Leading In Hebrew Advancement And Sovereignty In Israel
Promoting The Torah Of Moses, Not The Jewish Talmud


The Maccabees were a great family. They lived after the carrying away to Babylon and before the New Covenant and the coming of Jesus Christ. They were zealous and inspiring men who led others of their people to fight and overcome men against God, very different from the impostors and alternative-Jews (Joos) today, who actually mock covenants and fight against the people of God (Christians).

The Maccabees were Hebrews. They followed God and patrilineal law, having a legitimate pedigree and register. The Joos of today are not Hebrews and can never produce a Jew/Hebrew. Don't believe in the centuries myths of Santa Claus and that the Jooish are Jews! Defend the patriarchs and their mandated patrilineal legacy.

Before Christ, the Hebrews expected a messiah from their patrilineal lineage, with a Hebrew pedigree. However, the Joos do not have a Hebrew gene pool to produce a faithful messiah, and do not look for one that can fit the genealogical fulfillment. However, regardless of lack of biology, genetics and genealogy, they look for an anti-Christian messiah!

For more information concerning the ingenuousness of impostor cults (Joos), see the Purim site. Christians must learn Hebrew and Biblical Greek so they can't be so easily deceived by fraudulent peoples!


Merry Christmas!