Systematic State Need-Gift Replacement for Affirmative Action:
Abolish Federal Law That Unduly Hinders The Innocent White Male

During Rebecca Felton's time, the federal/state government controlled school demographics and tax-payers's money. She realized if the state could authorize and direct multicultural education (schooling had previously been homogeneous and self-determinate), then at least they could hamper reproduction through lewd families and reduce crime promoting environments. Fornication and bastardization were factors to be considered for penalization and rehabilitation during that time: “An illegitimate child should send both parents to the rock-pile... ", “... and apply some of this school money to reformatories where they do not marry and are not given in marriage until they can present a clean bill of moral health, at least...” (Country Life in Georgia in the Days of My Youth, page 284).

Today, the USA gives Affirmative Action and welfare to women who have children out of wedlock. Housing is also provided, some of it consists of expensive or even relatively luxurious facilities. Some have assisted schooling (but not for sexual abstinence). Many women have children and are without illegitimate husbands (one parent, less-afflicted through direct parental fornication), let alone biblically legitimate ones (two parents). However, they are rewarded through their fornication by payments from the government in some form of payment instead of rehabilitated as to not have illegitimate sex. To the contrary, the state promotes fornication through condoms and other types of various cell-phase prevention (before and after pregnancy) including chemical forms, and even physical fetus removal (direct child assassination).

The morals of Felton's day were on a much higher level than twenty-first century Am3rica. However, it was in a time when anti-Christians were tearing down biblical institutions in the East and the West. Nevertheless, women were not as obnoxiously feminist and did look unto men for answers, “... in every true man's and woman's heart...” (p. 284). Although, remarriage sin was not fully understood by all even in the theological field. And today we see for sure it isn't understood in the political field.

Death morality and career politicians and have prospered well, making more money than ever; however, that has not been the case with the people. Washington D.C.'s congressmen have been able to live in large air conditioned homes, eat fine foods and send their children to private schools. However, that hasn't helped the suffering white male victim of Affirmative Action to get a job to pay his rent. It hasn't helped the homeless. A well-dressed legislator doesn't keep the freezing winds and sleet off the jobless who can't afford good clothing or shelter. It hasn't done anything for preserving or restoring the Constitution, or the posterity rights of our future white male youth.

Politicians have a need to look for moral in legislation and execution, not the global elite, CNN advice or fake news pressure. The Affirmative Action laws need to be abolished. The morals of recipients of benefits need to be examined. The unfair suffering and undue victimization toward white males must be reviewed, analyzed and ameliorated.

Under these horrible and lewd conditions, seeing that it is the immorality, not the racial advantage of the white man, that has hindered the black phenotype, we ask the people (men, women and the young that can understand) and our government to abolish Affirmative Action and “premier rights” to employment and other opportunities, and replace it, by enacting laws with a systematic form of gifts to the needy. By a systematic state gift system, the government will not have to unwarrantedly intrude into the freedom and pursuit of happiness of the victimized white male (especially those who are not suffering sexual moral turpitude), continually making him as a third-class citizen, deprived of the rights of the founding Constitution.


Judge Rehnquist Judicial Treachery

American-Made Babylon

Military Draft for Women

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