HOW THE JEWISH PERVERTED BIBLICAL INSTITUTIONS Faith and One God: Jesus the Christ is God in the flesh. The Jooish, a more appropriate name, do not accept this truth. The USA was accepted years ago as a nation that respected Christianity in terms of legal recognition of God, although there were factions. Today however, there are adverse religions springing up, including Islam. “Jewish” political influence and opposition to Christian eschatological concepts caused many changes and upside-down-ism to come about throughout the world. Genetics, Required Hebrew Genealogy and Race: At one time racial and cultural homogeneity was established by the Hebrews. Modern Judaism and its adherents deceptively and fraudulently claim to be the heirs of Israel but fail the genetic, patrilineal descendancy law of Moses. They promote a matrilineal (a post-Titus dispersion religious invention), cultural law and are a cultural entity (making themselves a cult), not a genetic tribe of Israel. Jewish inter-racial marriage is tribally unnatural and contrary to Torah. They have politically also fought white sovereignty in the USA. Abraham Lincoln noted the dream of the founders of the USA as a one white race country. Today, white people have suffered political correctness to the extent that some don't claim their race nor its genetic blessing. Monogamous Marriage--One Wife as Adam: The Jewish do not believe in the prophet (the Lord Jesus Christ) whom Moses spoke about in Dt. 18. Neither do they follow His reproof concerning remarriage. Czar Russia was overthrown with “Jewish” leadership/Communism. The people lost the moral sexual guidance of Christianity (effects of a new covenant) because it was replaced with Jewish cuckoldry (an outdated and Bolshevik form of Hebrew law through a cult promoting a farce of Old Testament Judaism – completely evading the Hebrew inheritance law and authenticity – having no Hebrew identity). Does the NWO have influence upon sexual habits? I think so. The NWO is anti-Christian and favors anti-Christian sexual doctrine resembling the first or second law of the Old Testament if not something much more abominable, but rejects the reproving sexual doctrine of Jesus the Christ and the New Testament. The world's elite rulers have turned good sexual and other tradition upside-down. Kenneth Copeland and many “false light” heretics in the USA have received great followings due to his illegitimate relationship with Gloria and condonation of such sin. At one time in America, dating a divorced man was looked down upon. Nevertheless, Linda Thompson (former wife of Elvis Presley) and others influenced through Hollywood promotions have ignored righteous Christian expectations. The precept of marriage has been distorted with apostates, heretics and Jewish false doctrine. Cultural Homogeneity: The land of Israel is in a process of transition. Nevertheless, Islam in Jerusalem is culturally unnatural and against the Torah. Zion is occupied by anti-Christian Gentiles (Luke 21:24) through myth and terrorism but some day it's evil and false religion will not be tolerated. Anti-Christian rule will come to an end in Israel. Jesus Christ will reign. Slavery And Release: A Biblical Institution Abraham Lincoln may not have challenged God and people if he had been more theologically learned. Reverse discrimination has come about in today's Am3rica. It would never have happened if the states had not been unduly influenced against slavery. American slavery was based upon the biblical institution, not unfairly as Jewish apartheid, Islam or anti-Torahian forms. This was all due to non-Christian, political involvement. Now, founding-heirs have been made as Stalinist economic victims suffering corporate poverty and the dis-allowance to provide racially homogeneous industries for themselves such as the Ukrainian Cossacks were denied the ability to provide food for themselves. Affirmative Action will continue to bring the United States toward third world reverse-slavery status. It should be abolished and white males emancipated. The new America has supported tyranny, genocide and violent ethnic cleansing for the anti-Christians but has kept its white males and Christians under the bondage of Affirmative Action.
APOSTASY: BEWARE! "He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved; but he that believeth not shall be damned." (Mark 16: 16) A person cannot earn his way to heaven. God gives eternal life through faith in his son, Jesus the Christ. The Lord will not accept sacrifices of animals. To deny and turn against the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross leaves a person on his way to eternal torment. This woman committed an unpardonable sin if she does not repent:
Herzl Matrilinealists do not believe that Jesus is God in the flesh. Nevertheless, Genesis 19:24-27 tells us that the God (Jehovah) was the one of the three men (Genesis 18:2) who visited Abraham. He rained brimstone and fire upon Sodom and Gomorrah from the Lord (Jehovah) out of the heavens. We know through the Scriptures that God has appeared in man form (as the destroyer both in Heaven unseen and in earth corporeally at the same time during the aforesaid destruction). Later, He came in the body of Christ as the savior. The modern Jewish ignorantly and blasphemously relate to worship of the Lord Jesus Christ as “idolatrous”. Many of the Jewish, holding double standards as to promoting DEI in other countries, are also very culturally prejudiced against Muslims, who call part of their situation “apartheid”. The had a recent Purim article, “Purim 2016: Lessons Lost”, by Donny Fuchs, Published: March 30th, 2016, Latest update: March 29th, 2016. It stated, “The vile haters see what they have always seen: Hook nosed Jews killers of their false man-god and murderers of Christians... ” “Killing Arab terrorists isn’t rocket science. There should be no moral confusion, no ethical dilemmas. This is the Torah’s position: Remove evil from your midst. Eradicate every manifestation of corruption perverting Eretz Yisrael- person, institution, or idolatrous construct.” Note, Herzl Matrilinealists, similar to the converts of Babylon at the time of Esther but not Hebrew like the Macabbees, overlooking they are not Hebrews, and distorting holidays, erroneously consider themselves "Jews" (Nu. 36:5-13). They disregard the written Torah and also break the good concept of sobriety during a farce Purim celebration. They pervert and make the Scriptures void. Sadly, many Christians have been deceived by them. Links: Child Birth: Unnecessary Circumcision Delusive
Cosby Attraction Linda Thompson: Ignorance, and Unnatural
Sin Shun
the Wicked The
Atheist Mind and Relative Abnormalcy Jewish inter-racial marriage is tribally unnatural and contrary to Torah Jewish matrilineal law (a post-Titus dispersion religious invention) is traditionally unnatural and contrary to Torah Islam and “Jewish” Gentiles in Jerusalem (Luke 21:24) is culturally unnatural and against the Torah Female
muscularity (outward, physical expression through male-like
cuts) and body exposure is civilly unnatural
and against the Torah Drugs: A pharmaceutical mockery of natural and God-given peace; so is alcohol abuse (a Jooish Purim goal) Unnatural, female virginity replacement: Hymenoplastical fraud Am3rica's unnatural (forced!) mixing of races: Isolate, search for homogeneous community Reverse discrimination, rather than slavery. Sports crossing the red line: Women fighting Government: Lawlessness and counter-genetic democracy |