NBC News, Jeffrey Epstein Accuser Calls On Other Women To Come Forward | NBC Nightly News, Published on Jul 16, 2019

Courtney Wild tells other victims of immorality to the effect that they may try to convince themselves that their calamity was a long time ago and that they may try to move on. Well, people do have to move on, but rape and fornication victims have perpetual defilement: they must learn how to biblically live with that, which requires living single at least until the male sex partner dies.

Predators influence and/or force their prey. A parent has an obligation to train and protect their child from defilement. Nevertheless, when a young person doesn't have that parental training, the state must not allow fornicators and rapists to take advantage of the weak and helpless. Victims can help stop the predator by speaking up, which the speaker above in the video advises.

Epstein deserves life in prison if these allegations are true. Victim impact is devastating. As the defiled or raped victim learns later in life what is correct and what is not, it is and will always be too late to fully recover from the perpetual defilement.

The desire for marital purity and to share the grace of life with another man cannot be fulfilled. A platform for repentance and living single will have to be established just in order to not make a social community profligate with further fornication.

A dentist chair is photographed on Twitter as part of Epstein's bathroom. Bill Clinton has been known to associate and travel on Epstein's plane with him. The ex-president is noted for his "precision" sexual movement. Perverts and rapists (Ray, Cosby, Pell, Nasser) seem to be particularly strange about their developed process of sexual stimulation or defilement. Bill Cosby misused drugs, and David Parker Ray instruments. From the video, Epstein even used other women as Ray did also to help him seduce victims. Fornication procedure and victim devastation comes in many forms.


Perpetual Defilement

Platform For Living Single

What Fornication Is

Men Lacking The Mind Of A Normal Man

Rape Prison: Why Restitution Must Be Demanded

Elite Cover-Ups

Epstein Child Rape