SUPPORT THE MULTILATERAL ETHNO-STATE DREAM: WHITES SHOULD HAVE THEIR OWN STATE (NATION) EVEN AS THE HEBREWS DID! Protect intimate family relationship >>>>> God >>>>> Man >>>>> Family >>>>> Race >>>>> Subrace >>>>> Community >>>>> Abraham >>>>> Isaac >>>>> Jacob >>>>> Hebrew Race >>>>> Subraces: Twelve Tribes >>>>> Nation of Israel >>>>> Homogeneous Communities

Understanding The True Israel: Christians (Galatians 6:15, 16)

Huckabee may think there is “no such thing as a Palestinian”, but actually the Israeli people are not Hebrews or God's people. God's land belongs to Him and His people, Christians. However, it was recently taken over by violent, elite anti-Christians. The Muslims (many of them living in Palestine) never have had a right in the land, but that does not excuse the Balfour Declaration and other state misappropriations such as appointing anti-Christians to the land. The erring mindset and status quo of the world to accept the impostors as a false future return of the found (James 1:1) ten lost tribes and the tribe of Judah and Benjamin of the early church era is eschatological error.

Huckabee nor Sanders seem to understand that the occupiers of the nation of Israel are not Hebrews and they are not God's former people; they are fraudulent anti-Christs. They are ZION REVIZYONISTIM, a group of followers of terrorists and revisionists. They are people without legitimate pedigree and register, mere impostors and frauds as heirs of Israel. It is so sad, and a disgrace that the mainstream churches of America do not have prophets learned enough to call this out!

By the way, the Jewish are disingenuous by implying that they are Jews/Hebrews. As Benjamin Freedman said to the effect, some Jewish never had an ancestor that set foot in Israel. They don't have a legitimate claim to Israel. Realizing all this discrepancy, and that the Jewish people as a religious people are given a land that never belonged to them, why are founder-heirs of the USA denied entitlement and demographic freedom to their land that their genetic, forefathers founded! Christians of all races are the true Israel of God (Galatians 6:16), and while they are on earth they need separate lands and governments to exercise their rights appropriately.


Huckabee Has Been Deceived By Talmudic Eschatology

Frauds Have Stolen God's Real Estate

The Loaded Buzzword “Anti-Semitism

All Twelve Tribes Were United During The Early Church Era