The earth also is defiled under the inhabitants thereof; because they have transgressed the laws,
changed the ordinance, broken the everlasting covenant.” (Isaiah 24:5, KJV)

As of 2017 we see a world full of defilement. God's laws have been changed by man and demon. Nations are becoming abominable. The mainstream churches have lost their integrity and virtue for sexual purity. Clean and undefiled marriage is rare, even so-called Christians who claim chastity condone fornication and defilement.

The Naturalization law of the USA formerly disallowed adultery. Today, remarriage is rampant. Many presidents and politicians have ignored chastity and lived in fornication or remarriage. Political uncleanness widens the avenue for corruption of the subservient people. State, corrupt, controlling media prevents didactic teaching and promotes contra-biblical ideas. Society and civilization is based upon God and his law, and the way man, family, church, state (politics) and the world respond to it. God recognizes how the world receives or defies his commandments and holiness. Even homosexuality has been approved.

The USA broke the biblical institution of slavery and the opportunity for freedom of a Christian slave by replacing it with self-made, so-called humanitarian law after a horrible civil war. The change from a form of biblical institutional law to the humanitarian law caused many other types of laws to be changed, economic, social, and other aspects even under a tyrannical or federal frame, a level beyond the state law. Deviates and heretics protested against an establishment for their own good, and are now reaping their reward and realizing it by their children not having a stable place in society. The slavery law was inverted and a divine institution was corrupted.

Non-Northern European immigration and racial pollution followed. Ancient Israel generally isolated itself from other races and cultures (Ne. 10:30), and the USA should have followed their wisdom. The federal, non-debt based banking system was overthrown and the country became ruled by foreigners. The young men of the country were thrown into WW I. The pleasant and Godly way of racial and cultural homogeneity was mocked and distorted. The “roaring twenties” came about and defilement became greater. The depression followed. Accurate accounting of missing money could not be verified. Organized crime prospered. Losing homogeneity and rule brought about the making of a world tyranny war machine. Distortion of our laws and defilement increased. Women of Europe and Germany were mass raped by Communists and their allies. Morgenthau starvation became a tool to push the defeated women into prostitution afterward. Bastardization, torture and German genocide was the hateful aim of their persecutors, who despised their former, noble, family and homogeneity goals. Now the descendants of the war criminals are suffering a similar opposition.

Vehaeretz hanefa tahat yoshveya...”, the beginning of Massoretic text, verse 5 is translated “And the earth is defiled beneath those dwelling in it... ”. We are seeing today our country destroyed with immorality and the spin and media control of the unGodly elite (leftists, heretics, Marxists, atheists), and their “shock” attacks upon the former government Constitution. Since the absolving of the slavery institution came the racial and cultural pollution, the loss of the rule of our country, legalized adultery, wars, feminism and white male rape, persecution, and now legalized transgenderism. The people advocating such sins are sitting above and masquerading our defiled land.

Continuing the translation, “... ki-averu torot... ”, which says, “... for they have passed over laws... ”, meaning “... because they trespassed or violated laws... ”; “... halefu hoq... ”, perhaps “... they replaced statute... ”; note how Islam changed/replaced good tradition and teaching with the madness of a sexual deviate and made a k-halefate (caliphate—a replacement), Moslims were deceived and reject the Torah and its prophecy of the one among the Hebrews (the Lord Jesus Christ) following Moses to have authority on the things of God (Dt 18:15-18); “... heyfeyru berit olam” “... they broke covenant of futurity”. Thus, paraphrased, “And the earth is defiled beneath those dwelling in it, for they overlooked laws, they replaced statue, they broke the established covenant.” Not only have Moslims committed this act of treachery, but other unfaithful people, at least in part, unbelieving toward the one God sent (Jesus), and failing to recognize his deity and incarnate oneness with God, observing the second law rather than the fulfillment of the law through the new covenant (which was previously prophesied to fulfill the old covenant, Je. 31:31), and defiling the land through other means being disobedient and overlooking the Holy Scriptures, have too.

The Jewish changed/replaced the patrilineal succession law with their Torah-unacceptable matrilineal law. They impliedly present themselves as owners of the land of Israel when defiantly they are not a Hebrew tribe or subrace. Patrilineal succession is biblically necessary for inheritance in the land. Abraham was a man of faith, and his seed (faithful and spiritual descendants) have faith. Changing and replacing the succession law is not an act of faith—it perverts, transgresses and defies the law (Torah). Abraham's natural, patrilineal children were Hebrew as Isaac, not as Karl Marx and impostors implying they are physical and spiritual successors of Abraham by calling themselves Jews/Hebrews. Benjamin Netanyahu gave himself a name in Hebrew, but it was formerly in Polish. Converts and Herzl matilinealists such as himself can't make themselves Hebrew no matter what they call themselves. They change the law, but they can't fool God!


Isaiah 24 (Prophecy: Destruction of the earth)