Hijabs Are A Sign Of Cuckoldry, Not Purity!

Many Muslim women are victims of the Islamic caliphate religion, which denounced the Torah and Christianity. Without Christian and purity laws, some of their women were raped and abused at young ages. Others fornicated. That left the unchaste women marrying their men regardless of their impure sexual status. Islam doesn't promote sexual purity because it doesn't have a theological basis to do that; its laws were “replacement laws” devised by Mohammed, the mad prophet and sex deviate. He perverted the former good tradition that Christianity had brought to the region through evangelism. Now, his male followers marry unchaste women and require them to keep covered, which makes the defiled female a covered wife of an Islamic cuckold.

Therefore, the hijab, which is part of keeping the woman's body from being seen, is actually useless as to purity! It doesn't cover the unchaste woman's sexual impurity, lack of peace, life of misery and tyranny. It is an outward show of false religion, having no significance or sincere reverence to God. The hijab also may be used as a terrorist invention to hide a weapon; such dress must be outlawed in non-Islamic countries.

In ancient times, long before Islam was ever concocted, Hebrew women dressed and covered themselves well. They wore veils. The Hebrew people had laws to keep the women sexually chaste before marriage. Their covering and long feminine dress served as part of preserving their purity, but the Islamic dress fails in this respect due to ignorance of God's fulfillment law, the abuse of its women and the tolerance of its men becoming cuckolds.

Christian dress used to be much better, but bad influences have reached America. We have some repenting of our own to do. Our pure women should wear scarves or hats. And we must continue to promote virginity as a necessity for marriage.

The word “cuckold” means generally the husband of an unfaithful wife. A Christian is commanded to not marry a woman who is not a virgin or chaste widow. Furthermore, the Christian male is directed to divorce, and annul a marriage wherein the wife has become defiled by another man, a woman who no longer possesses a one-man cognizance.

People may rightfully be disappointed with works of the flesh, failing adherents, heretics, frauds and the like, but true Christianity is the only religion that has brought people to Christ. It is atheists, agnostics, and those who belong to Islam, Talmudic Judaism or other forms of anti-Christianity and false religions that promote and tolerate living with a defiled wife, living in culkoldry, not those who uphold the Holy Scripture. It is ignorance of Christianity that is for cucks!


Veils and Facial Coverings

Nose Rings

Christian Dress Code

Purity Fashion

Virginity Robe

Tara McCarthy

Brittany Pettibone

Augustus Invictus

Tara's Deceived By Hinduism And Satan
(Still A Great Alt Right Proponent—We Love Her)

Meat Is Blessed By The Word Of God And Giving Thanks/Anti-Veganism

The Land Of Milk And Honey

Contraception Is Against Biblical Values

Do We Need Leaders Or Political Parties?

More On Tara McCarthy...

Loving One's Own Race Is Natural

Race And IQ

Charlottesville Cuckism

Hybrids And Achievement Of Dominant Race

Explaining The Definition Of Hate

Marriage And Christianity Issue

Having Children

Sex Thought: Protestant VS Roman Catholic

Do We Need Leaders Or Political Parties?

Bre Faucheux

Other Alt Right Proponents


How To Talk To Liberals

JIHAD Against America Exposed! Enough is Enough!

Kevin Shipp - Former CIA Officer Explains The Shadow Government - The Hagmann Report

Christians Are Not Cuckolds!

Lifting Up Christian Standards

Sex, Purity And Justice

Building Communities

Noah's Blessing Upon The White Man

Our Own Party

Be Water My Friend

Purity As Part Of Justice Needed

Father's Day Gift: Ministry

God's Judgment Upon A Defiled Land (Isaiah 24:5)

Understanding Differences Of Christian Thought

What Screwed America Up

Christian Community

Community And Finance

Appealing For Secession Or State Land Division:
The Racial Compact

Homogeneous Political Examples

Political Misdirection

Hindrances To Homogeneous Community

25 Points

Alex Jones' Genocide Propaganda

Affirmative Action Destroys The Family Institution

White Male Displacement and Mission Life

Abraham Lincoln's Race Jeopardization For Opportunity

New World Order Influence Upon Sex

Divorce And Remarriage
(Divorce may be necessary at times, but never remarriage.)

The Jewish Question: Not A Hebrew Tribe

Women's Suffrage

Jewish Myth

God's Judgment Upon A Defiled Land (Isaiah 24:5)

The Jewish Are Not Jews/Hebrews

Karl Marx And White Hatred

Military Draft For Women

Don't slander Christians. On 9/27/2017, Alt Right‏ @ALTRIGHT___ retweeted a blasphemous clause alongside a photo and podcast button on Twitter:

Cucksplaining - 1 - Christianity Is For Cucks

Richard Spencer and Hannibal Bateman unveil their new occasional podcast, "Cucksplaining" . . . or "Cucking Out" or "The Cucking of the American Mind" or whatever they end up calling it . . . in...