Big Government Diversity: A Crucible for Chaos

Biblical ministers must remember and promote the value of homogeneity among all peoples. It is sacred. Modern Israel doesn't possess racial homogeneity because it jumped the boat from following the proper course. A large part of Hebrew homogeneity was destroyed by the Assyrian captivity of the ten tribes. After the dispersion of Titus of the remaining Hebrew peoples, and later matrilineal heresy, the modern Jewish forsook patrilineal, Hebrew racial identity and took on what we know today as Herzl Matrilinealism. A great racial and DNA tragedy took place but it was forewarned by Joshua in early times. The modern Jewish are by no means a Hebrew people.

As history has taught us, Athens and Sparta were rivals and had different types of rule but they both fought victoriously against Persia to prevent loss of their goals of self-government. However, in-fighting between the Greek city-states and later territorial aggression eventually made the empire vulnerable to the point it was defeated by a challenged and retaliating, invading aggressor. This type of racial disagreement and national deterioration leads to genocide. Furthermore, disrespect of the right of others to their own homogeneous self-rule after military conquest has negative effects, and invaders cause mixing and dilution of homogeneity.

The Roman Empire developed its own government and expanded through territorial aggression but dissolved through racial and cultural mixture. In-fighting was the result. Contrarily, homogeneity is the glue that develops a people: it develops race and culture; diversity destroys both. The USA must avoid this mixing catastrophe through immigration lawlessness and cultural invasion.

Israel became a nation of patrilineal, homogeneous tribes. However, its people miscegenated and were eventually scattered. Even though the people lost their self-rule, and the ability to survive as a genetic people became much more difficult, their written laws of homogeneity have never been destroyed. Even though modern Israel has lost its racial homogeneity, the Hebrew law is still the standard for all nations. The USA must strive for racial homogeneity before it is too late. Deportation of illegal immigrants is of most importance! Honor of God and his homogeneity commandments must be given first place.

Multilateral segregation (racial and cultural homogeneity) is the vision peoples need to stand against the enveloping NWO. If each subrace and culture worked together and developed its own industries and way of living, the chance of racial strife, which has customarily been resolved through big-government policy favoring big-government, would be terminated.

America used to be a state rights government; then it turned into big government tyranny after a civil war. It was proven by top-down big-government decision the states did not really possess their rights. However, if the people of all states had been determined to uphold state rights doctrine, the power of top-down spin of Lincoln could have been lessened, if not made collectively invalid. If biblical institution had taken preference instead of man's political agenda, great destruction and affliction could have been avoided.

Homogeneous community development and multilateral segregation promotion is the only resolve to stand against eroding rights of any people. If all homogeneous communities stood for one another, they would all be standing for the individual freedom of each other. Israel had community rule. When a violator was discovered, the people of the community brought the criminal to justice. They did not have a police system as modern governments; the people themselves were the police force. The elders (men understanding biblical law) of the communities were the judges. To our great sorrow, big government and dilution of state and community rights causes the destruction of homogeneous racial and cultural rule.

Can we ever achieve ethno-nationalism after all the tyrannous government wars, changed laws and processes is a great question now. Many people have not lost hope, but we surely see the times are destroying us. The white American dream of Lincoln has turned into a diversity dream, and the Japhethic founder descendants are threatened for their very existence. Even the modern Jewish and upside-down pseudo-phiosophies mock our dilemma. They are not Hebrew but are mythicly honored as they and others receive over-representation and whites are dispossessed. We must regain our local community segregation and homogeneity before we can ever overcome the tyrannous media and diverse, anti-white governments.

Notice the false (mythical) representation of a non-patrilineal Semitic man with general Japhethic facial features who calls himself a Jew and implies himself even as a Hebrew

Race is an organic part of culture. A family begins with the institution of marriage. This institution must be upheld, not mocked by agenda-driven, political men such as Alex Jones who have no real moral, patriotic integrity. Race is an extension of family. The UN recognizes race and culture but does not implement homogeneity for the USA. Actually, they treat it like a melting pot/swamp of diversity. People must develop their philosophical thought about genetics, Christian culture and demographics. We must build homogeneous community. We must strive to build racial and cultural, homogeneous farms, then communities, then states. However, it is almost impossible in the USA with the disadvantageous, post-"Civil" rights laws. Real estate law prevents white homogeneity in most cases. We must demand repeal of these harmful and obstructive laws. Blacks under Jim Crow had more rights than modern white people do!


Why Israel Has No Hebrews

Homogeneity Models

Early Naturalization Law

Christian Ethno-Community

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Lesson from Nehemiah

Homogeneity Model and Protective Isolation

Foundation Steps to Homogeneity

Ranks of Homogeneity