
Agape and Ethics

Homogeneity The Bible Has A Patrilineal Formula For Race

Noah's Blessing Upon The White Man

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The Curse and Ungratefulness

Marcus Garvey: Black Homogeneity


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Honor the White in Politics

Honor Noah's Japhethic Blessing Even If You Are Only Part Or Not Japhethic At All!

Noahic Japhethic Blessing and Honor: Politics

Hillary Clinton is a daughter of a maid. She also has a slave-like mentality, a mind of a servant, not a mind of a leader or ruler who respects God's righteousness. Perhaps she inherited her maid-like attitude toward service in a small way from her mother. Whatever, accursedly, she rejects God's blessings and seems to despise Japhethic people, who are blessed by Noah. A woman who hates Christians is a servant of the Devil, a spiritual master, not a fleshly employer. She doesn't promote the Japhethite or others' racial and cultural homogeneity either. Hillary is against pure and genetic prosperity. Look at what she did through the balkanization of Northern Europe. She is against white establishment even though she is white herself, known as a self-hater. That may be the reason non-Christian minorities adhere to her. Her black vote consensus probably does not consist of Christians; the black Christian would recognize the blessing of Noah upon the Japhethic man and respect the prospect of black prosperity through it.

However, on the other hand, some Christian minorities do not promote Hillary or her disestablishmental condonations and policies. Unlike atheists or heretics, I believe there are non-white groups that believe in racial and cultural homogeneity as a biblical institution.

Hil-liar-y is not alone in the capital or in almost all parts of overthrown America. A communist form of democracy has come about. The nation's career politicians are too job-scared to speak out for principle, reason with God and justice. Similar to Hillary, Ryan's passive attitude toward black hostility against the white is not an example of Japhethic honor at all. Rather than criticizing the knock-out game and Affirmative Action, he comments on his fears of a relatively small number of Trump's white advocates who are outspoken and racially biased. He has a typical DC career politician and parasite attitude, a symptom of the curse.

In order to make Am3rica great again, it will have to regress first toward the once honored principle of Noahic blessing in former America.

Cherokee Indian And Mixed Forum

Spiritual Leaders
Autonomy101: In order to overcome globalist NWO rule, multilateral racial and cultural groups must innovate and provide racial homogeneity infra-structure constitution ideology (Nu. 36:5-13). It must be more prominent than public inter-racial “free speech” doctrine: Each tribe on earth, genetically similar group or cultural ethnicity, must determine its own political/speech priorities within its own borders, not another tribe's.

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