DRUNKEN ZIONIST WHO DIDN'T WANT CAMERAS AROUND GOT FILMED: Notice this blasphemous person's hat and the way he wears his hair as if he is a part of a cult group. The outer man is presented as one following Herzl Matrilinealist, old-time immitation dress rules but the inner man is demonic and filthy.

Is this blasphemous guy's hat and hair style supposed to resemble the holy!
How much does the Zionist really love his foolish supporting, so-called "Christians"!
(VIDEO: Beware, foul language.)

Prayer: If God permit, may He convict this reviler so as he may repent of his wickedness before it is everlastingly too late. May the Lord touch the heart of those so captive of Satan near and afar, in Jesus' name I pray, amen.

Martin Luther

The Celebration of Days

It is so easy to identify so many of the diverse "Jewish" or Zionist people are not of the Hebrew tribe: Hebrew Tribalism 101