Genocide of Political Diversity: A Need for Demographic Sectorization
"Looking forward a century or two, we can see an economic and political death struggle for the survival of the different race groups. Many of our present-day national centres will have become overcrowded with vast surplus populations. The fight for bread and position will be keen and severe. The weaker and unprepared group is bound to go under. That is why, visionaries as we are in the Universal Negro Improvement Association, we are fighting for the founding of a negro nation in Africa, so that there will be no clash between black and white and that each race will have a separate existence and civilization all its own without courting suspicion and hatred or eyeing each other with jealousy and rivalry within the borders of the same country." Marcus Garvey
"The Negro's Greatest Enemy," published in Current History (18:6, September 1923)
White people naturally wanted a nation for themselves. When Jefferson penned, “... all men are created equal...”, he demonstrated through a written statement of declaration of independence from other white men of England, who formerly taxed them, that their break away was justified. Slavery and release, an institution of God, was in effect when he made the declaration. He was thinking in terms of groups, ultimately a nation--a free nation of the USA from the nation of England. However, antagonists to our country's white homogeneity and sovereignty perverted the real emphasis of the famous clause. They misused it for their greed and advantage so as to attempt to politically individualize and equalize all peoples in the USA, not in their distant countries of origin. What a falsehood! People are not individually equal. Esau was not the equal of Jacob, Cain was not the equal of Abel.
Africans Have Never Built A Major Enduring City In 3,000 Years
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Far worse has occurred since.
Can you notice the similarity of problems in South Africa and the USA? Without apartheid and separation, groups have conflict through inter-ethnic and inter-cultural problems. Israel and Palestine are not compatible together. Can a Gentile cult (a people that cannot have a Hebrew priest) claim the land of Israel? So, it seems the fake return of the fake-Jews, who are not Hebrew and thus Gentile, is merely as mentioned in Luke 21, verse 24 a prelude of the “... times of the Gentiles be fulfilled.”
As to a brief history of the rise of non-Hebrew Jewish Israel, Herzl, a political propagandist whom some say was an atheist and some describe as secular, promoted the erroneous concept of matrilineal law and such religious followers to live in the land of Israel back in the late 1800's. The British Empire, influenced by anti-Christian deviates, progressed the farce with the Balfour Declaration and allowing Israel to dominate the Palestinians, who follow Islam and have no right at all in the land. Not long after the Herzl movement, Russia was taken over with a Communist government and the United States had lost its country to a foreign enterprise through the Federal Reserve Bank. All things were working together for the anti-Christians, and the Japhethic peoples lost their centuries-long, world-wide hegemony. Previous to the disasters, Karl Marx had promoted his faction. Through a bought dinosaur, media, the global political emphasis sway waned from White racial genetics to anti-Christian religion (Herzl Matrilinealism) over the last couple of centuries. More details...
Geographic and demographic divisions for USA:
More on racial homogeneity and separation
Abuse Of Nationalism -- American Promoted ANC Murder
The Black Paradox of Parasitism
Whites need a land of our own: The USA has become a leech conglomerate for blood sucking anti-whites (Mein Kampf, Vol. 1, Ch. 11, #stock").
Whites need a land of our own: Global Ethnic Nationalism
Reflections from the book of Obadiah