

Hesedken (Dedicated To Promoting Godly Religion, Posterity, Racial Purity And Inheritance For Japhethic, Semitic, Hamitic Peoples And All, Who Benefit By This)

Defending Anti-pollution Concept and Restoring Integrity to a Satan-stricken World

Father of many nations...


Reproofs against pollution of seed (pure biological progeny)

The seed of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob: Reproof of polluting "holy seed" (genetics, see #'s 9-11); Josephus on anti-pollution of seed; Deportation of polluted seed; Why the Law of Return must be amended

How the impostor Jew can repent

The Issue: Anti-Patriarchism, Not Anti-Semitism!

My post:

Look at patrilineal law: homogeneous subraces and demographics (Nu. 36.5-13). The Apostle Paul denoted himself as a descendant from the tribe of Benjamin (see Ezra 1.5). It should be noted that if those among the Ezran Congregation were later to be designated as "Jews" (members of a Hebrew subrace), then to equally designate the descendants of those that were polluted and separated from the congregation also as "Jews" would be patriarchally defamatory and genetically fraudulent!


Moral national strides of the 20th century: German youth and racial homogeneity (video) More...


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