White Nationalism And Sovereignty

Nationalism is a product of God's promise and blessing to make Abraham "a father of many nations". White Nationalism is a result of the blessing of Noah (Genesis 9:27, KJV “God shall enlarge Japheth, and he shall dwell in the tents of Shem; and Canaan shall be his servant.”), and God's scattering of the people at the Tower of Babel. The Japhethic people inhabited the Northern lands, and spoke their own language. Their minds were opened; they had a high mean IQ. They became great philosophers and scientists.

Sovereignty was established through military power and law. The Nordish tribes became universal powers after defeating the Romans, but much of the culture remained. Some of the more modern religion was excellent such as the teaching of Luther and the protestant reformation. Eventually, The USA was discovered and warred against Great Britain for its autonomy. The new nation was a white nation basing its sovereignty upon its written laws, which many of them reflected the Holy Bible, not the Quran or Talmud.

Desovereignization came about. The Civil War was a great era of national apostasy as it denied and destroyed the institution of slavery. It also destroyed the nation's ability to give its founding people superior position and racial homogeneity as the author of the national divide formerly proclaimed.

I will say then that I am not, nor ever have been, in favor of bringing about in any way the social and political equality of the white and black races—that I am not nor ever have been in favor of making voters or jurors of negroes, nor of qualifying them to hold office, nor to intermarry with white people; and I will say in addition to this that there is a physical difference between the white and black races which I believe will forever forbid the two races living together on terms of social and political equality. And inasmuch as they cannot so live, while they do remain together there must be the position of superior and inferior, and I as much as any other man am in favor of having the superior position assigned to the white race.

The above excerpt was found at the following link at founding.com: Founders' Library: Fourth Joint Debate: Speeches at Charleston, September 18, 1858

" ... no room for two distinct races of white men in America, much less for two distinct races of whites and blacks."

The above excerpt was found at: (Vol. V, pp. 371-5)
Lincoln, A. (1953-55).
Collected Works

Eventually, the nation was polluted and accursed with non-Northern European immigration and the Federal Reserve Bank was instituted to defraud our nation of a Jeffersonian economic mechanism. Our people blessed of God and Noah became mocked by the NWO and demise. National corruption continued and eventually “civil rights” laws attempted to give non-whites superior position and real estate privileges that denied the Japhethite the right to live homogeneously among his own race, reversing the will of Abraham Lincoln and the founders of the nation. White Nationalism was overthrown and multiracialism and multiculturalism replaced it. Other white nations became flooded with anti-Japhethic, white-fortune seeking peoples who could never build their own nation like a white people.

Boatloads Of Unwanted, White-Fortune Seekers

Inability Of Non-white Peoples

White Supremacy Hoax

The Intermet site www.dicitonary.com gives the definition of supremacist as:


a person who believes in or advocates the supremacy of a particular group, especially a racial group: a white supremacist.

It didn't mention a Jewish supremacist or black supremacist, but a “white” supremacist. Even the modern dictionaries have a negative bias toward the Japhethite. However, white supremacy in the USA doesn't have a significant place any longer, neither does white sovereignty. Fox News' Tucker Carlson calls it a hoax.

Tucker Carlson Reveals The White Supremacy Hoax

White supremacy can't exist in a nation that doesn't honor white nationalism. White nationalism is a virtue of the moral, but it doesn't exist as a pillar of political structure in the USA anymore. If anything, the USA has a non-white supremacy because it discriminates (even though it says it does not) against the white to a point the non-white has the employment superior position and the mulitracial housing favor of the government. Consequently, many non-white nations have become conglomerations of non-white supremacists.

Jewish Supremacy And Its Opposition

Jewish people are generally a group of racially-blended ethnicities (actually goyim), not the famous Hebrew, Torah-defined, genetic race of Judah. Their post-Titus expulsion, contra-Torah, matrilineal cultural succession laws have promoted Hebrew genocide and it is very hard now to determine and prove Hebrew progeny. Hence, they also lack the genetic qualities of a Hebrew and heir of Israel. Currently, a fascist type of matrilineal succession culture supremacy is promoted in Israel and reaching unto governments throughout the world.


Today, the upright who cherish white nationalism as sacred are under the rule of a NWO/Deep State tyranny, not a white supremacy. Our wonderful sovereignty has been diluted and almost taken away with the help of the government-connected anti-Japhethic media. Now, politicians and candidates speak evil of God's blessed, Japhethic people who founded and built such a great nation.

Fornication And NWO Promoted Sedition: The Cause Of America's Social Downfall

The biblical institutions of the USA were destroyed and the morals of the people deteriorated. Since the time of Rebecca Latimer Felton, the fatherless children problem has become much worse. Even President Trump with all his money can't give his children a good example of pure marriage and fathership. Fornication is not penalized today as it used to be. Murder and fornication both are on the same condemnation level, but both are excused in certain instances in our time, especially abortion and prostitution. Over a reported 50,000,000 pre-borns have “legally” lost their life due to the selfishness of those who have overturned the laws of race and life advancement. White supremacy has not been a major factor of undue loss of life and morality, the cause of its adversaries has!


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Negative Allophylophobia And Anti-Japhethism Is A Sin!