
Nationalism: Senator McConnell Abandons Founding-Heir Loyalty

The USA suffered severe repercussions after treacherous politicians and the Federal Reserve Bank institution. We can see that we have to live with men like Senator McConnell as a “leader” and that he has no respect for the founding heirs of the great nation of the United States.

Unlike Babelist McConnell and perhaps his non-white wife, Ruth of the Bible respected the people and designated nation of her emigration and their posterity. She assimilated to the Hebrews; she did not attempt to destroy their racial and cultural privileges. She lifted up the Hebrew people as Rachel and Leah (Ruth 4:11) and their racial law very well, which the modern “Jewish” have molested, and worse, invented a cult religion that mocks the very racial law that Ruth upheld and was blessed by. Leaders such asPocahontas” Warren and Senator McConnell betray our nation and assimilate to the attitude of the son of Joiada, who was in opposition to Hebrew founding-heir policy and racial preferences of Israeli nationalism.

God help us, Amen.



Ruth And Christian Redemption

Fallen Leaders of Nations

Respect Of The Founding-heir Of A Nation

Don't Make America New Babel

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