A prerequisite for establishing race (Israeli Semitic or other)--marriage through natural affinity and ethnic purity (see moral racism)--close-family homogeneous posterity goal:

5. But Jacob was quite overcome, not so much by their kindred, nor by that affection which might arise thence, as by his love to the damsel, and his surprise at her beauty, which was so flourishing, as few of the women of that age could vie with. He said then, "There is a relation between thee and me, elder than either thy or my birth, if thou be the daughter of Laban; for Abraham was the son of Terah, as well as Haran and Nahor. Of the last of whom (Nahor) Bethuel thy grandfather was the son. Isaac my father was the son of Abraham and of Sarah, who was the daughter of Haran. But there is a nearer and later cement of mutual kindred which we bear to one another, for my mother Rebeka was sister to Laban thy father, both by the same father and mother; I therefore and thou are cousin-germans. And I am now come to salute you, and to renew that affinity which is proper between us." Upon this the damsel, at the mention of Rebeka, as usually happens to young persons, wept, and that out of the kindness she had for her father, and embraced Jacob, she having learned an account of Rebeka from her father, and knew that her parents loved to hear her named; and when she had saluted him, she said that "he brought the most desirable and greatest pleasures to her father, with all their family, who was always mentioning his mother, and always thinking of her, and her alone; and that this will make thee equal in his eyes to any advantageous circumstances whatsoever." Then she bid him go to her father, and follow her while she conducted him to him; and not to deprive him of such a pleasure, by staying any longer away from him.

6. When she had said thus, she brought him to Laban; and being owned by his uncle, he was secure himself, as being among his friends; and he brought a great deal of pleasure to them by his unexpected coning. But a little while afterward, Laban told him that he could not express in words the joy he had at his coming; but still he inquired of him the occasion of his coming, and why he left his aged mother and father, when they wanted to be taken care of by him; and that he would afford him all the assistance he wanted. Then Jacob gave him an account of the whole occasion of his journey, and told him, "that Isaac had two sons that were twins, himself and Esau; who, because he failed of his father's prayers, which by his mother's wisdom were put up for him, sought to kill him, as deprived of the kingdom (34) which was to be given him of God, and of the blessings for which their father prayed; and that this was the occasion of his coming hither, as his mother had commanded him to do: for we are all (says he) brethren one to another; but our mother esteems an alliance with your family more than she does one with the families of the country; so I look upon yourself and God to be the supporters of my travels, and think myself safe in my present circumstances."

The Works of Flavius Josephus, translated by William Whiston
Antiquities of the Jews
Book I-- From Creation to the Death of Isaac

Links and references:

All About Dating And Marriage

Prevention of other-tribal marriages--establishment of racial homogeneity and ethnic purity (100 %-dominant-race goal):
Ne. 10:30
(Famous exceptionsnot the norm--before the Ezran Covenant)

Test: The three pre-qualifications to establish a real Jew

Faithfulness and antimiscegenation:
virtues that those don't have who hang around whores and inter-mix with other races and cultures

The Israel Lobby and its undue influence upon the U.S.

Help establish a fair government and accurate census analysis

Christian Genealogy

Anthropology Studies: Differentiating Subracial Genetics And Group Psychology
Genetics: Northern European VS Southern European

Intra-tribal homogeneity laws: (Nu. 36:5-13)

Torah: (Old Testament Law)

Lincoln's View


The Jews in their rebellion against God and in their dispersion committed many sins. (Then the Israeli Jews were scattered into nations that were not not inherently Semitic.) Miscegenation was one of them. Even though the race of the Patriarchs has been a great prototype for achievement of racial homogeneity, many who call themselves Jews today may have descended from more anti-Israeli Semitic, Gentile blood than Hebrew. According to Benjamin Freedman, genealogy related to the word "Jew" may involve "Khazar" also.

Let us Nordish learn from this error of ignorance and rebellion of post-Roman era Israeli-Semitic subraces and reserve ourselves from mixing with or even associating as little as possible with other races (except for evangelizing).

As you may notice today, the nation of Israel (having biologically-mixed people to the extent of rejection according to the Covenant of Ezra) is making many political moves to refuse rights to peoples in an irreligious, contra-cultural sense (Talmudicist anti-Christian). However, we should also recognize from their progressive, national and political attempts to achieve a national community that they can never approach the necessary sovereignty and demographics according to Torah-prescribed, biological, Hebrew genetics.

Currently, their Law of Return works culturally and matrilineally, not genetically and patrilineally, and thus detrimentally to the biological and social infrastucture. The nation of Israel is in dire need of a genetic census plan and to establish Semitic, Messianic sovereignty among its own mixed, or non-fully-Semtic, political adherents (goy Jews).

They may have distinguished and made political judgment between the partially Semitic Israeli (although, in many cases, the percentage of genetic dominance may be lacking) and the Semitic Arab. They deserve praise on this part. It will take more acute, genetic observation and patriarchal reverence to make things better.

However, we should not have any part in their killing of others or militarily protecting the chosen nation (not the nation of biased peoples!): we should partake of our own business--pursuit of homogeneity among ourselves.