SUPPORT THE MULTILATERAL ETHNO-STATE DREAM: WHITES SHOULD HAVE THEIR OWN STATE (NATION) EVEN AS THE HEBREWS DID! Protect intimate family relationship >>>>> God >>>>> Man >>>>> Family >>>>> Race >>>>> Subrace >>>>> Community >>>>> Abraham >>>>> Isaac >>>>> Jacob >>>>> Hebrew Race >>>>> Subraces: Twelve Tribes >>>>> Nation of Israel >>>>> Homogeneous Communities

Book Review Of The Fall Of Western Man by Mark Collett (Free Online!)

Using a psychological and logical approach, the book helps a person realize the terrible results of allowing the id and ego to reign without seeking rehabilitation will cause utter ruin. (See Psychology And Christianity.) However, it does not describe or specify biblical marriage laws as could a learned Christian writing on the prerequisite of female virginity and things pertaining to the obligations of the male, nor does it uphold some other Christian values, for instance non-abortion, or perhaps some other things against works of the flesh (Galatians 5:19-21), but it has a great sense of what primitive man had to develop in order to become a family and tribal (community, state, nation) man. In many parts, as to standing against drunkenness, drug abuse, upside-downism, feministism (abominable, female hardness and ferociousness), individualism and things that are destroying the West, I found the book heroic, lifting and refreshing.

Abortion Must Not Be Tolerated Under Any Situation

We must live by faith. Faithful marriages and child bearing brings forth adored children. However, sometimes, things have happened that are not good for people, such as war rapes, incestual occurrences and other forms of unwanted events that brought about unwanted pregnancy. Nevertheless, we must not make things worse by breaking God's laws and taking the life of an innocent child or pre-born. Abortion is not a consideration for a faithful Christian; better Christian religious thought (super ego development), science and medical ethics, and homogeneous politics and communities that protect our women is. We must be especially protective concerning prevention of inter-racial rape.

Sexual intercourse outside of holy matrimony is sinful: whether it manifests itself in incest, rape, adultery, wastefulness, or fornication. An instance of wastefulness in marriage occurred when Onan secreted upon the ground, rather than making a complete effort to be sexually fruitful with his wife--this appeared wicked before the Lord; God killed him (Gen. 38.9).

Even though sinful occurrences of unwanted pregnancy may appear, we must apply a pro-life advancement technique, not a taking-away of life method. The idea is to make a better and more protective community, not administrating murderous or life-preventive medical techniques, which God cannot approve. An unwanted baby can be given up for adoption, there is no need to kill it. We also put so much confidence in doctors, even allowing nude examinations of mates... I think this is bigger problem than merely implementing midwives and depending upon prayer, and accepting things that come our way in confidence that God will bring us hope. Of course, we don't want these unwanted pregnancy tragedies, but horrible as they are, we must seek God and his life giving inspiration in every thing we do.

Eugenics/Birth Rate/Polygamy And Polyandry

We must not put the cart before the horse. The carriage will travel much better by allowing the horse to go in front and pull the cart. The id of the male may desire a female and the id of the female may similarly seek the male, but the super ego of both genders must be refined enough to pick a mate within the limits of biblical marriage, not just any union or what would be recognized as fornication and would deserve annulment. Families with pure marriages make better homes for children. The children grow up healthily. Children from broken homes, bastardization, polyandry, cuckoldry and remarriages suffer repercussions of abuse and defilement. Many end up misusing drugs or not respecting purity.

Correcting miscegenation (race and culture mixing) as the early Hebrews did through expulsion is evidence and cause for us to prevent it from happening. Thus, racial homogeneity is also a continued good tradition. Children of inter-racial unions may become conflicted with choosing (favoring) the dominant or subdominant race, or ignoring or confusing the matter of racial identity due to misleading family bias instead of critical thinking. A type of racial schizophrenia seems eventually inevitable, whereas the purebred child doesn't have any such racial identity (ego) conflict. As in Ezra, the children of miscegenation were not accepted as legitimate (nor were their foreign mothers) as to being part of the dominant (Hebrew) race, and consequently, missed out on the relative superior position status and the divine blessing of Hebrew inheritance also.

God can bless a pure marriage, but He will judge a defiled marriage. We should think of the youth that we now have, and lead them along a Christian path, even if it requires singleness of a parent (sexual abstinence and damage control) and raising the children without a mate. This is because no matter how many children an unclean family may bring to its genetic tribe, they cannot receive the parental blessings that a pure family and posterity can. And the only way to make a defiled family clean is to separate the people involved in uncleanliness (a defiled marriage), which would be a form of repentance, acknowledge God's law is correct and ask his forgiveness. Let us do things in orderly fashion, in God's way, so that our posterity can continue without God's judgment against us. That's how we got in the mess we are in!

Necessity of Homogeneous Racial And Cultural Environment For Race Survival

Nevertheless, it seems we must provide for our posterity a homogeneous racial and cultural environment, and soon. Families would cherish and want to reproduce if husbands and wives respected the role and divine attributes of each other, and lived in a white community, especially a state or country where they would not be hindered by other races and cultures. We must turn to God and his righteousness in order to prevent being seduced by a one world culture of mixed peoples without respect of a right to a decent and homogeneous culture. I must emphasize we need to start working together spiritually and financially even to build and maintain local communities of our own.

We whites have less freedom than the blacks did during the Jim Crow era. At least the blacks had segregation although they didn't have the desire and virtue of racial homogeneity to appreciate it, lacking super ego to be self-sufficient through their own group perhaps from their phylogenetic id and ego. (The Pygmies even serve other black subraces—see the video.) However, after NWO interference and the movement to enslave all races including whites, we do not even have the ability to be set apart from non-whites as they were set apart from us before the undue “civil rights” came about. Now, our corrupt housing and “civil” rights laws prevent us from legally building homogeneous, cohesive communities, wherein we could raise our children according to our standards in our own schools without being bullied or harassed by a non-white, wherein we could build our own industries and our men could have work without being turned down due to an Affirmative Action, non-merit employee preference, wherein our women and men would have hope in raising families and having children. We are serving a form of inverse slavery, and we must be collectively delivered and the political swamp must be drained in order for us to survive the demographic calculus of our dying and persecuted race.


Tara McCarthy

Brittany Pettibone

Augustus Invictus

Tara's Deceived By Hinduism And Satan
(Still A Great Alt Right Proponent—We Love Her)

Meat Is Blessed By The Word Of God And Giving Thanks/Anti-Veganism

The Land Of Milk And Honey

Contraception Is Against Biblical Values

Do We Need Leaders Or Political Parties?

More On Tara McCarthy...

Loving One's Own Race Is Natural

Race And IQ

Charlottesville Cuckism

Hybrids And Achievement Of Dominant Race

Explaining The Definition Of Hate

Marriage And Christianity Issue

Having Children

Sex Thought: Protestant VS Roman Catholic

Do We Need Leaders Or Political Parties?

Bre Faucheux

Other Alt Right Proponents


How To Talk To Liberals

Alt Right Music

Charlottesville Lawsuit

JIHAD Against America Exposed! Enough is Enough!

Kevin Shipp - Former CIA Officer Explains The Shadow Government - The Hagmann Report

Hijabs Are A Sign Of Cuckoldry

The Fall Of Western Man (Free Online!)
Counterpoint Against Abortion

NWO Disformation Of Social Morality And Resulting Cuckoldry

Lifting Up Christian Standards

Sex, Purity And Justice

Building Communities

Noah's Blessing Upon The White Man

Our Own Party

Be Water My Friend

Understanding How God Created Time

Elmer Gantry Expose

David Wilkerson Vision (1973)/
David should have revered the Holy Scriptures more so than Billy Graham: both promoted fornication whether they realized it or not!

Visions And Dreams

Purity As Part Of Justice Needed

Father's Day Gift: Ministry

God's Judgment Upon A Defiled Land (Isaiah 24:5)

Understanding Differences Of Christian Thought

What Screwed America Up

Christian Community

Community And Finance

Appealing For Secession Or State Land Division:
The Racial Compact

Homogeneous Political Examples

Political Misdirection

Hindrances To Homogeneous Community

25 Points

Alex Jones' Genocide Propaganda

Affirmative Action Destroys The Family Institution

White Male Displacement and Mission Life

Abraham Lincoln's Race Jeopardization For Opportunity

New World Order Influence Upon Sex

Divorce And Remarriage
(Divorce may be necessary at times, but never remarriage.)

The Jewish Question: Not A Hebrew Tribe

Women's Suffrage

Jewish Myth

God's Judgment Upon A Defiled Land (Isaiah 24:5)

The Jewish Are Not Jews/Hebrews

Karl Marx And White Hatred

Learn How To Distinguish Between Race And Culture

Demons In The Realm Of The Super Ego

Military Draft For Women