Singer Isaiah 9 Misinterpretation
9:6 - Rabbi Tovia Singer: How the Church Twisted the Verse, Aug
At the time of Matthew there were Hebrew people, people who had patrilineal inheritance in Israel (Numbers 36:5-13), in Zabulon, and the land of Nephthalim. James 1:1 proves that there were twelve Hebrew tribes united after the time of Jesus Christ also. Even though there had been a former carrying-away by Assyria, all the faithful of the Hebrew tribes in Jesus the Christ were brought together through the light of Jesus Christ. Today, it seems you can't find any Hebrews anywhere. It is because they most likely became totally extinct. Science and theology work together. You must understand genetics in order to understand the bible. If you were to walk down a street in Jerusalem and ask 100 people if their father has patrilineal inheritance I don't think you could find one that would tell you yes. You could ask a thousand and not find one. There are no known Hebrews, especially with required genealogy of the Torah. Maimonides evaded or omitted the patrilineal law in his erroneous count of six hundred thirteen commandments. Herzl matrilinealism, a circumvention, is not justified by Ezra or Moses. Nehemiah separated Hebrews from non-Hebrews (people who did not have patrilineal inheritance). Such deviate, matrilinealism of modern Israel is an algorithm for Hebrew genocide. So, what happened to the people (anti-Hebrews) living in Israel today is not the fault of the writers Matthew and James. Ezra 2.62 requires a priest to have patrilineal genealogical records, which of course no modern Jewish person has. 61 And of the children of the priests: the children of Habaiah, the children of Koz, the children of Barzillai; which took a wife of the daughters of Barzillai the Gileadite, and was called after their name: 62 These sought their register among those that were reckoned by genealogy, but they were not found: therefore were they, as polluted, put from the priesthood. (KJV) Mr. Singer, who genetically and patrilineally cannot even compare well against a Samaritan, among many other insults also made a video on Isaiah 7 and discredited the book According to Matthew and contested the use of the word “virgin”. I posted to him: Mr. Singer, please read a little Greek with your Hebrew! The Septuagint was written in the times of BC. It often supplements Hebrew texts. In verse Isaiah 7:14, the translators from ancient Hebrew (much older texts than the Masoretic) to the Greek text that I have say specifically a "parthenos"--virgin. So, the new testament and Matthew does not err in calling an "alma" (Hebrew) a virgin. The word could mean a woman ready for marriage or newly married. It definitely is not always negative as a prostitute. There is no one-correct-text. Notice concerning Ezra 2:63, Rashi implicitly does not accept the Masoretic reading of the Urim and Tumim due to his interpretation and reference to the oral torah. Also, the early, Hebrew translators to the Greek text even give etymological hint to the definition of leUrim as well as the Hebrew: with those illuminating (photizousin). Disappointingly to those looking for a non-Hebrew messiah, if Rashi was looking for one with light and maturity to offer the people, having patrilineal succession and bringing a new covenant, only Jesus Christ could scripturally have the genetic, genealogical and spiritual (Dt. 18: 15-19) qualifications. Singer seems to have at least a partially Japhethic phenotype and fits what I would categorize as a super-Noahide, but he claims himself as a Jew, implying himself to a chosen race that no longer exists. Jews were a Hebrew Semitic people with patrilineal lineage. By the way, Jesus Christ also had patrilineal inheritance and recorded genealogy. (Matthew, chapter 1) Patrilineal inheritance was expected by God from his faithful, Hebrew people. Christians are obligated and must defend the patriarchs and their proof of legitimacy to the land of Israel from non-Hebrew fraud and impostors. If Singer or anyone else who claims to be a legitimate descendant of a Hebrew tribe cannot prove himself genealogically with register according to the requirement of the Levites, the govenor -- Tirshatha (Ezra 2:61-63), the covenant of Ezra (Ezra 10.3) and the law of Moses (Numbers 36:5-13), that he has an acceptable inheritance in Israel, how can he attempt to discredit Christians who believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and are the Israel of God. “15 For in Christ Jesus neither circumcision availeth any thing, nor uncircumcision, but a new creature.16 And as many as walk according to this rule, peace be on them, and mercy, and upon the Israel of God.” (Galatians 6, KJV) Although Singer elaborated several good grammatical points but misses the greater picture, if a man can accept and fraudulently promote a distorted view of non-Hebrew, genetic and genealogical inheritance in Israel, it doesn't surprise me if he speaks against the Scriptures and spiritual inheritance through faith of others. “6 For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace. 7 Of the increase of his government and peace there shall be no end, upon the throne of David, and upon his kingdom, to order it, and to establish it with judgment and with justice from henceforth even for ever.” (Isaiah 9, KJV) I don't believe the KJV translates the verse above very well from the Hebrew. I did several Hebrew translation exercises using Psalm 119 but I do not have time right now to do one on Isaiah. Learn to translate at my site. Also, the numbers of the verses are different but compare your KJV with the Greek Brenton Septuagint Translation: “5 For a child is born to us, and a son is given to us, whose government is upon his shoulder: and his name is called the Messenger of great counsel: ‡for I will bring peace upon the princes, and health to him. 6 His government shall be great, and of his peace there is no end: it shall be upon the throne of David, and upon his kingdom, to establish it, and to support it with judgment and with righteousness, from henceforth and for ever. The zeal of the Lord of hosts shall perform this.” ( Heretic Singer caught this KJV deficiency and exposed it in his infidelic way. Nevertheless, being raised “Jewish” and learning to speak Hebrew does not make a person a Jew nor does the Masoretic text necessarily hold authority on all occasions. We Christians must learn the original languages and make better translations and add notes to controversial issues so as to not give the errant and unbelieving opportunity to reprove us. Seemingly, the Scriptures were intact at the time of Jesus Christ: they were unerring at least as to their understanding even unto the smallest stroke of a letter (Mt. 5:18) but saying this also requires that we search the manuscripts in order to approach an equivalent accuracy of a prototype. This is a learned endeavor. Diocletian, seemingly from the teaching of history, caused quite a bit of trouble to those today looking for the best copies of the Old and New Testament Scriptures. Reportedly, he forced infidels who were weak to renounce their faith by penalty of death but Mr. Singer merely deceives his infidels without threat of life. However, he and his followers should take note of Irenaeus' thought toward the Hebrew race of disobedient Jews since the Jewish somewhat simulate their ways and also have “... the words of God in their mouth, but who do not fix their rooted stedfastness in the Father and in the Son; wherefore they are an unstable generation.” (, Book V, Chapter VIII, 4) Lovely Jewish Convert To Christianity Reproves Unbelief | |||
Jewish Girl read Isaiah 53 & follow Yeshua : Lovely Testimony, Dec 26, 2020, strongtower27Judaism: Negligence Of Fulfillment Of The Torah Rabbi's Daughter interview-Chasya, May 21, 2022, Soft White UnderbellyJudaism defies patrilineal law, the messiah and fulfillment of the law. Some of its followers describe the cult as brutal and cruel. Lovely and eloquent, victimized Chasya mentioned the Niddah: Ezekiel 18 and Protection Against Menstruation Defilement
In verse 6 we see at least a warning that some men would come near to a mentruous woman. Touching was forbidden and bad enough, let alone having sex. A man was strictly forbidden to have sex with a woman during her period (Lev 18:19). Without faith it is impossible to please God. The Jewish, although their disbelief in the the Lord Jesus Christ prevents them from being spiritually clean, scrutinize the menstruation process (and cycles); see The Niddah Status. Beware, some Jewish (as the hyperlinked site as of May 2013) promote contraceptives, something that Christians should consider as an abortion tool and condemned. Christians, although blessed through faith and saved, nevertheless, must maturely discern between clean and unclean in all things. I see nothing wrong with cycle calculation and counting days to avoid contamination; but on the other hand, there is certainly possible defilement if no observation is taken at all. Saying this, I by no means want anyone to be misled into the Jewish/Talmudicist religion and its unwarranted legalisms. Some Jewish have an intake non-prohibition misconception such as “oral contraceptive pills,” (Christians should never take any kind of contraceptives) mentioned in the hyperlinked site above. Another is wine in excess. They actually even promote drunkenness in their non-biblical rituals. God forbid. It seems with all their diligent study upon certain issues, they miss very simple truths! Links: God Coming As Man To Sodom And Gomorrah Anti-Christianity: Modern Judaism And Islam 144,000, Firstfruits And James 1:1 |