Basics of
Permitted Slavery
and Freedom Policy of the Ruling People from a Christian
(The responsibility of dominion and economic control: More easily understood from a pre-civil war
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God's wisdom is greater than man's. His law is very beautiful. The New Testament is fulfilling. Generally, under the Old Testament law, the conquered, and less providential were kept under social and economic control by God's people through means of slavery. Troublemakers among the nation of Israel were also enslaved as punishment according to Josephus.
However, slavery was not limited to the guilty, conquered nations and other less prosperous people. It also was a means of earning a living through choice. Nevertheless, a brother who chose to be a slave did have certain privileges that the other slaves did not.
Therefore, those who say slavery is entirely immoral are incorrect, and immoral for holding a doctrine that is not true, especially in cases where a slave chooses not to be set free. The significant change in slavery law is concerning a believing slave who would like to be free when owned by a Christian master. The Christian master is directed to set the slave free in such cases.
There are important questions to consider. According to Scripture, is slavery permissible today if a slave does not want to go on his own? Yes. Abraham Lincoln did not accomplish a moral ideological precedent in his attempt for emancipation. When Lincoln usurped the abolishment of slavery (generally for black people and other non-white races), he caused an anti-black-race-slavery degeneration, in effect a white-race-abdication devolution, to occur. Consequently, and reversibly, now, the whites are increasingly being led under captivity to a definite degree. In fact, he caused a bloody war and a great injustice to his posterity because of a misconception. (See lincolne.html.) Slavery still exists in various countries today.
Are there laws concerning how long a brother slave can be held in bondage? Yes. The Bible contains all the details. Well then, should nations apply these laws? Yes, but many times nations distort Biblical laws.
Could the USA have promoted a lucrative or reasonable compensation policy for southern slaveholders who were willing to colonize their negro slaves? Or was Lincoln inconsiderate and unfair concerning the quantity per person of property (slaves) being considered? I think if he had thought in terms of economic fairness instead of forced, unfounded, humanitarian terms, he would have had a much more acceptable proposition than challenging the more-profitable Southerners to secession, which resulted in the military defense against the North's unjustified assault against state rights to secede. Individual state governments should have been allowed to handle their own slavery and release precepts and laws in a way that did not risk the future of the founding heirs. It has been proven that false theological concepts (usually under the pretense of government large-boundary humanitarian morals) have been misused as a catalytic basis to drive misled people into war.
An important point to remember is this: In the New Testament, setting a believing slave free was encouraged. No Christian should be held as a slave against his will, especially among our own (Christians). Relatively, in comparison, this was quite an opportunity for a slave who had been held in servitude under the mere Old Testament law. More dispensational grace came about through Biblical fulfillment. God's favor was demonstrated to the believing slave and rewarded him as a brother with social and employment status benefits.
However, contradictorily to "setting free", the United States through corrupt Civil Rights and Affirmative Action laws has oppressed and denied Christians (its founders' descendants and posterity) the right for employment, education and many other vital needs, including homogeneous autonomy. Under such reverse and double standards, the hypocritical beneficiaries of the corruption audaciously dare to call in a slanderous tone the whites "racists", as if we are guilty for favoring our own first. They also charge us with "hate" crimes if we speak from a natural, colloquial point of view against our racial adversaries, repressing our freedom of speech. It is as if we are being herded up for sale and sold by uncaring politicians through reverse discrimination lawlessnesses and the Federal Reserve banking system by the diminishing of our rights, wages and opportunities while our population increases with immigrants and neglect of our borders. We are no longer free and sovereign men; and the loss of our free speech and choice of interest-free financial adventure are a manifestation of our captivity to unGodly, international and internal foreign powers.
Slavery Was Not Only for Economic Profit: It Enforced Social Status and Homogeneous, Social Infrastructure of the Founding Populus, a Necessary Requirement for Any Democracy
Since the abolishment of the right to slaveholding (not men-stealing, a crime that led victims to bondage), and the prevailing humanitarian antagonism against biblical dominion laws, which caused great harm to America through the change in social status, loss of indigenous prestige and white rule, millions of legalized abortions and other civil atrocities have occurred. Things have not advanced for the better, but for the worse. America as a mixed-race political and social conglomerate devolved in a more brutal and murderous manner, causing more harm and loss among all races.
The former slavery laws also protected the white people from social intimidation and the threat of mixing of races, which attempts the annihilation of our race today if a miracle doesn't happen.
Good government is blessed by the influence of Christian principles and God's favor. Good social economics provides for all; and the faithful are blessed by it more so than the infidels and wicked. Such (good) social economics, or Christian influenced economics, inherently, must take its direction from the Bible, not from mere humane sympathy. Man (or mankind, including women submissive to their husbands) has a responsibility to "take dominion" (Gen. 1.26), not to abuse or infect, and that takes strict adherence to biblical teaching, not the humanitarian or anti-Christian institutes. Otherwise, catastrophe takes place as history has proven.
The Civil War was a great example.
As the way of many other mishaps and anti-Christian movements such as the anti-slavery movement (which only realized itself as a self-defeating, captivity movement in another form), economic policy has been subverted and perverted in the USA. Now the undeserving and wicked are financially benefiting more so than the upright and loyal in this country, even the founders' heirs, through corrupt Affirmative Action laws. The work of drudgery and lack of opportunity for advancement of skills and earning power is forced upon the whites in many cases due to a quota (an unrighteous and undeserving, double standard and flaunting of the victory of multicultural lobbying for special interests through treachery and rebellion against white authority, and a persecutory token of having overthrown the government by fraudulent, tyrannous racial adversity).
We believe it is every citizen's duty of this country (although we do not expect the response of righteous citizenship from such a reversibly self-interested (see 2b for common interest theory) conglomerate) to turn the social economic system back to providing for the descendants of the founders first, and the Christians; and restore the government through the influence of Christian morality (biblical principles).
Equal Yoke and Like for Like: Racial and Cultural Homogeneity and Protective Isolation
Sins of miscegenation must be prevented. By the way, Abraham Lincoln, demonstrating at least some morality in part, explicity forbade intermarriage. The recognition of Ezran theology and the Torah (law), in light of its fulfillment (the New Testament), the authority for morality, is a guideline for separation and existence of the races--racial and cultural homogeneity.
Therefore, from a political point of view that assumes theodemocratic correctness, the lack of national/district autonomy, sovereignty and immigration/border control is a curse. Infested with oligarchical corruption and Babylonian-type politicians, as hateful drunks holding philosophical and leadership positions, America's needs are willfully neglected and go unattended as the adversaries work against it from within and outside, destoying white racial preference while favoring other races, immorally forcing now deliberate, more so than perhaps once deflectively partial rather than inadvertent, multicultural-designed mixing, reverse-slavery and oppression of whites instead of righfully providing Christian favor, international repatriation and colonies and the legal opportunity for public and civil, demographic (as Marcus Garvey suggested), homogeneous, racial freedom.
In Ezra 10: 8, forfeiture of the disloyal's possessions was demanded. Hypothetically, if the USA treated its subversive politicians and others according to such rule, people like Ted Kennedy would have no assets and have to earn bread through subservient hard labor, if not a worse judgment were upon them. Willful subverters and political traitors as such are not worthy of occupational correction for the erring (Nehemiah 13.25) because their aggressive acts against the founders' heirs and deviations are not of mere deception.
What We Must Do
New pilgrimages within the country, even as the early settlers, may be necessary for whites so as to develop autonomous communities. Genocide is at our front lawn. We no longer have white political representation in government and the controlled media will not tolerate it. Therefore we must be dependent upon Biblical learning and self-discipline. Our churches should invite all peoples to attend our spiritual services and learn our way of living so they can implement our loving and non-intrusive manners, and develop their own autonomous communities.
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