Extracts from Martin Luther's booklet:


Volume 47: "The Christian in Society" IV, (Philadelphia: Fortress Press, 1971). pp 268-293


"Fifth, I advise that safe-conduct on the highways be abolished completely for the Jews. For they have no business in the countryside, since they are not lords, officials, tradesmen, or the like. Let they stay at home. . . If you princes and nobles do not close the road legally to such exploiters, then some troop ought to ride against them, for they will learn from this pamphlet what the Jews are and how to handle them and that they ought not to be protected. You ought not, you cannot protect them, unless in the eyes of God you want to share all their abomination."


Americans are living under a bought congress--bought or duped, half-mature, not taught-in-the-law-of-God, sick-pup and now sick-old-dog-like, politicians that would even allow the anti-Christian, fake-Jews (Jewish Gentiles) rule over the non-Jewish Gentiles as if they were like Persian heathen. These corrupted politicians are void of providing Gentile, and especially due, American Northern European hope and promise.

When a pup doesn't get the nutrition it needs or has been poisoned, its body and manifestation reveals it with a sickly appearance. Similarly, people who have swallowed (as the late Derek Prince) and have been intoxicated with Talmudicist propaganda also manifest their psychological inferiority. They may even be grouchy or intolerant to those who try to help them. America's needs are great: they need a regime change. They need a replacement of Jewish controlled politicians with healthy, servant-like men with a desire to help America first!

Understanding the Mideast

Martin Luther's Essay: Gn. 49:10

The Jewish Invention



American Prestigious Education Facility Professors
Recognize World-Subversive, Israeli Hegemony through Controlling USA

An important moral: Israel has a divine right to patriarchal inheritance, but not to goy quasi-Jew inheritance. If the world of various peoples misunderstand this theological concept of Berith and Torah (Covenant and Law) concerning racial homogeneity and demographics of Israel, it is very likely they will permeate and pollute all political environment with protruded similar, misunderstanding and therefore not be able to justly architect and appropriate demographic needs.

As one could expect today, this report seems to be favorable toward "Jewish" people regardless of subverting dealings (although not mentioned as such) with their former host country Germany ... what double standards!

On the one hand, the writer seems to expect kind and equal-rights ethics among nations settling land or demographic disputes. However, the professors on the other hand, seem to be passively ignorant of Biblical principles, lacking the Torah-legal or righteous, Christian-legal insight of amicable expulsion of an unwanted people, such as Hitler's first attempt of separation with his undermining, antagonistic and despised adversaries.

Amicable ethnic-cleansing or segregation morality (as amicably instituted in Ezra) should actually be globally enforced today to ensure appropriation of paternal real estate. This would require anthropology and genetic testing.

Otherwise, to the contrary, for instance, allowing pariah-mongrels or non-Semitic peoples to diversify Israel under international promotion, protection or law would constitute and be an act of colossal fraud, which unfortunately, many misdirected nations through corroborating with the Balfour Declaration, its deviations and following atrocities have been stained with guilt, whether passively or actively. (This declaration directly violated Luther's warning of sharing abomination, and opened the door for the pariah-mongrel, the European-mixed Jewish people, or the non-Semite in Palestine.) The war with Iraq is a subsequent catastrophe in line with this abominable misdirection.

Probably one of the greatest misunderstandings concerning the effectiveness of the pro-Israel lobby is that the American people and Christians don't realize the difference between Ashkenazi sham and true, Semitic-Israeli inheritance. If people had known of the Torah-illegal diversity that Zionism propagates, perhaps international or national political agreements could have encouraged a pronounced, Semitic-demographic settlement of Israel, rather than upholding greedy and intolerable Ashkenazi ideals, and harassing or fighting their enemies for them.

The settlement of Israel and its inheritance laws actually should obviate unfit, pariah-mongrel or non-Semitic heirs. Today, however, beneficiaries of the "Jewish" ID card myth, not only Gentiles, but also pariah-mongrels, who actually defy Berith and Torah, the instituted and founding principle of divorce, segregation and deportation due to racial anti-homogeneity, are protected while perhaps Israeli-Semitic settlers may not be. It would be a much less harmless and confused prospect, at least on the part of the USA, to not get involved in other nations' policy-making and wars, especially without looking into the pertinent criteria for the land and demographic settlement.

Whatever the situation, the USA has no business upholding and providing for Israel or to allow itself to be stained with guilt and blood for a cause that has no moral basis; it should uphold and provide for America through unblameable works of clean hands that bring honor, not shame to its people.

Thanks for the positive and brave effort of the diligent professors who wrote the paper. The end notes are very helpful and every American should at least read some of them. This paper could awaken this country to a turning point in misdirected world and domestic affairs.

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