Global Ethnic Nationalism VS Internationalism (Talmudicist Zionism)


Global ethnic nationalism is a resolve for resisting the tyranny of internationalism (Talmudicist Zionism). However, every ethnic group can not make the deteriorating USA its mining resource of wealth while they establish their nationalistic enterprise unless the country itself is divided into ethnic national states or districts.

The USA is currently a leech conglomerate among non-whites, and the Northern European descendants (the founders’ heirs) are declining spiritually, socially, morally and economically due to diverse demographic affliction: they do not even have the right for autonomy or ethnic nationalism in their own country. Thus, for the many ethnic groups to continue to prosper from the USA, they must make or allow a way for the whites to obtain autonomy and an equal right of interglobal nationalism also in their fight against current enslavement to the internationalists (the Talmudicist Zionist), or else all races will go down as crabs pulling one another down in a barrel, a description of constant racial affliction or genocide mentioned of Booker Washington, exemplified by Marcus Garvey concerning the status quo of the negroe in the 20’s.

More on racial separation and ethnic government

Geographic and demographic divisions for USA

Whites need a land of our own: The USA has become a leech conglomerate for blood sucking anti-whites (Mein Kampf, Volume 1, Chapter 11, #stock).

Black Imperial Nationalism

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Economics that work


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