Immigration Pollution Is A Social Plague!

Cleanse Europe And Am3rica:
Stop Immigrant Pollution And Fortune-Seeking Of Europe And America

Safe Havens Can Be Built For Refugees In Their Own Land!

NWO Immigration Pollution Is A Plague

Benjamin Netanyahu is an erring minister of Israel. However, Israel has directed USA policy for decades. Sadly, the USA has become its war machine. Am3rica must free itself from such one-world leaders and policies. Independent states and racial boundaries is a biblical solution.

Netayahu's Pollution Pseudo-Philosophy
He seems to be complacent with mixing Islam and Talmudicism (modern Judaism). He doesn't even mention Palestinians do not honor the Torah and have no biblical right in Israel. However, no matter how he tries to twist, distort, and put forth his thoughts, he can't make truth out of a lie.

I responded to him in Hebrew:

אם אתה מכחיש תורה, אתה מכחיש את עצמך את היכולת להוביל

“If you deny the Torah, you deny yourself the ability to lead.” A person that makes up standards that doesn't agree with the Bible standards actually misleads his people.

Does Mr. Netanyahu consider the righteous racial and cultural discrimination of Ezra, Nehemiah, Moses and others to be bigotry? God forbid! This is further explained by my other response in English to his perversive video:

You say, "Societies that demand ethnic cleansing don't pursue peace." I disagree. All people came from Adam and Eve. They have being human in common. However, not all peoples are acceptable to particular subraces, and not desired or expected to live among them. This was demonstrated in Ezra 10: Foreign wives were excommunicated with their children. Whether you call it "ethnic cleansing" or amicable expulsion, demanding and executing the departure of unwanted people has been proven to be a righteous way of separating peoples of not similar cultures and genetic lineage. Ezra wanted peace for his people, not all peoples. Ezra wanted to follow God, Torah and righteousness, and peace was a fruit of his doings.

Ezra was a great man of God and spiritual leader of Israel. He was directly against racial and cultural mixing ("diversity"). So was Nehemiah. Hebrew law demands racial and cultural homogeneity. However, Netanyahu and perverts defy homogeneity and attempt to pollute their world. He speaks against Hebrew sovereignty, but supports Talmudic apartheid.


A parent takes care of his own children before others. A country should operate through supporting its own citizens first, not an illegal immigrant. No USA citizen should be without a job due to an immigrant and non-American fortune seeker. Government mockery of its founding people must end.

Respect of America's Founding, Noahic Blessing and Christianity:

Israel's immigration policy is specific upon Jewish matrilineal law and respect of the Talmudic religion. America was founded by Christian and Japhethic (white) peoples. However, puppet Kennedy's legislation abused the demographics of the USA. The numbers of non-proportional immigrants since 1965 should be a call to immigration reform. People should be able to contribute to the founding establishment, not the current, foreign banker controlled, "D.C. establishment", which destroys sovereignty through giving undue hand-outs and welfare. The USA should not be forced to follow programs that advance Israel (NWO policy) and other peoples than the founding heirs of the USA.

Racial and Cultural Pollution Is Immoral

We live under a tyranny now. For a government to pollute a homogeneous society is a great sin. Any immigrants accepted into a country should be people of good character, advanced skills and having a will to help others, not mere "Kissenger good eaters".

They should be people who honor the Constitution and its founding heir. Our nation corrupted this moral by allowing parasitic peoples into our land in the early 1900's. Perhaps the politicians were bribed who allowed them in, I do not know for sure. But I do know the country was infiltrated after the Civil War.

A nation's leaders have a responsibility to protect or even isolate its people from bad influence. The people can then through missionary type work go to other nations and help people develop their own countries to be self-sufficient and learn the principles of the kingdom of God. However, these principles of nationalism and righteousness were corrupted by wicked people, and now we live in the tyranny that we are seeing.

Europe Must Break Loose from NWO Control and Pollution

Merkel should have been imprisoned under decent circumstances, but the people of Germany are under control of the NWO; they don't have their own government.

Homogeneity must be protected for a people and culture to continue to exist:


We Need Homogeneity and Christian Independent States

Christian Gift of Government

Israeli Apartheid

Syrian Safe Havens

White Race Beginning

Misleading Propaganda Through Song

Trump 2016 Reform

Race Conservatism: Constitution

Unfairness of Anti-Japhethic Discrimination and Affirmative Action

Danger of NWO Race and Culture Pollution (Mixing)

Concept of Protective Isolation

Honor Noah in Economics

Abraham Lincoln's Charleston Speech

Prison Economics and Anti-white Racism

Faithful Religion and Deity of Christ

Blessing of Noah upon the Japhethite/White

Hil-liar-y Slave-like Mentality

Sanders Slave-like Mentality

Abolish Affirmative Action

Trump Prayer

Ivanka Trump

American Marriage: How The Institution Was Perverted

Fall Of Democracy

Remember Our Poor

Netanyahu video:

America has been polluted with anti-biblical thought since 1913 and before:

Safe havens in Syria or the Arab lands would have saved indigenous lives: