SUPPORT THE MULTILATERAL ETHNO-STATE DREAM: WHITES SHOULD HAVE THEIR OWN STATE (NATION) EVEN AS THE HEBREWS DID! Protect intimate family relationship >>>>> God >>>>> Man >>>>> Family >>>>> Race >>>>> Subrace >>>>> Community >>>>> Abraham >>>>> Isaac >>>>> Jacob >>>>> Hebrew Race >>>>> Subraces: Twelve Tribes >>>>> Nation of Israel >>>>> Homogeneous Communities

White Zioner Ethno-Nationalism

Richard Spencer, a religiously ethnic man even to the extent of White Zioner ethno-nationalism, much different than the Zionist REVIZYONISTIM, speaks of the white race movement for demographic justice in the USA as an analogy of the Herzl movement which overcame Islamic Palestine and non-Jewish Israel. The white people (Gentiles) do definitely deserve to be considered a religious and ethnic group as well as the Herzl Matrilinealists (Jewish Gentiles -- Richard seemed to miss that point of false, Hebrew identity.)

By the way, the Jewish are disingenuous by implying that they are Jews/Hebrews. As Benjamin Freedman said to the effect, some Jewish never had an ancestor that set foot in Israel. They don't have a legitimate claim to Israel. Realizing all this discrepancy, and that the Jewish people as a religious people are given a land that never belonged to them, why are founder-heirs of the USA denied entitlement and demographic freedom to their land that their genetic, forefathers founded!

Spencer is heroic in his stand for the pursuit of sustainability of the white people; however, there is a great difference in the ideology of the Nietzsche Alt-Right and the Christian Alt-Right. White Christians realize they are Japhethic and blessed of Noah, not Semitic or the chosen, now extinct, Hebrew people. Christians of all races are the true Israel of God (Galatians 6:16), and while they are on earth they need separate lands and governments to exercise their rights appropriately.


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