Sustainability: Early American Christian Family Values

Christian religious views: Cultural Similarity

Christianity was brought over from Europe. The legalistic, Puritan religious views were not always fulfilling. However, Christians always have the ability to improve and be gracious. Nevertheless, Christianity was the only honored religion, and the Bible was recognized with reverence throughout the country. Islam and Mideastern, anti-Christian religions as such were easily discarded as lacking and heretical. There was no such thing as designated Jewish or Muslim places of worship in the federal or state militaries.

Homogeneity: National, Racial Oneness (And Dominance)

The white people of the United States realized the country was for the prosperity of the white people, and they didn't want a multicultural society. Lincoln even tried to repatriate blacks. The country had never intended to give equal rights to non-whites because the people in general didn't want them here. However, they did accept the biblical institution of slavery and its American laws pertaining to it, which guarded their national posterity. They did not want the black slave to share their white mission in life as an equal, that came about after distortion of biblical principles, the Civil War and following political corruption. Even Abraham Lincoln specifically mentioned the lack of care of whites for the black:

I do not propose to discuss this, but to present it as a fact with which we have to deal. I cannot alter it if I would. It is a fact, about which we all think and feel alike, I and you. We look to our condition, owing to the existence of the two races on this continent. I need not recount to you the effects upon white men, growing out of the institution of Slavery. I believe in its general evil effects on the white race. See our present condition---the country engaged in war!---our white men cutting one another's throats, none knowing how far it will extend; and then consider what we know to be the truth. But for your race among us there could not be war, although many men engaged on either side do not care for you one way or the other. Nevertheless, I repeat, without the institution of Slavery and the colored race as a basis, the war could not have an existence. (Author: Lincoln, Abraham, 1809-1865. Title: Collected Works of Abraham Lincoln. Volume 5, P. 370-373. Publication date: 1953); Electronic Form: sponsored by the Abraham Lincoln Association (6-9-2005)

Lincoln did recognize slavery as an “institution”. However, he did not explain its dual forms: one a biblical institution, the other a state institution. The NWO media would like to hi-jack the principle of biblical economics and “superior position” of the dominant race. Even as the Federal Reserve (1913) movement established debt-based finance against biblical direction and former American economics entrepreneurs and protesters, the occult elite who have drained our natural resources in West Virginia for instance, have also prevented our economic opportunity and financial freedom in any business adventure throughout the country. They have made all Americans industrial or welfare pawns on their economic chessboard.

The American institution of slavery had to be abolished before the economic “masters” could take over our democratic adventure. Now we see after losing our financial freedoms and other opportunities, and looking through the graciousness of Christian emancipation of a believing slave at will (Philemon), and contrarily we (at least white males) are inversely enslaved through Affirmative Action, slavery was the better institution (and favored our economic dominance). Even though humanitarians (and anti-humanitarians) have deep pain and hurt feelings over biblical economics and dominance ideals, perverting biblical institutions for selfish agenda demise attempts and advantage always works to greater harm.

Family Togetherness: Male Leadership and Female Submission

The attempt of decency and order was anticipated. The males were bread winners and the females were trained to be homemakers. The children were not suffering negative addictions and relapses, but were helping the family survive through work. The wife did not attempt to go out in the work force as they do today. They were not freely given to rape and sexual temptations of men as they are in the office or back rooms of modern work facilities. The female generally respected purity, and the family expected to stay together unto death, not being separated by adulterous relationships. There were laws to protect the purity of marriage and offenders could be killed without impunity. The omission of this deterrent against illicit sex is one of the reasons of the USA's moral breakdown. We need restoration, but we probably should be seeking personal satisfaction with our relationship with the Lord first. The one-world government must come.


Identity with Jesus

Realizing The Difference Between Myth And Truth

Negative Addiction

Keep My Oil Burning

We Must Make Our Own Christian Government

Occult Elite and the Demise of Democracy