Father, forgive them….”

That kind of love literally arms you with light. It protects you so that the ugly stuff people say and do doesn’t bother you. You stop worrying about how they’re treating you and concern yourself instead with how you’re treating them.

I’ll never forget the day the Lord showed me that perspective. I’d been moping around because I felt like Gloria wasn’t paying attention to me the way I thought she should, and I said to myself, Aw, she doesn’t care about me anyway.

The second I said that, the Spirit of God jerked me to attention and almost hollered at me. It’s none of your business whether she cares about you or not! It’s your business to care for her! It’s enough for you to know that I care about you. So you see to it that you care for her and whether she cares a thing about you or not is between Gloria and Me!

The Lord’s tone of voice was so strong it left me trembling. I didn’t want Him to ever have to speak to me like that again. So I committed myself right then and there to do what He was telling me to do.

As a result, Gloria and I have walked in the light where our marriage is concerned, and the devil hasn’t been able to touch it. It’s like heaven on earth in our house.

Taken from the webpage: Delight in the Good Life, by Kenneth Copeland, on Jan. 18, 2013.

Morman Cult Comparison: Brian David Mitchell vs Kenneth Copeland
(Both Men Disagree With God And The Scripture: Both Perverted Men Believe In Extra Women)


Lord Jesus' Reproof of Remarriage

Judaism 101: Kenneth and Gloria's Deceptive and Errant Remarriage "Bashert"
(The written Torah is authoritative, not the Jewish Talmud. However, it seems many perverse Jewish ideas have influenced American society to its destruction, including many so-called "Christian" teachers and preachers.)

Victim of Mitchell: Elizabeth Smart

Islamic State: Anti-Christian, Religious Sexual-Illness