Subracial, Genetic, Genealogical And Demographic Mitzvah (Commandment) Of God And Moses: Nu. 36:5-13


Adam And Eve (Man's Beginning)

Abraham (Sarah)

Jacob And Rachel (Beginning Of Twelve Tribes)

Moses (Nu. 36: 5-13)

Ruth (Boaz , Her Husband, Was Great Grandfather Of David Hamelek)

King David (Patrilineal Descendant Of The Tribe of Judah)

Exile To Babylon: Return To Israel (Ezran Restoration Of The Torah)

The Lord Jesus Christ (Patrilineal Descendancy)
Hebrew Heirship Through Joseph

The Found Ten Lost Tribes

The 144,000 Were Firstfruits – 2,000 Years Ago

Future Israel (Twelve Tribes)

Proof Of Hebrew Genealogy Requirement Must Be Fulfilled To Be Considered A Hebrew And Worthy Of Inheritance In Israel, Not Evasion And Re-made Religion: Beware Of Buzzword Propaganda

Zionist” Or Anti-Zionist” Is Not Acceptable Proof Of Being Hebrew

The Lord Jesus Christ (Patrilineal Descendancy)
Hebrew Heirship Through Joseph

Homogeneity Timeline

Jewish Molestation Of Numbers36:5-13

Ezekiel 38

The 144,000: Genetics And Understanding Biblical History


The Hebrews followed the Torah of Moses and homogeneity. (Nu. 36:5-13) However, modern Judaism is a re-made religion (cult) and molested the Israeli Inheritance Law. The “Jewish” people do not follow Numbers 36:5-13. So, don't be deceived by their “revisedmatrilineal law and the myth that the people who call themselves Jews today are Hebrew. There are no known Hebrews or tribes.

There was a terrible slaughter of Hebrews at the destruction of the temple by Titus (70 AD). There are no required continuous genealogical records left today of the Hebrews as there were at the Apostle Paul's time. However, after the ascension of the Lord Jesus Christ the Hebrew tribes were united in him. (James 1:1)

HOW TO NOT BE A JEW (The modern “Jewish” fit this perfectly!)

People who were separated from the tribes of Israel in Nehemiah were non-Hebrews and non-Jews (Nehemiah 9:2, 13:3). They did not belong to and did not have an inheritance in any of the Hebrew tribes. However, they were still accepted as fellow religious people. They were expected to follow the first and second law of Moses, and the Tanakh, the biblical books of that time. That means their men could not inherit any part of the twelve tribes because they were not Hebrew (Numbers 36:5-13).

Previous to this time, a great conversion of people from the Persian empire due to the evangelism of Esther and making known of the law (Torah) had taken place. The women of Babylon and provinces could be taken as wives of the men of the Hebrew tribes up until the time of Ezra when restoration of the law occurred, but those women who did marry a Hebrew man later due to the covenant (Ezra 10) had to annul the marriage and were separated. Such women had no inheritance in the twelve tribes of Israel. They could still follow the Hebrew culture but they could not be considered Hebrew women or women belonging to a male of any particular tribe. Such women and their children were required to be put away from the Hebrew men -- not even allowed to continue as a family. (Notice today how many people from all over the world deceptively claim to be Jews -- I call them Joos -- but are no more Hebrew than the women and children put away from the Hebrew people during the time of Ezra!)

Today, all a woman has to do to not be a Jew is to marry a modern “Jewish” man. He is considered Jewish because he accepts the ancient Hebrew culture to a degree but not fully. He is even less obedient than the men separated in the time of Nehemiah because he doesn't follow patrilineal law, and due to this centuries-old phenomenon and genetic and genealogical pollution he cannot carry the Hebrew patrilineal genes and be part of the once existent tribes. His genealogy is totally unacceptable. He is under matrilineal law which is contrary to patrilineal law and a form of Hebrew genocide, and he also has no inheritance in any tribe of Israel as such.

Men under matrilineal law inherently defy any inheritance that could be available to a male and after centuries of such defiance to the Scripture, they have no Hebrew racial, genetic and genealogical inheritance whether they are dominantly Semitic, Japthethic or Hamitic. The Jewish religion is a cult. It is not a written Torah religion as it rejects patrilineal law and institutes matrilineal law. Scientifically, there is no way the Jewish could have a patrilineal law and have a community because none of their men are of a consecutive, patrilineal descent from any of the now extinct, Hebrew tribes. It is impossible.

Seemingly, due to this, they have re-made a matrilineal religion that can fit their hybrid and non-Hebrew males and females. However, to their dismay, non-Jacobean biological groups or hybrid generations actually cannot qualify regardless of haplotype, Y-DNA and mtDNA testing--it only took one occurrence of miscegenation and broken chain to disqualify seed (partial descendants) from Ezran Israel. The Jewish women's husbands don't have patrilineal genealogy.

Herzl Matrilinealism is an algorithm for Hebrew genocide. They vainly attempt to evade the issue of patrilineal law. They don't have Hebrew/Jew credentials. Read Numbers 36: 5-13. Verse 6: ze hadavar asher-tivvah Yehova livnot... v. 7: ki ish binahalet matte avotaiv. Contrarily, the Jewish claim Israeli inheritance through their made-up religion and convert mothers. Molestation of the patrilineal law (Numbers 36:5-13) and trying to re-write the Torah will never make anyone genuine or a Hebrew/Jew. So, to sum up, the Jewish, actually Jooish, can't have the genetic and genealogical attributes of the 144,000.