I was conversing with a proclaimed Jewish woman by the YouTube screen name of Paula Wallace on the Internet video “The battle for Jewish souls: Are missionaries winning? In-Depth Interview with Rabbi Tovia Singer”.

She reviled me: “YOU SPEAK AGAINST THE MOST HIGH, A HALLMARK OF THE LAST BEAST!” She said, “Stay in the dark and in bondage to Idolatry, your sin, your choice.” It seems she is blind and missed the message of the bible (believing in the one whom He sent—Jesus Christ) similarly as Saul when he disobeyed the voice of the Lord concerning his compassion toward the Amalekites.

She blasphemed Christianity: “Rabbi shines the Light of Gd and His Holy Eternal Torah, Saul/Paul the Con Man of Tarsus/all things to all men taught against Gd and His Holy Eternal Torah. Christianity is Pure Pagan Idolatry, it is the LAST BEAST!” Sadly, modern Israel is occupied by those without patrilineal inheritance (Numbers 36:5-13) and with an antiChrist spirit, and seem to be setting up a platform for the AntiChrist.

She spoke evil of the birth of Jesus Christ and many other things: “Remember, it can't be her husband Joseph, for according to the Greek Tall Tales, Joseph wanted to DIVORCE Mary after finding out she was Pregnant. So that means IF Jesus existed, he was born on the wrong side of the blanket, a mamzer which would account for the chip on his shoulder and his rebellious spirit that caused his family to believe he had gone Insane and for Roman Authorities to convict and crucify him for the crime of sedition.” Her blasphemy was so wicked that I retracted a prayer for God to help her. I could not pray for her.


Fake Jews: Molestation Of Numbers 36:5-13

Extinction Of The Hebrew Tribes

Numbers 36:5-13

Hebrew Genetics And Genealogy

Jewish People Can Become Christians, But They Can't Become Hebrew

Consecutive, Patrilineal Descendancy Of The Messiah

Super-Noahide Marriage Error

Who Were The 144,000?