A Hesedken Presentation



Proverbs 22:7 The rich ruleth over the poor, and the borrower is servant to the lender.

The United States government was unduly influenced and made its peoples financial servants to conspirators. The Federal Reserve was against the wish of the founders. Top-down control has led the nation into unwanted wars and millions of Europeans and Americans have been killed because of the infiltration of an insider group.

The rights of the people of the USA have diminished and now we face tyranny. Debt-based finance must never be tolerated; and a system of substance for substance must be initiated in order for the people to be free of debt slavery. Find out how to fight interest-earning brokers and learn Christian principles of finance at the links.

Honestly, I think it is too late for a Constitutional revival, but you can learn how to work with others individually and collectively toward a brotherly finance system.

The key to collective Christian freedom is keeping the antiChristian from ruling over him—keeping the insider antiChristian (esp. Jewish) lever-puller and wire-puller from having any control. Hitler understood these things very well; his failure was his lack of commitment to God first (Christian sovereignty rather than military sovereignty).


Points To Remember:

Christian Non-debt-based Economics And Citizen Heirs/Not Slaves

A free society must not tolerate its people to live under conditions of antiChristian, forced, dishonorable gain.

Jewish NWO Debt-based Economics And Little Slaves

The USA abolished slavery for blacks in the 19th century. However, slavery was instituted for all in defiance of the Constitution and will of the founders in the early 20th century with the Federal Reserve Bank. People can't live in a debt-based society without becoming obligated or eventual slaves to their creditor. Among modern politicians, Adolf Hitler made the most sincere attempt to avoid the national debt trap by defying national, interest-earning scams.

Avoid gambling and alcohol addiction slavery.