דמוקרטיה ישראלית (Israeli Democracy) (The Lack of Proof of Hebrew Identity: No Current Genetic and Genealogical Ability for a Jurisdiction of Judah and Eleven Other Tribes)
Ancient Israel consisted of twelve tribes. Each tribe was given a designated demographic area to develop, having its own unique purpose to be differentiated among other tribes. However, the modern nation of Israel does not consist of any of the original tribes. Therefore, it cannot really have a democracy because when the Hebrew tribes became extinct, the possibility of having a “people” government or unique tribal government was no longer attainable. The Hebrew tribes are extinct. Regardless, the Jewish corruptly (calling themselves Hebrews without register) established a government foothold. Now, a group of non-Hebrew impostors presents themselves as Jews but genetically and genealogically that is impossible. They have no legitimate Hebrew identity or proof as to being part of the original tribes, who possessed genes and proof of genealogy as to continuous, patriarchal patrilineal law. It should be noted that if those among the Ezran Congregation were later to be designated as “Jews” (members of a Hebrew subrace), then to equally designate the descendants of those that were polluted and separated from the congregation also as “Jews” would be patriarchally defamatory and genetically fraudulent! Therefore, the modern “Jewish”, a people who have no recent, patrilineal genealogy, even less than the rejects of Ezra 10, are not genuine and worse, fraudulent. They should not call or designate themselves as the same people who expelled the hybrid rejects from the congregation. Nevertheless, so many Christians have been so easily deceived by the Jewish land frauds. The fraudulent, Jewish claim that a Jew is a person who fits the heretical, matrilineal law, which was established centuries after Yeshua and the following dispersion. People under matrilineal succession law mock the patrilineal law of Moses and are not Hebrew! Nevertheless, the Palestinians don't qualify as Hebrew heirs either. A look at the ancient demographics of the twelve tribes should make people realize the current Jewish colony and the Arab occupants have no biblical sovereignty.
As Jewish politicians contemplate the idea of democracy, I have not heard any speak of making room for Hebrew sovereignty and jurisdictions for eleven other tribes. Even if the Jewish falsely claim representation for the tribe of Judah, they do not have a continuing right to usurp authority over the eleven other potential demographic jurisdictions. At least room should be considered for the other now non-existent tribes of ancient Israel. Jewish so-called democracy must not consider its post-Yeshuan matrilineal law, which directly opposes Moses and the Lord (Numbers 36:5-13), as authoritative for all the tribes of Israel. That would be a more of a dictatorship based on biological fraud and cultural democracy of mixed-converts, rather than a racial/tribal democracy as prescribed by God and Moses. Thus, the Joos circumvent the Torah and make-up their own rules. Nations, including the USA, must not support this fraud and usurpation. Nevertheless, hypothetically, if the now non-existent, other tribes decided to serve the creator rather than the desires of men, they would have a theodemocracy, not a democracy. Christians and Hebrew sovereignty supporters would not be rejected. There is much more intellectual and theological study needed for modern Israel's current politicians and “democracy”! The ancient tribes of Israel promoted Hebrew sovereignty for all tribes. If modern Israel decided to do this, its people would have to awaken to their biological fraud, repent, condescend and make personal changes and commitments. |
Links: Understanding Biblical Hebrew Demographics and Nationalism: Former Timeline “Democracy” is an idea of men (Facebook post on page of Tzipi Livni: Nov. 16, 2014) Naftali Bennett Facebook post on Nov. 23, 2014 Benjamin Netanyahu Facebook post on Nov. 23, 2014 Invitation for Jewish Conversion to Christianity Lofven: NWO Threat of Racial Nihilism Hebrew Genealogical and Genetic Requirements The Ezran Expulsion of Mixed Peoples Nehemiah: Separating Mixed Peoples Non-Jewish Hebrew Genetics Heretics: David Duke Solving Racial and Cultural Homogeneity in Israel Settle: History and Principles Jewish
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