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Ranks of Racial Homogeneity

1st Line: Generally from one people in the journey from Tower of Babel: Tracing the mixtures afterward through DNA is advancing today.

Japhethic: (Nordish: German, English, French, Scandinavian, Russian, many others)

Semitic: Hebrews (Racial restoration: “Jewish/Jooish people are NOT in this category)

Hamitic: Blacks

2nd Line: Generally from two peoples:

Japanese The Asian phenotype seems to have the Hamitic flat nose in some cases. Perhaps it is a cross-breed of another race or races early or later in the Hamitic emigration after the scattering from the Tower of Babel and formation of their subraces.

Southern Italian (Different than Northern Italian): Generally Japhethic and Semitic;

3rd Line: More than two peoples (Multi-racial peoples)

Some Jewish; Others

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