Could he be in Israel, enjoying himself?

Jeffrey Epstein accuser "angry as hell" he died before trial, CBS News, Published on Aug 10, 2019

We may never have closure on Epstein's body now. Whether he actually suicided, was knocked off, or escaped, we can't trust the correctional institution's report. If they couldn't guard him on suicide watch, which evidently they didn't, how can we trust them for responsible information afterward!

We never found out what really happened in the Kennedy assassination, the Martin Luther King Jr. case, and many other incidents that were corroborated between government and the lying, dinosaur media.

If there is a scam, one possibility could be that Epstein escaped, and he could be laughing and enjoying himself right now. He was connected with high peope in Israel and they don't always kill their exposed associates as the mafia, they treat each other as Talmudic brothers and work to help one another escape goyim penalty.

On the other hand, suicide?

Sammy Gravano Talks Epstein and Clinton, Oct 17, 2019, Valuetainment


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