Recognizing the Need for Racial Homogeneity
(Genetic, Founding Patrilineal Purity)
as a Prerequisite to Cultural Homogeneity (Religious-Political Thought):
Torah and Christian Nationalism VS
AntiChristian Zionism and Corrupt International Law



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Corrupt International Law and Self-gratifying, Unfair Bias toward AntiChristian Zionism (An Evident Need for International Legal Reversal and the Guidance of Torah)

I have some questions: Would international law help the Canaanites recover its losses to Israel? Should the descendants of the Canaanites receive reparations from the people who are residing as citizens in the land of Israel? Is there a reason Jewish people (alternative-Jews) collect reparations from other nations, but do not have to repay other nations they have harmed, for instance, overthrowing and killing millions of Christians and non-Jewish Gentiles? Or rather, are we living in such a distorted world that does not recognize biblical facts and spiritual things but only acknowledges "Jewish" proposal of things as correctly religious?

Concerning the Canaanite slaughter: Does international law consider a holocaust such as this to be not worthy of attention because it was the commanded will of God? If that is the case, fine. But how about the Russian (Jewish) Revolution? That was not the commanded will of God. It was directly against the will of God, and brought about a detrimental influence and change in the whole course of history, including the following world wars. Therefore, Jewish gains from this slaughter are not justified, and reparations should be made or otherwise Jewish people should receive no reparations from other countries that did harm to them. That is, if international law is assumed to have integrity.

A nation without homogeneity and rule (sovereignty of the dominant race) is not a nation, but rather a tyranny. (Jewish people have a notorious history of treasonously subverting the countries they lived in rather than obeying God and blessing those nations through service.) If international law does not recognize this Torahian guideline of homogeneity and sovereignty, and the wickedness of its subversion, then it does not have the morality and intellectuality to help solve a national demographic or border, legal question.

Israel must seek homogeneity on its own first among its own country, and establish its own sovereignty and integrity before it can justifiably obtain the ability to outcast peoples of a different religion who have a higher dominant Semitic genetic ratio than the genetically lacking of the Jewish people. It must follow Berith and the international community of Torah integrity. In order to accomplish this it must propose racism first: racial homogeneity within (even if it means deporting its hybrids and especially those who have no Semitic traits). Arabs within Israel who are not found to be Israeli-Semitic would not have a legitimate excuse to want to remain in the land.

This concept of racial first, rather than cultural, demographics would be an ideological foundation for all political change and advancement. It is even more invitational for Semitic Jewish people in Arab lands to immigrate to Israel. However, a reformation such as this would require repentance and humility among the people of Israel, something, which is beyond the arrogance of extortion, power seekers and wealth strategists.

Although, as long as Israel deviates and promotes its culture of AntiChristian Zionism first as most important, it will never solve its demographic problems. Neither will it be able to please God.

How to resolve the current Israeli genetic-demographic crisis can be understood by recognizing similar situations wherein relatives were rejected from the congregation of Israel. Analogically, one may consider the question of who would be more worthy to remain in the land of Israel, the descendants of the deportees of the Ezran congregation (Ezra 10) or the descendants of Ishmael. Both groups are (were!) rejected as Torah-outcasts. The same standards for righteous ethnic cleansing must be used today.

Also through historical fact and concept, if racial homogeneity (Israeli Semitism) precedes cultural homogeneity (religious conversion) importance, as also was implied in Ezra, as a righteous, natural standard in Israel, then this racial homogeneity precept should be properly distinguished through international law as a natural standard for every nation to determine its sovereign people (Ezran assimilation).

Hence, if all nations are to be sovereign nations, they must never allow themselves to be subverted so as to become self-haters through mongrelization infiltration within their own boundaries and never tolerate or justify immigrant superiority such as wicked Ted Kennedy has rebelliously advanced in the USA and as revolting Jewish people and their advocates have defiantly promoted in the nations they have molested.

Neither must any nation allow its Godly standards (derived from the Torah) of civilization be destroyed through apostasy. Only the foundations that are built upon trust (faith) in God will stand, for God will not honor heresy and wickedness anymore than the abominable deeds of the Canaanite, or the ante-civilization Indian in the USA.

Should Israel learn and correct its own demographic problem, then it would have an established premise to overcome and do away with its cultural problem: the desire to rule over and hate all non-Talmudicists. Israel would even have a less complicated task alleviating its border problems with Palestine and other Arab locations. The pursuit of amicable relocation within and without would not have to be under such brutal and violent conditions of the Torah-intolerant, Satanic protagonist. It would become a flowering, racial and cultural homogeneity role model for the nations and rest of the world to follow.


Is this Ezran concept of demographic harmony and the culture of Torah tolerance practical for Israel or the people of the nations who do not revere the Torah? Unfortunately, no. Even some church factions wouldn't consider it practical! Woe be.

Eventually, Israel will be ruled by the Lord Jesus Christ in the millennium. From the status of Israel now and what it will become in the future, one thing must definitely happen: change!

AntiChristian Zionism and the legal war against Christianity, racial and cultural homogeneity and non-Jewish people manifests itself through mongrelization bias, hate, conspiracy, betrayal and violence. It revealed a subtle, although significant, leap for international empire as early as 1897. The Balfour Declaration 1917, in defiance to consideration of Berith and Torah (Ezran, patrilineal, genetic dominance guidelines), should never have been permitted by England. Africa or some other place would have been a more appropriate relocation for the mixed-blood peoples. International law, American law or any law, to subsist with integrity must consider these facts.


Torah, Racial Homogeneity, Self-determination and Deportation of Mongrels

Ezran Theology: Torah tolerance and exposing modern Israel's fraud and unjustified, mongrelized settlement.

Contemporary Israel fails the homogeneous, racial element and merely promotes antiChristianity (even homogeneously!), not patriarchal, racial succession although there seems to be few, if any, known, actual Hebrew, patrilineal descendants. If you study the principles in the above link with the revealed policies below, you can realize the blatant rebellion against the Torah, intranational and international fairness, and that Israel is not a racial-demographic promoting state in totality--not at all at times--although a fully discriminatory state upon wrath-bearing religion: antiChristianity in its horrible, professed form--Talmudicism.

The links below manifest (according to their gist) Torah intolerance, political and religious error: promoting culture (actually homogeneous, contra-culture or irreligion) first instead of race first. This proves Israel is an antiChristian policy-oriented nation, not a patriarchal, racially-inclined nation and may have no intentions of changing:

Al-Ahram Weekly | Opinion | 'Democratic' racism (2)1
Comments: This site does not reveal a will to righteously discriminate demographics favoring race first. It also suggests a Torah-intolerant culture favoring the Arab. However, even though the author seems to miss on both issues of Ezran racial and cultural homogeneity in the land of Israel, it does expose many Israeli hypocrisies that manifest a need for religious, political and social change.

Avigdor Lieberman2 gives an extremist, anti-Arab stance, which may give him an illusive, pro-Israel appearance. However, he does not promote needed Ezran Israeli principles. Generally, he errs as most modern Israeli politicians and promotes homogeneous AntiChristian Zionism--a Torah-intolerant culture that does not appropriate demographics according to racism and Israeli Semitism first. He doesn't even seem to realize that some Arabs may be more Semitic than his Israeli "Jewish" citizens!

According to the article, he states, " ... we ourselves are turning into a bi-national state with a minority of more than 20% Arabs." However, this illusive statement does not at all mean that Israel is 80 % Jews. Benjamin Freedman, said speaking of the Khazars as he was referring to the Ashkenazi Jew, "There wasn't one of them who had an ancestor who ever put a toe in the Holy Land". Israel is not a state or demographic entity consisting of a homogeneous race; it is a state with a desire for homogeneous antiChristianity and Talmudicism. The Minister for Strategic Affairs wants a homogeneous antiChristian Zionist culture, not the effect of the righteous, Ezran Judaism, Torah-tolerance and patrilineal, racial homogeneity: "I want to provide an Israel that is a Jewish, Zionist country."

Chief Rabbi Shlomo Amar3 really does nothing primarily for racism and Israeli-Semitism first as he errs and proposes a culturally Torah-intolerant, bill. Although the bill has to do with changing the law concerning converts, it does not completely deny matrilineal descendancy preference, a heresy which is contrary to Torah-commanded patrilinealism: Nu. 36:5-13.

As a religious minister much more should be expected of Mr. Amar concerning Ezran racial and cultural homogeneity issues. To understand this evasion of Israeli-Semitism first, see the Ariel Deceivi deception for an example. Israel may be a nation, but it is certainly not a God-obeying nation. It seems that the religious ministry hasn't even attempted to steer the nation of Israel as a predicted, Judah-descendant nation and prove that it isn't an imminent, illegitimate nation!


1 Al-Ahram Weekly On-line

Al-Ahram Weekly | Opinion | 'Democratic' racism (2)

Jonathan Cook

15 - 21 July 2004
Issue No. 699

Published in Cairo by AL-AHRAM established in 1875
(The website above was viewed on 11/28/2006).


2 Arutz Sheva - Israel National News

Politics & Government

Minister Lieberman Calls for Separation from Arabs

10:51 Nov 05, '06 / 14 Cheshvan 5767

by Hillel Fendel
(The website above was viewed on 11/28/2006).


3Haaretz Daily Newspaper Israel, Israeli News Source

Chief Rabbinate prepares bill to remove converts from Law of Return - Haaretz - Israel News

By Amiram Barkat, Haaretz Correspondent

Last update - 06:01 21/11/2006
(The website above was viewed on 11/28/2006).



There Is No Fourteenth Tribe!

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Prevention of Holocaustal Exaggeration And The Crime of Undue Favor

Reparations for European Christians and Non-Jewish Gentiles

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Affirmative Action Laws, which were promoted by ruinous Jewish people (as mentioned above), have made the host-heir, N. European descendant Gentiles as second class citizens. These unfair and subversive laws are as an armband and colored star of indignity on our arms. Has international law attempted to free us from such tyranny? No. The antiChristian Zionist knows that if he overcomes the best of the non-Jewish peoples, putting the others under the rule of their tyranny will be easy. If Jewish people can subvert a great once Christianity-spreading nation such as the USA, it is not surprising that they can pervert international law and misuse it to meet their unGodly ends!


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