If you don't know as much as the Alternative-Jew (Jewish) Supremacist does, don't expect to beat him! Learn Ezra 10.3.


EZRA 10)

(Understanding Ezra 10: Every nation or district should practice advantageous, racial and cultural homogeneity in the same way. Babelocracy and unwarranted diversity must be prevented. The implementation of this biblical concept was beyond the scope of wasters like President Truman. Worlds or geographical areas don't have to be melted or miscegenated for people to get along; they need mutual understanding.)

The design and implementation of political justice should exclude personal hatred toward the Jew or any other race. Israel's progress has been made through goyimgoguery (demagoguery) of the late, passive Americans; it should rather have been demanded aggressively according to the direction of our founders. One of our greatest theological leaders said, " ... let us apply the ordinary wisdom of other nations like France, Spain, Bohemia, et al., who made them give an account of what they had taken from them by usury and divided it evenly; but expelled them from their country."
Luther, Dr. Martin.
THE JEWS AND THEIR LIES [Page 43]. York, SC: Liberty Bell Publications, Reprinted 2004


1. Providing for a nation's original constituents (the homogeneous descendants of the founders of the civilization) is a moral duty of politicians. Expelling others or providing segregation among different races and cultures is duly expected. It must be realized that insider, anti-founding-father, Jewish or pro-Jewish politicians must be disqualified for any service in all countries and expelled. Their bigotry must not be tolerated among any self-governing entity. Should they want to flee to Israel and be refused for reason of hoax (hopefully Israel will develop a theoretical Hebrew sovereignty rule), such should serve hard labor for treason upon attempt of return.

Even at the worst hypothetical outcome at the sin, envy and rebellion against racial dignity among the nations, if the Nordish race were to become miscegenated and extinct, if this expulsion is not made, the non-Nordish races and mixtures will still be at a disadvantage with Israel and the impostor Jewish, and likely to be enslaved at their repulsive command eventually if they are permitted to pursue their concept of Jewish rule over non-Jewish Gentiles and Jews.

Therefore, it must be a priority for state conventions to establish freedom acts, even as founders and early Americans suggested, ousting and restricting the antiChristian Zionists' authority over other Gentiles (and even non-Hebrew but partial Semitic descendants) as such (even though there are numerous states or population blocks in the USA that may not concede, especially in the Northeast, such as New York City, an almost-purchase of the Jewish (note: an antiChristian contra-culture, not a Hebrew race) used as a political central control influence center for the USA, leaving secession from it and its other anti-American-Northern-European city, district or state strongholds as a feasible alternative).

2. A nation or district can never achieve equal opportunity unless it uses the same advantage laws its competing district or nation uses (for example, see EZRA 10).

3. Let each nation, state, province, homogenous population/legal jurisdiction or district expel non-constituents or establish segregation districts for all non-nationals or non-districtarians according to the protective isolation and homogeneous, racial and cultural sectoring law illustrated in Ezra 10.

4. Establish international, national, state, and district laws promoting district racial advantage for its constituents according to the Torah (law): and as mentioned, Ezra:10. Let each district or nationality sector use racial homogeneity advantage for its own constituents as Nehemiah demonstrated: for a Chinese sector, for instance, the Chinese constituent must be protected with advantageous, racial economic and social law to establish its inhabitants. For a Mexican sector, let the district establish laws also in accordance with racial advantage to benefit its own inhabitants. The same laws for advantage of constituents can be implemented for every nationality and district throughout the world to bring about equality and self-dependence for the races and cultures.

5. All international unions such as the United Nations, NATO, the European Union, and others must use this precept as a basis to establish fairness for the nations or districts. No exclusions. Political fraud and favoritism must not be tolerated.

6. The Jewish leech attribute must be accounted for recompensation in every district (whether that district wants to forgive the debt or not must be decided among the particular district). Such undeserved financial increase may have come through gain of destructive influence and immorality promotion such as sales of Hollywood motion pictures or other anti-national news media. Also, treachery or exploitation of national citizenry by acquiring gain and control through devastation and bankruptcy sales such as taking economic advantage of war torn countries while having enjoyed living or communicating with another Jew or Jewish person within one of such countries must be put to account. Many other things may be considered due the particular district involved for the harm they (the Jewish) have caused on the nations of the world: especially for usury; press bribery and perversion of politicians; Talmudicist cruelty promotion, such as abortion among the Gentile nations; subversive acts of overturning morality laws within the nations; anti-Gentile and anti-unity propaganda among Gentile habitations, undue war agitations and promotions, and many other Jewish hegemonious, tyranny promotions.

7. The expulsion of the Jewish would help him, not hurt him. We do not wish to see harm to any nation or district. The Jewish person's first obligation should be to repent from his disobedience to the One he and his criminal associates have rebelled against for centuries, and to recognize the righteousness of amicable expulsion as in Ezra, not to desire unjust gain from the non-Jewish or non-Edomite Gentiles, especially the Christians throughout the world, who are adopted by Him.

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Settle with Equality

Secession and the Modern State

Help establish a fair government and accurate census analysis

How to continue to establish a superior race (faithful race)

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God gave man eyes to see. I believe this ability should not be retarded! Actually, "superior position," as Lincoln put it, should be permanently assigned to whites--that takes previous, constitutional, white justice, not blind justice. Affirmative Action is anti-white injustice ... even though it does require race, color and gender sight._______ Protect intimate family relationship-->God-->Man-->Family-->Race

Even though the Talmud is a blasphemous book against our Lord Jesus Christ, some of the racial bias against non-Jewish Gentiles can be used reversibly and politically against the Jewish and the non-autonomous races for establishing advantageous rule for democratic prosperity.


Learn more about the Jewish