The Lie of Mongrelism and Anti-Shemitism
(Modern-Talmud Integration and
Miscegenation Distortion: Racial Heresy)

Today, it is impossible for a mixed-race person to be a real Jew (Hebrew patrilineal succession and register is required (Ezra 2:61-63), which also makes the term "Judeo-Christianity" disgraceful and incoherent in the sense of pseudo-biological pretense and mongrelism.

This racial heresy is contrary to Ezran Judaism, which required continuous, Hebrew patrilineal bloodline progeny. Even as much as half-breeds were deported from the Ezran congregation. The rule is seed of an Israeli father and mother according to Berith and Torah, no mixing with people of other demographic-genetics (Ne. 10:30). Racial and cultural homogeneity is the standard of old and today.

However, the rule against polluted seed has been molested and covered up to a further extent by modern-Talmud Judaism, which has propagated mongrelism and numbers of adherents rather than integrity to God and commandment.

Let me illustrate this:

Non-Jacobean biological groups or hybrid generations actually can not qualify regardless of haplotype, Y-DNA and mtDNA testing--it only took one occurrence of miscegenation to disqualify seed (mixed or partial descendants) from Ezran Israel.

It doesn't take a geneticist to realize skin color may be used for basic discernment among many racial groups and it sometimes does at least show the effect of recent lineage. For example, look at the dark Negro, and on the other end of the spectrum, the light White: both generally give evidence of recent non-racial-miscegenation. The exception to this would be recombined recessive alleles, which would give evidence of non-purity and mixed blood. To further clarify by a basic example, if you ever saw a mulatto child from a dark Negro and a light White, in many cases you can tell it does not look totally like either of its parents! Therefore, I believe you can consider it almost sure that if you meet two people in a group with mere, blatant skin color differences, and especially with variant bone structures, who claim to be biological Israelites (a true full-blooded descendant from Jacob), you can mark at least one out as a liar. Children of a pure biological background identify their parents through their inherited genetic traits or likenesses, not differences.

However, among such a religiously pompous group, if none honestly claims to be a true, full-blooded, biological Israelite but claims to be a Jew without the required patrilineal pedigree and register, such is a fraudulent, pretentious hypocrite, who insults the racial integrity of patriarchal Israel, makes void the law, disregards the covenant, and defames the name "Jew" and the patriarchs. Let such a one call himself a Joo or something else, noting a different bloodline and religion of that of the holy, written Torah.


Now, suppose, using hypothetical imagination, back in Ezran times, after the strange women and their half-breed children had been deported from the congregation of Israel, that there was a woman by the name of Miss Deportee. Miss Deportee had righteously been divorced from a man of the congregation of Ezra because she was not an Israeli biological descendant, nor could she claim mother-in-law, deceased son kinsman redeemer rights. Therefore she left Israel with a half-breed child.

Now, the child was a female and grew up. She traveled part of the world and met Harry Hongt, whom she married in China. They had a female child. This child grew up and married another (technically speaking) mongrel, named Ariel Deceivi (from an unknown biological lineage), who was taught in a heretical (which also would have been ironic at that time) modern-Talmud school (Alternative Jewism) for partial, Jewish advocates and anti-Shemites (non-full Semitic people). Well, as time passed they had children and Ariel claimed his family was Jewish to people of different lands (although he could not have snowed the Ezran congregation in Israel since it was only a few generations past the established covenant for homogeneity and restoration of the law.)

Now, let's look at the situation from a biblical perspective. In part Ariel would have been correct in saying the family was Jewish because of the partial Israeli genetic factor through the lineage of the mixed-Israeli child of Miss Deportee, his wife's ancestor. However, on the other hand, in terms of integrity of Berith and Torah (covenant—Ezra 10, and law—Nu. 36:5-13), it was mere deception. If the child of Miss Deportee could not have been accepted among the congregation of Israel at the institution of Berith (covenant), then it would be impossible for her descendants to be able to obtain the necessary biological credentials which would have prevented her discrimination and deportation in the first place. Therefore the family of Ariel would have been no more acceptable to the congregation of Israel than the daughter of Miss Deportee, a partially-Israeli ancestor who was considered a non-Hebrew and other-tribe/race mongrel (not capable of inheritance in Israel), deported with her mother.

Thus, similarly, contemporarily we see the results of the lie of promoted mongrelism and erring religion (cult) of modern-Talmud Judaism/Joodaism today, not the Ezran, patrilineal, genetic Judaism of the Bible. False Jewism, in its many various forms, even other than mongrelism, surrounds us everywhere we go. Anti-Christianity among Semitic, Hamitic and Japhethic subraces and mixtures is enveloping our world. To the grief of the righteous, it has had profound and detrimental, intra- and international influence among the naive nations, and even Israel itself.

So, concluding, mongrelism and modern-Talmudicism go hand and hand, but are in rebellion against God contrarily to Berith and Torah.




"A population that cannot be distinguished from other populations by its physical or racial traits should not be classified as a separate race. There are also many hybrid individuals and populations, the result of racial intermixture, that cannot be properly classified as belonging to any one race. But because they cannot be classified as belonging to any one particular race does not mean that races do not exist, only that these individuals or populations should be classified as being a hybrid or mixed blend of two or more races."

Richard McCulloch's reply and commentary
(Taken from webpage
The Reality of Race on 10-14-05)

Institute Of Genetics And Genealogy

Ranks of Homogeneity

Hanukkah: Racial Integrity Of The Maccabees

Purim: Cult Drunkenness Promotion

Futile “Zionism” or “Anti-Zionism” Genealogical Acceptability Concepts

Genealogical Patrilineal Register Of The Lord Jesus Christ

Ending Muslim Temple Authority

No Acceptable Genealogy: No Priest for Red Heifer Sacrifice

Notes: Divine Appearance vs

Maimonides' Denial Of Christ In A Corporeal Presence

Mongrelism and False Jewism: Adverse Influence upon the Nations

Maimonides' 613 Commandment Miscount: Evasion Of Genealogical Inheritance Law

Anti-“Semitism” Farce

The Alternative-Jew

Maternal Talmud-Conversion and Israel's Deceptive LAW OF RETURN

The "Jewish"-Influenced American Desegregation Lie

How about Albert Einstein?

The Blessing and Superiority of Being Yourself

The Harmful Influence of Anti-Christianity, Diversity and the Black Paradox of Parasitism