SUPPORT THE MULTILATERAL ETHNO-STATE DREAM: WHITES SHOULD HAVE THEIR OWN STATE (NATION) EVEN AS THE HEBREWS DID! Protect intimate family relationship >>>>> God >>>>> Man >>>>> Family >>>>> Race >>>>> Subrace >>>>> Community >>>>> Abraham >>>>> Isaac >>>>> Jacob >>>>> Hebrew Race >>>>> Subraces: Twelve Tribes >>>>> Nation of Israel >>>>> Homogeneous Communities

Huckabee Handshakes With The AntiChrist Platform

At 5:23, Huckabee says, “... there is no occupation”. He is incorrect. It is an occupation; however, the Palestinians were also previous occupiers as well as farce-Israel. Modern Israel has been hi-jacked by a group that promoted demise and terror. David Ben-Gurion and other terrorists overtook part of God's real estate from their adversaries. However, Ben-Gurion was not a Hebrew; he was a member of the Ashkenazim. Regardless, Sephardim and others are not Hebrew either because they do not have legitimate pedigree and register, a Torah requirement (Ezra 2:61-63). People who have a broken link in the Hebrew lineage chain lost their inheritance and right to a demographic city or location, and the genealogical ability (thus genetic ability also) to belong to the Hebrew gene pool. Today, there are no Hebrews or people who claim they are that do not have a broken lineage chain. The Hebrews and all of their tribes became extinct.

God warned the Hebrews about racial and cultural disobedience in Joshua 23:13. They were warned about curses in Dt. 28. When the unbelieving Hebrews failed to be faithful to God and believe on the one whom he sent (yeshua hamashiach), it wasn't long afterward that Jerusalem was destroyed and its unbelieving citizens ended up in a much worse situation than the believing Hebrews. The believing Hebrews that died for Christ reaped an eternal inheritance and the promise to Abraham was kept, but the descendants of the unbelieving even lost their natural inheritance (Nu. 36:5-13) let alone their eternal future with God. Jerusalem will someday be occupied by Christians for a millennium. Gentile believers in Christ also have an eternity with God. However, God cannot save the unbelieving and he will not restore a person's subrace if he had former Hebrew legitimate, continuous blood descendancy and is found with a broken genealogical-genetic chain. Remember the rejects (similar to those occupying modern Israel) of the congregation of Ezra. Zion has now become a testing ground for Gentiles of different and mixed races, wherein a Hebrew and register can no longer be found.

Huckabee, as well as Gordon Robertson, John Hagee and other heretics, suffers evidently from the influence of erring, Talmudic eschatology and the proposal of a false, future pre-millennial return ideology. The fraudulent Hebrew impostors are not the continuous seed and lineage for “35 hundred years, since the time of Abraham”. They do not have a “rightful deed” according to the Israelite prescription for race and demographics, intra-tribal marital, inheritance and anti-genocide law given unto Moses by God: Nu. 36:5-13; the pedigree and register law according to the priest Ezra, returning from Babylon: Ezra 10:3; the faithfulness and integrity required by the law of Moses: Dt. 4:2; the pedigree and register requirement of the governor and Levites: Ezra 2:61, 62; and the reminder at the end of the book verifying the legitimacy of the kinsman redeemer law: Ruth 4:18-22. No, the Joos circumvent God's law and live by a centuries-old myth. They even made-up and invented an upside-down, matrilineal law. The farce was followed by the Herzlists and those similar as the Zion Revisionists. Israel is occupied by Gentiles (Jewish and Palestinian). So, it seems the fake return of the fake-Jews, who are not Hebrew and thus Gentile, is merely as mentioned in Luke 21, verse 24 a prelude of the “... times of the Gentiles be fulfilled.”

Our great theologian Martin Luther warned of alliances with anti-Christians: “You ought not, you cannot protect them, unless in the eyes of God you want to share all their abomination." Sadly, our country is being ruled by them. They even come into our Congress and advise them. Our once wonderful, Christian nation has been extorted to give billions of dollars to support the enemies of God. Our politicians are like little puppets on a string, dancing to the tune of those who hate Christians, brainwash our children, cry “anti-Semitism”, blaspheme, corrupt and destroy God's creation.

By the way, the Jewish are disingenuous by implying that they are Jews/Hebrews. As Benjamin Freedman said to the effect, some Jewish never had an ancestor that set foot in Israel. They don't have a legitimate claim to Israel. Realizing all this discrepancy, and that the Jewish people as a religious people are given a land that never belonged to them, why are founder-heirs of the USA denied entitlement and demographic freedom to their own land that their genetic, forefathers founded! Christians of all races are the true Israel of God (Galatians 6:16), and while they are on earth they need separate lands and governments to exercise their rights appropriately. Instead, in the last century, they have been intruded by different races and cultures, which hinders their pursuit of happiness. All the while, the anti-Christians have gained and globally destroyed race integrity.


Huckabee Receives Ambassadorship

Difference Between Christians And Anti-Christians

Let Us Celibrate Christianity And Science (Genealogy And Genetics)

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David Ben-Gurion Demise And Terror

Talmudic Eschatology And False Messiah

The Loaded Buzzword “Anti-Semitism

All Twelve Tribes Were United During The Early Church Era