Extinction: Myth Of The Modern Jew DNA is irrelevant when it comes to determining the Torah-required genealogical record (register) that was used for proof of Hebrew inheritance. The reason no Hebrews can be found today is due to extinction, Circumcision, circumvention nor revised law can make one a Hebrew or Jew. Patrilineal law and register determines a Hebrew and whether a person has inheritance in Israel. No, the North American Indians were not the lost tribes of Israel. However, the modern-day “Jewish” people (Joos) are not an acceptable remnant of the tribe of Judah and cannot be part of the 144,000 (firstfruits) either--2,000 years ago! They don't have the required genetic and genealogical attributes of an heir. I don't like to seem rude, but science and theology work together. Whether converts to Christianity or not, the Jewish don't have the theological, genealogical, genetic and biological attributes to be a Jew/Hebrew according to the Torah (Numbers 36:5-13). Whatever Semitic patrilineal traits they may have had if any, they should admit to it that they don't meet the consecutive, patrilineal seed of Abraham requirement and are not genetic and genealogical heirs of Abraham, Isaac and the tribe of Judah or any other Hebrew tribe. They should be genuine, truthful with themselves and others, and absolutely quit calling themselves Jews. Why not call themselves Joos, indicating a definitely fraudulent but somewhat copy (non-Hebrew super-Noahidic cult, racially and genealogically different than the Macabbees and more arrogant than the Persian proselytes of Esther) of a former holy culture so it wouldn't seem so insulting to religious intelligence? No Christian convert should be ashamed to call himself just that. The host of the video below seems to be confused or unable to agree. So what happened to the 144,000? Find out here. By the way, the Lord Jesus Christ shall judge the quick and the dead at his appearing and his kingdom. (2 Timothy 4.1) There is no pre-trib rapture. Who Are The 144000-James Jacob Prasch-Live From England, Apr 15, 2016. Moriel TV Links: The fake return of the fake-Jews, who are not Hebrew and thus Gentile, is merely as mentioned in Luke 21, verse 24 a prelude of the “... times of the Gentiles be fulfilled.” Anti-Hebrew Maimonides' 613 mitzvote (deliberately?) evade a mitzvah (commandment) of Moses: Nu. 36: 5-13