Naftali Bennett: My Petition for Jurisdictions of Return

Although, the modern occupation is due to a fake-Jew return, not a Hebrew return, I realize there can be no real return. The Zion Revisionists defrauded themselves and the world. Perhaps, God will raise former Hebrew men (among the first fruits--men around the time of Jesus Christ and James) up from the dead after the destruction of the antiChrist. The Hebrews were united in James 1:1. Currently, a fraudulent, anti-Christian, anti-Moses, platform for the anti-Christ is being established.

The AntiChrist

The scene for the antiChrist to sit in the temple may arise from apostate Judaism and Herzl Matrilinealism, which is current in Israel today and no Hebrews can be found. If the world were destroyed through war (see Isaiah 24), Israel will remain and someone will have to rule the remainder of the people left. Then later, when the antiChrist is destroyed by Jesus Christ at his coming, Jesus will set up his kingdom.

November 23, 2014 Facebook post:

Ancient Israel consisted of twelve tribes, not just the tribe of Judah. To Judaize all of Israel without jurisdictional clauses for the eleven other tribes is totalitarian Herzl Zionism of Israel, not the establishment of Hebrew sovereignty for all tribes of Israel. Where does that leave room for the return and autonomy of non-Jewish tribes? Shouldn't Israeli law provide for all Israel in respect of Jacob and the patriarchs? It would not harm current Israel's law to make jurisdictional provision (Numbers 36:5-13) according to ancient borders in respect of future development.

Although the modern occupation of the land of Israel has no biblical justification, since the immigration establishment has been internationally recognized, it is time for Christians to discern the fraudulent non-Hebrew authorization of a land that belongs to God. I have tried to at least suggest to Israeli politicians the idea of patrilineal law and autonomous jurisdictions for at least eleven other tribes. Perhaps the awareness may awaken the unlearned and the fraud's conscience as to the demographic and racially homogeneous design of God and Moses. If they wanted to repent and leave for a land in Africa for their cult, it would be much more appropriate than defrauding the patriarchs of God's real estate.

Deception of Matrilineal Succession And Talmud
-- Dt. 7 Circumvention -- Jewish Torah, Not Moses' Torah

Israel Domb, author of the book, "The Transformation".

As Jewish politicians contemplate the idea of democracy, I have not heard any speak of making room for Hebrew sovereignty and jurisdictions for eleven other tribes. Even if the Jewish falsely claim representation for the tribe of Judah, they do not have a continuing right to usurp authority over the eleven other potential demographic jurisdictions. At least room should be considered for the other now non-existent tribes of ancient Israel. Jewish so-called democracy must not consider its post-Yeshuan matrilineal law, which directly opposes Moses and the Lord (Numbers 36:5-13), as authoritative for all the tribes of Israel. That would be a more of a dictatorship based on biological fraud and cultural democracy of mixed-converts, rather than a racial/tribal democracy as prescribed by God and Moses. Thus, the Joos circumvent the Torah and make-up their own rules. Nations, including the USA, must not support this fraud and usurpation.

Nevertheless, hypothetically, if the now non-existent, other tribes decided to serve the creator rather than the desires of men, they would have a theodemocracy, not a democracy. Christians and Hebrew sovereignty supporters would not be rejected. There is much more intellectual and theological study needed for modern Israel's current politicians and “democracy”! The ancient tribes of Israel promoted Hebrew sovereignty for all tribes. If modern Israel decided to do this, its people would have to awaken to their biological fraud, repent, condescend and make personal changes and commitments.


Understanding Biblical Hebrew Demographics and Nationalism: Former Timeline

Democracy” is an idea of men (Post to Tzipi Livni's Facebook page)

Tzipi Livni: Two-state Sin

Invitation for Jewish Conversion to Christianity

Lofven: NWO Threat of Racial Nihilism

Shem, Japheth and Ham

Hebrew Genealogical and Genetic Requirements

The Ezran Expulsion of Mixed Peoples

Nehemiah: Separating Mixed Peoples

Hebrew Demographics: Moses


Non-Jewish Hebrew Genetics Heretics: David Duke

Solving Racial and Cultural Homogeneity in Israel

Settle: History and Principles

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